Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space — Prof. Regine Keller

Our focus on public space currently has, in addition to the important political role, the opportunity to embody forms of sociality and communion. In dealing with the consequences of the climate crisis, public space also offers essential fields of experimentation to work out how we can survive in cities in the future. This requires multidisciplinary approaches that rescale the relationship: human space environment (read more)



| Exhibition

Climate Strikes!

Cities are struggling with the heat island effect, which means enormous heating in particularly sealed areas with little greenery. Studies predict that the climate of Munich in 2050 will be comparable to the current conditions in Milan. The question of how we design open spaces is becoming increasingly relevant in the face of the worsening climate crisis. Fortunately, the problem is widely…

| News

We are present at the TUM Sustainability Day

On 12 June 2024, the TUM Sustainability Day will take place on the campus in Garching. The Chair of LAO will have a stand where we will be presenting projects on our research interests "re:useLANDSCAPE" and "Who's right?". Our presence will be accompanied by the exhibition "Climate Strikes!", which we have developed together with students over the last few weeks. The exhibition shows situations on…

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Prof Regine Keller elected Vice Director of the Architecture Section of the Akademie der Künste

On 25 May 2024, the Akademie der Künste appointed Manos Tsangaris as the new President and Anh-Linh Ngo as the new Vice President. Prof Regine Keller was elected Vice Director of the Architecture Section and HG Merz was appointed Director. The Chair congratulates its professor!

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Prof Dr Iris Reuther appointed honorary professor

We are delighted that Prof Dr Iris Reuther, Senate Building Director of the City of Bremen, was appointed Honorary Professor at TUM last Monday by Vice President Prof Dr Claudia Peus. Together with Iris Reuther, we have already supervised exciting study designs in Bremen in the past semester and look forward to further joint projects in the future.

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SHORT DESIGN EXERCISE: Climate Strikes! – Placative Design Proposals for Campus Garching

This summer turn the chair LAO offers a Short Design Exercise ("Kurzentwurf" – 2 ECTS) open to Bachelor ans Master students in Landscape Architecture. For the TUM Sustainability Day we will put together an exhibition on the topic of of climate adapted urban spaces.

| Projects, News

Master Projekt: Streets >> Promenade

The relationship between street space and open space in typical post-war modernist settlements is rightly criticized. This imbalance is also evident in the example of the Siedlung Lerchenau. While the open space of its main road Lassallestraße is primarily dominated by car lanes, parking lots, and their access, only a narrow footpath follows the lakeside of Lerchenauer See. The road represents…

| Projects, News

Bachelor's Thesis + Forschungsdesigns in der LA: re:useSANDSTRASSE

Angesichts des Klimanotstands und zunehmender Resourcenknappheit muss unser Umgang mit der Umwelt grundlegend überdacht werden. Durch Bautätigkeiten und die Herstellung von Baumaterialien entstehen schädliche Emissionen sowie Abfall. Im gebauten Raum ist enorm viel Energie gespeichert, so genannte graue Energie. Umbau anstelle von Neubau, Urban Mining und kreislaufgerechte Wiederverwendung…

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Final presentations of the Bremen projects at LAO

The design projects at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space addressed various locations and scales in Bremen in the winter semester 2023/24. We invite all interested persons to attend the students' final presentations.

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Guest Lecture by Prof. Klaus Overmeyer

On December 14, Prof. Klaus Overmeyer will give a guest lecture as part of Prof. Regine Keller's lecture on the practice of landscape architecture. Klaus Overmeyer is the founder of Urban Catalyst and has held the Chair of Landscape Architecture at the University of Wuppertal since 2007. The lecture will take place at 9:45 a.m. in room U3.

