Public Spaces for an Elementary School in Passau
Project I, Winter Semester 2006/07
"The school is a reflection of life itself, life in small, manageable doses." With these words, the requirements for the immediate spatial environment of a school can be aptly described. The "schoolyard" is the spatial extension of a school's educational content into the outdoor area – an extension of an educational concept into leisure time. As a social meeting space, the open spaces of a school must provide a stable framework. How can the qualities of these "intermediate spaces" be integrated into the surrounding learning environment's open spaces? What should such spaces be like? How can open space withstand the rapidly changing educational concepts of today?
These were the questions posed to the second-year students. They were required to address not only purely design-related issues but also social questions on a small scale. Professor Keller refers to these spaces as "border spaces," whose classification as public or private may not be immediately clear. Through their studies in landscape architecture and public spaces, the aspiring landscape architects are expected to learn how to define these precise locations and spaces.
The students explored various approaches for their respective representations of the task. School, among other things, was metaphorically compared to a city or a parental home. "The results far exceed our expectations," summarized Barbara Müller, the principal of Hans Carossa Elementary School, during the presentation. An exhibition of the work will take place from May 21, 2007, to May 26, 2007, at Hans Carossa Elementary School.
Part of the project was the illustrated diary (see download).
Diary (PDF, 3,4 MB)
Project Documentation (PDF, 3,3 MB)
Prof. Regine Keller, Dipl.-Ing. Doris Grabner, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hauck, Dipl.-Ing. Volker Kleinekort