Point of View
Kurzentwurf B.Sc. & Stegreifentwurf M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur, Sommersemester 2012
Rising temperatures draw hundreds of people to Gärtnerplatz in Munich. The staircase of the Gärtnerplatztheater is crowded, the roundabout in the middle of the square resembles a meadow; people are drinking beer and engaging in lively conversations, with the occasional sound of a guitar strumming. While some are thoroughly enjoying the southern, urban atmosphere, others are disturbed by the bustling square life. For the planners, the question now arises: What happens when the designs actually "work" - so well that the use by different groups is perceived as a problem? Gärtnerplatz finds itself in a series of public spaces in Europe that have become the center of heated debates.
The goal is to act as a "profiler" to get to know, analyze, and portray the various actors of Gärtnerplatz in a small photo study. This involves highlighting the characteristics of each group of actors and presenting them in a visually appealing format.
Prof. Regine Keller, Dipl.-Ing. Susann Ahn