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Lecture Series WATER EVER with Prof. Regine Keller

On Wednesday, 13th of December, Prof. Regine Keller gives an online lecture as part of the lecture series WATER EVER by the Chair of Architectural Design and Participation. The lecture will start at 9:45h and is held via zoom. A Link is provide via the Website of the Department of Architecture. The WATER EVER - Lecture Series Architectural Design WS23/24 is part of the series Participation…

| Projects, News

Projekt LA&LP 2 "Polderen:Am Wasser gebaut" in Bremen

Bremen steht seit jeher im direkten Kontakt mit dem Wasser. Häfen brachten der Stadt Industrie und Wohlstand und ausgedehnte Polderstrukturen machten die feuchten Wesermarschen für die Landwirtschaft nutzbar. Mittlerweile aber hat der Hochseehandel an Bedeutung verloren, wodurch ein enormer städtebaulicher Umbruch stattfindet. Insbesondere in den stadtnahen Häfen und Industriegebieten müssen…

| Projects, News

Bachelor's Thesis "Kulturmeile+" in Bremen

Wie in vielen deutschen Innenstädten machen auch in Bremen Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit dem demographischen Wandel, einem dynamischen Strukturwandel im Einzelhandel sowie den Auswirkungen des Klima- wandels keinen Halt. Vor diesem Hintergrund entstand mit der „Strategie Centrum Bremen 2030+“ ein Kompass für eine nachhaltige Zukunftsgestaltung von Bremens Mitte. In der Bachelor ́s Thesis…

| Projects, News

Master Project "Between Waterfronts" in Bremen

Due to the structural change in the commercial and industrial sector, which also affects the shipping sector, inland port areas are increasingly losing their importance. At the same time, waterfront locations are becoming increasingly interesting for other uses and are among the most sought-after urban and residential locations. Like other comparable cities, the city of Bremen recognized these…

| News

New munichLAB-Website Straßen-Raum-Experimente MUC 2023 online

Straßen-Raum-Experimente MUC 2023 is a project collection of temporary installations and repurposing of public street spaces in Munich. The experiments, which will run for several months in 2023 and involve a wide variety of actors, are all in the context of transport transformation and climate change. They were mapped by students in a seminar during the summer semester of 2023 and documented by…

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Teaching Assignment for Jost Albert this Winter Semester

In the coming winter semester, Jost Albert, senior garden director of the Bayerische Verwaltung der staatlichen Schlösser und Seen (Bavarian Administration of Palaces, Gardens and Lakes), will be an assistant lecturer at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space. With his expertise in garden history, garden monument preservation and park maintenance, he will teach the course "Geschichte…

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Teaching Assignment for Prof. Dr. Iris Reuther this Winter Semester

The Chair is pleased to welcome Bremen Senatsbaudirektorin Prof. Dr. Iris Reuther as a lecturer in the winter semester at TUM. Iris Reuther brings many years of experience as a practicing architect, professor at the University of Kassel, and head of the Department of Building and Urban Development in Bremen to our chair, and will especially supervise the design projects in Bremen this winter…

| Exhibition

Streets >> Boulevards

Streets>>Boulevards zeigt Entwürfe internationaler TUM-Studierender zur Umgestaltung der Arcisstraße im Kontext von Verkehrswende und Klimaanpassung. Neben Ideen einer dauerhaften Umgestaltung galt es, temporäre „Straßen- Raum-Experimente“ zu entwerfen, welche die Ideen kurz- fristig umsetzen und als Reallabore räumlich wie atmos- phärisch überzeugen sollen. Für die Ausstellung im Rahmen des…

| News

Open-Air Lecture "Climate in the City"

Felix Lüdicke and Gero Engeser speak at the open-air lecture "Climate in the City", organised by the aqt research project as part of the MCube cluster for the future of mobility in metropolitan regions. In the street-space-experiment in Kolumbusstraße, they present the documentation of street experiments 2022 in the LAO research platform munichLAB.

| Academic Conference


Interim peanuts or real laboratory for sustainable urban redevelopment? The exhibition STREETS>>BOULEVARDS in the TUM Immatrikulationshalle is dedicated to this question. The exhibition will open with a discourse evening on 13 July 2023.

| News

Prof. Regine Keller gives a keynote lecture at the symposium "Transforming Athens' Urban Landscapes"

The two-day symposium "Transforming Athens' Urban Landscapes" on 22 and 23 June will discuss the urban planning of the Greek capital from the perspectives of various disciplines. On Thursday 22 June, Prof. Regine Keller will give a keynote lecture in the panel "Green Urban Transformation and Action" at 19:00. The symposium is open to the public in Athens and will be streamed live on Youtube.

