
The chair frequently organizes exhibitions, in which contents from student works or the chair´s research work are shown. A selection of previous exhibitions can be found under the following links.

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Climate Strikes!

Cities are struggling with the heat island effect, which means enormous heating in particularly sealed areas with little greenery. Studies predict that the climate of Munich in 2050 will be comparable to the current conditions in Milan. The question of how we design open spaces is becoming increasingly relevant in the face of the worsening climate…

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Streets >> Boulevards

Streets>>Boulevards zeigt Entwürfe internationaler TUM-Studierender zur Umgestaltung der Arcisstraße im Kontext von Verkehrswende und Klimaanpassung. Neben Ideen einer dauerhaften Umgestaltung galt es, temporäre „Straßen- Raum-Experimente“ zu entwerfen, welche die Ideen kurz- fristig umsetzen und als Reallabore räumlich wie atmos- phärisch…

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Unsere Straße – Unsere Stadt

From 05 - 22 December 2022, the exhibition Unsere Straße – Unsere Stadt took place in Pavilion 333. In the exhibition, architecture students Alicia Hergerdt, Luisa Amann question the built reality of urban space.

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As part of the "studio1zu1" course, TUM landscape architecture students will be working on temporary installations as built street experiments in the summer semester of 2022. As their own street experiment, the installation "Hacken:Platz" in Munich's Hackenstraße will be designed, planned and built as part of the Architecture Week A7. An exhibition…

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The open-air exhibition "Viehhofviertelstraßen" shows visionary designs for the street spaces of the planned new Viehhofviertel in the windows of the LUISE cultural center. The works were created in the winter semester 2020/21 in the Master course Landscape Architecture. The exhibition is aimed at residents and visitors of the neighborhood and aims…

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The exhibition "Viehhofviertelpark" shows a total of 14 designs for the planned park in the new Viehhofviertel at publicly accessible locations. The works were created in the summer of 2020 as final projects in the bachelor's degree program in landscape architecture and planning. The exhibition is aimed at residents and visitors to the neighborhood…

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The exhibition "Canaletto - Open Spaces Along the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal" shows the designs of the semester project of the same name in the Master of Landscape Architecture in the winter semester 2018/19. The Master students recorded open space characters of the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal as well as numerous hidden qualities and…

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The exhibition "URBEEN" deals with the open spaces in the surroundings of the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry at the Ludwigstraße. Over three semesters, the urban open space between Ludwigstraße, Hofgarten and English Garden was designed by the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space with students: In the summer…

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out there – Landscapes of Global Urbanization

It has been a long time since highly respected garden artists created exclusive parks for a privileged minority. Nowadays, landscape architects, as the descendants of the royal court gardeners, use their powers for green spaces and open spaces that are accessible and usable for all—including underprivileged social classes. The theme of this…

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Landschaft für die Stadt. Büro Hansjakob

Seit den 1960er Jahren setzten die Landschaftsarchitekten Gottfried und Anton Hansjakob Maßstäbe in der Freiraum- und Stadtplanung. Das Gesamtwerk der Brüder umfasst 80 Wettbewerbe und über 1.000 ausgeführte Projekte in zahlreichen Städten Deutschlands und des benachbarten Auslands. lnternationales Ansehen erlangten die Architekten mit der…

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out there – Landscape Architecture on Global Terrain

‘out there’ is the first exhibition at the Architekturmuseum der TU München to be devoted to landscape architecture. Having in recent years frequently showcased the social relevance of architecture to our contemporary world, the focus now shifts to a discipline that has a far greater reach in terms of its possible impact on land area and future…

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The goal of the cooperative project WUNDERWELT BERNRIED of the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space of the TUM, the Buchheim Museum and the municipality of Bernried is the transformation of the Museum Park and the surro

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In the summer of 2014, as part of their bachelor’s thesis at TUM, landscape architecture students drew up proposals for a new design and use of the Max-Joseph-Platz in Munich. The exhibition “ONE PLACE FOR EVERYONE” presents plans and models of selected works in the National Theater’s Königssaal — with a view of Max-Joseph-Platz. Possibility of…