Circular Cities
Vorlesung/ Lecture Series
In the context of accelerating climate change, cities have to adapt and develop new strategies in order to ensure an efficient use of resources, resilience and quality of life for its inhabitants. With the building industry being responsible for up around 30% of emissions and around half of waste production in Germany, the integration of new planning and building practices are vital.
In recent years, circularity practices have emerged as one form of reacting to finite resources as well as offering opportunities to rethink established organizational patterns and build more livable neighbourhoods. In 2020 the European Commission amended the action plan for the Circular Economy (CEAP).
Guest speakers from various fields of research and practice impart their expertise in lectures and subsequent discussion. The course aims at giving a general understanding of the concept of circular urban systems and strategies and their potential for sustainable urban transformation.
Lectures will be held following a discussion on Mondays 13:15 - 14:45 h
Start: 23.10.2023, room 2770
The optional seminar (Vertiefung) complementing the lecture series, allows the students to further explore alternative solutions and creative approaches to integrated circular solutions. (+3 ECTS)
circular cities – intro
Michelle Hagenauer
circular building practices
Sean Nolan, concular
obsolete typologies
Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Tastel, Universität Kassel
effects of circular building practices on socio-environmental configurations
Moritz Maria Karl, TU Berlin
enabling circular land use strategies through questions of governance, regulation and property
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Reiß-Schmidt, Mitinitiator Initiative Bodenrecht
common planning? for a reproductive mode of land use
Gast-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dagmar Pelger, Universität Kassel
circular resource flows and their spatial aspects construction
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wand, TU Delft
circularity & culture of rebuilding
Prof. Tim Rieniets, Leibniz Universität Hannover
circular neuperlach
Johannes Staudt, TU München
The evaluation is split into two parts. Students will work on case studies of circular strategies, projects and tools (75% of grade), which will be collected in a collaborative catalogue. They will then write a simple peer review following guideline questions (25% of grade).
Submission Dates: First Draft 08.01.24 // Peer Review 22.01.24 // Supervision 29.01.24 room 2247 Final Submission: 12.02.24
Contact: michelle.hagenauer(at)