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Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Iris Reuther as part of the Motag series

Bremen City Planning Director Prof. Regine Keller is part Dr. Iris Reuther will give a lecture as part of the event EARTH - Towards Regenerative Design Monday Series on 25 April 19 June at 19:30h at the Architekturgalerie in Munich, Blumenstraße 22. In lectures, film Theodor Fischer lecture theatre and discussion, actors from various fields will show how they actively support the regeneration of…

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Prof. Regine Keller is editor of issue 16.2 of the journal Global Environment

Together with Eveline Dürr and Daniel Dumas, Prof. Regine Keller is the editor of "Irritations and Unforeseen Consequences of the Urban: Debating Natures, Politics and Timescapes" (No. 16.2 - 2023) of the journal Global Environment published by White Horse Press.

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EARTH – Towards Regenerative Design at the Architekturgalerie München

Prof. Regine Keller is part of the event EARTH – Towards Regenerative Design on 25 April at the Architekturgalerie in Munich, Blumenstraße 22. In lectures, film and discussion, actors from various fields show how they actively support the regeneration of the earth with concrete projects.

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Regine Keller in an interview with SPIEGEL

"How do we make our cities more homely again, Ms Keller?" asked SPIEGEL. In the interview, Prof. Regine Keller talks about office vacancies in our cities as well as potentials for landscape architectural upgrading and urban redensification.

| News

Discussion „Landschaft unter Druck"

On 18 April 2023, Prof. Regine Keller will take part in the panel discussion "Landschaft unter Druck - Siedlungsbau und Flächenverbrauch" at the Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste. Other participants are Holger Magel, Florian Nagler, Beate Rutkowski, Sören Schöbel and Max von Bredlow, the discussion will be moderated by Julia Hinderink.

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LAO staff member Felix Lüdicke presents at Doctoral Candidates' Day 2023

Chair member Felix Lüdicke gave a short talk on his dissertation project "Artistic intervention as a participatory design process - media dissertation on the temporary square design "Piazza Zenetti"" at the Doctoral Candidates' Day 2023.

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Street Dating – Workshop at the Pavillon 333

The first event on street space experiments showed us how much potential there is in the Munich initiatives and what a benefit the networking of the various actors brings. In a second step, we would like to hear from the initiatives about their experiences from past projects and their plans for the coming year.

| News


On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich and the publication of Prof. Regine Keller's monograph on Günther Grzimek, the Architekturgallerie München is showing a section of the work of this important landscape architect with photographs by The Pk Odessa Co. from today's perspective.

| News

Kick-Off: Street-Space-Experiments

Sommerstraßen, Parklets, Pop-up Parks. Temporary actions and installations have also been increasingly observed on Munich streets in recent years. Are such street space experiments an opportunity for systemic change in urban mobility and strategic planning of climate-friendly recreational spaces? What experiments are there in Munich, how do they work, who are the actors* and what do they achieve? …

| Exhibition

Unsere Straße – Unsere Stadt

From 05 - 22 December 2022, the exhibition Unsere Straße – Unsere Stadt took place in Pavilion 333. In the exhibition, architecture students Alicia Hergerdt, Luisa Amann question the built reality of urban space.

| News

OLYMPISCHE LANDSCHAFT – GÜNTHER GRZIMEK Exhibition Opening and Book Presentation

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich and the publication of Prof. Regine Keller's monograph on Günther Grzimek, the Architekturgallerie München is showing a section of the work of this important landscape architect with photographs by The Pk Odessa Co. from today's perspective.

| Exhibition


As part of the "studio1zu1" course, TUM landscape architecture students will be working on temporary installations as built street experiments in the summer semester of 2022. As their own street experiment, the installation "Hacken:Platz" in Munich's Hackenstraße will be designed, planned and built as part of the Architecture Week A7. An exhibition of student work invites visitors to explore…

| Exhibition


The open-air exhibition "Viehhofviertelstraßen" shows visionary designs for the street spaces of the planned new Viehhofviertel in the windows of the LUISE cultural center. The works were created in the winter semester 2020/21 in the Master course Landscape Architecture. The exhibition is aimed at residents and visitors of the neighborhood and aims to provide ideas and impulses for further…

| Exhibition


The exhibition "Viehhofviertelpark" shows a total of 14 designs for the planned park in the new Viehhofviertel at publicly accessible locations. The works were created in the summer of 2020 as final projects in the bachelor's degree program in landscape architecture and planning. The exhibition is aimed at residents and visitors to the neighborhood and aims to provide ideas and impetus for further…

| Academic Conference

Aktion, Intervention, Partizipation

Bei Bauvorhaben im öffentlichen Raum kommt es — trotz intensiver Bürgerbeteiligung — oft genau dann zu Reaktionen und Protesten, wenn mit dem Bau begonnen wird. Neuen Raumaufteilungen, Nutzungsvorschlägen und Gestaltungslösungen scheint eine grundsätzliche Skepsis entgegenzuschlagen. Etablierte Beteiligungsprozesse haben das Problem, dass sie „im vermeintlich Verborgenen“ stattfinden und geplante…

| Exhibition


The exhibition "Canaletto - Open Spaces Along the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal" shows the designs of the semester project of the same name in the Master of Landscape Architecture in the winter semester 2018/19. The Master students recorded open space characters of the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal as well as numerous hidden qualities and jointly developed guidelines for possible development…

| Exhibition


The exhibition "URBEEN" deals with the open spaces in the surroundings of the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry at the Ludwigstraße. Over three semesters, the urban open space between Ludwigstraße, Hofgarten and English Garden was designed by the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space with students: In the summer semester of 2016, the chair's design project…

| Research Project


The interdisciplinary research project 100Places:M investigates both the effects of climate change and heat island effects, and the design, use and occupancy of public places by different actors in Munich. The consequences of global warming and the temperature differences between city and landscape (Heat Island Effect) are complex and become clear in extreme weather conditions, in a changing…

| Academic Conference

100Places:M – Designing Urban Natures-Cultures

The future of city squares in the context of climate change is the focus of the conference "Designing Urban Natures-Cultures", which will take place on Thursday, 11 and Friday, 12 October at the Technical University in Munich. 21 researchers from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Spain will speak at the Vorhoelzer Forum about the opportunities and potentials of forward-looking city square…

| Exhibition

out there – Landscapes of Global Urbanization

It has been a long time since highly respected garden artists created exclusive parks for a privileged minority. Nowadays, landscape architects, as the descendants of the royal court gardeners, use their powers for green spaces and open spaces that are accessible and usable for all—including underprivileged social classes. The theme of this exhibition explores the situations landscape architects…

| Exhibition

Landschaft für die Stadt. Büro Hansjakob

Seit den 1960er Jahren setzten die Landschaftsarchitekten Gottfried und Anton Hansjakob Maßstäbe in der Freiraum- und Stadtplanung. Das Gesamtwerk der Brüder umfasst 80 Wettbewerbe und über 1.000 ausgeführte Projekte in zahlreichen Städten Deutschlands und des benachbarten Auslands. lnternationales Ansehen erlangten die Architekten mit der Gestaltung des Rheinauenparks in Bonn, der Wiener…

| Research Project

Wunderwelt Bernried

The village of Bernried and the Buchheim Museum are tourist attractions of the Upper Bavarian region "Pfaffenwinkel". The "Buchheim Museum of Imagination" is located in one of the parks surrounding the town on Lake Starnberg. Bernried's natural location, cultural-historical buildings and extensive parks remain largely unnoticed by museum visitors. The idea of the project is to bring the village…

| Exhibition

out there – Landscape Architecture on Global Terrain

‘out there’ is the first exhibition at the Architekturmuseum der TU München to be devoted to landscape architecture. Having in recent years frequently showcased the social relevance of architecture to our contemporary world, the focus now shifts to a discipline that has a far greater reach in terms of its possible impact on land area and future timespan. ... read more on the homepage of…

| Exhibition


The goal of the cooperative project WUNDERWELT BERNRIED of the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space of the TUM, the Buchheim Museum and the municipality of Bernried is the transformation of the Museum Park and the surro

| Research Project

Otto Valentien (1897-1987)

In 2016, Otto Valentien's estate was processed at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space - thanks to the former chair holder Prof. Christoph Valentien - and an archive with a finding aid was created. The freelance garden architect and painter wrote several books on the subject of home gardens. In the 1950s and 1960s he set the tone and wanted to integrate the house into the overall…

| Exhibition


In the summer of 2014, as part of their bachelor’s thesis at TUM, landscape architecture students drew up proposals for a new design and use of the Max-Joseph-Platz in Munich. The exhibition “ONE PLACE FOR EVERYONE” presents plans and models of selected works in the National Theater’s Königssaal — with a view of Max-Joseph-Platz. Possibility of viewing as part of the exhibition opening and evening…

| Research Project

Cañada Real Galiana, Madrid – Landscape Architectural Approaches for an Informal Settlement

Since the Middle Ages, on the way of Cañada Real Galiana, Merino sheep have been driven from summer to winter pastures. In Spain, these routes have a total length of some 125,000 km. Once, a large part of the Spanish power was based on the wool trade. The Mesta, the union of sheep breeders, represented this power from 1273 to 1836. It organized the migration of sheep from Andalusia and Extremadura…

| Research Project

Klimapark München

What is a climate park? So far, there is no binding definition of this term. What can a so-called climate park achieve? What content should be conveyed and what ecological and creative expression can be found for a place that wants to convey a phenomenon that concerns us all and that cannot only be explained by the annual phenomena of our weather?

| Research Project, Academic Conference

metropolis nonformal

What is a climate park? So far, there is no binding definition of this term. What can a so-called climate park achieve? What content should be conveyed and what ecological and creative expression can be found for a place that wants to convey a phenomenon that concerns us all and that cannot only be explained by the annual phenomena of our weather?

| Research Project

Stadtlabor Nürnberger Weststadt

Die Nürnberger Weststadt war in den letzten Jahren gravierenden Veränderungen ausgesetzt. Schließungen und Insolvenzen langjährig ansässiger Unternehmen haben zu massiven Arbeitsplatzverlusten geführt und den Charakter des früher pulsierenden Gewerbestandorts und das Leben in der Nürnberger Weststadt verändert: Brachliegende Gewerbeflächen, fragmentierte Wohnstrukturen und massive…

| Academic Conference

Metropolis nonformal

Informal urbanism is one of the dominant forces driving urban growth in cities in the developing world. During the last half-century a range of interventions were developed to improve the living conditions of existing informal neighborhoods. Less clear, however, are viable strategies for the additional projected two billion ‘slum’ dwellers by 2050. Policy makers mostly focus on the infrastructural…

| Academic Conference

Designing Nature as Infrastructure

Steht der Begriff Grüne Infrastruktur für ein neues Paradigma zur Gestaltung von gesellschaftlichen Naturverhältnissen, oder beschreibt er nur ein modernes Synonym für den herkömmlichen Begriff Landschaft? Dieser Frage geht das Symposium Natur als Infrastruktur entwerfen nach und lädt Planer, Gestalter, Ökologen, Ingenieure und andere Interessierte aus Forschung und Praxis in landschaftsbezogenen…

| Academic Conference

Democratic Green – 40 Years Olympiapark Munich

"Mountain and lake, tree and grove, meadow and swamp, bank and paths ... are elements of a landscape that should be natural and at the same time hard-wearing like a good utility object. " Landscape architect Günther Grzimek realised his idea of a user park in 1972 with the Munich Olympic Park. He advocated a park design that was derived solely from the needs of the users. Even after completion, a…

| Research Project

Urban Strategies for Onaville, Haiti

At the foot of the Mornes du Pensez-y-Bien, a barren mountain massif scarred by natural forces and devastation, a new city is being created. Following the earthquake in January 2010, a UN refugee camp was set up here. As a result of the expropriation of a territory of around fifty km2, the place Canaan—which is subject to landslides, floods, storm, and drought—has grown to be the sixth largest…

| Research Project

Designing Nature as Infrastructure

Steht der Begriff Grüne Infrastruktur für ein neues Paradigma zur Gestaltung von gesellschaftlichen Naturverhältnissen, oder beschreibt er nur ein modernes Synonym für den herkömmlichen Begriff Landschaft? Dieser Frage geht das Symposium Natur als Infrastruktur entwerfen nach und lädt Planer, Gestalter, Ökologen, Ingenieure und andere Interessierte aus Forschung und Praxis in landschaftsbezogenen…

| Research Project

Klosterlandschaft St Michael

Vorbereitend auf die Landesgartenschau in Bamberg wurde im Jahr 2010 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Otto-Friedrich-Universität in Bamberg das Forschungsprojekt "Klosterlandschaft St. Michael“ über die Immunität des ehemaligen Klosters St. Michael bearbeitet. Dabei wurde zunächst eine Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung des Gebietes aus landschaftsarchitektonischer Sicht vorgenommen. Darauf aufbauend wurden…