
Collection of semester projects and selected master's theses at LAO

Winter Semester 2023/24

Polderen: Am Wasser gebaut - Bremer Stadtlandschaften klimagerecht in die Zukunft führen
Semesterprojekt B.Sc. Landschaftsarchitektur und -planung

Bremen steht seit jeher im direkten Kontakt mit dem Wasser. Häfen brachten der Stadt Industrie und Wohlstand und ausgedehnte Polderstrukturen machten die feuchten Wesermarschen für die Landwirtschaft nutzbar. Mittlerweile aber hat der Hochseehandel an Bedeutung verloren, wodurch ein enormer städtebaulicher Umbruch stattfindet. Insbesondere in den stadtnahen Häfen und Industriegebieten müssen öffentliche Räume zwischen Wasser und Stadt qualifiziert und neuer Wohnraum geschaffen werden. Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind jedoch auch in Bremen zu spüren.


Between waterfronts – finding a role for second row open spaces of the Überseestadt-Bremen
Semesterprojekt M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur

[Translate to en:]

Due to the structural change in the commercial and industrial sector, which also affects the shipping sector, inland port areas are increasingly losing their importance. At the same time, waterfront locations are becoming increasingly interesting for other uses and are among the most sought-after urban and residential locations.


Kulturmeile+ – vom Viertel ins Centrum
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landschaftsarchitektur und -planung

Wie in vielen deutschen Innenstädten machen auch in Bremen Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit dem demographischen Wandel, einem dynamischen Strukturwandel im Einzelhandel sowie den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels keinen Halt. Vor diesem Hintergrund entstand mit der „Strategie Centrum Bremen 2030+“ ein Kompass für eine nachhaltige Zukunftsgestaltung von Bremens Mitte.


Summer Semester 2023

break up! – radical urban transformation in Munich ́s pedestrian zone
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

The need to unseal surfaces and establish more greenery currently accompanies every project in urban planning and landscape architecture. On the one hand, this demand is urgently needed due to the worsening climate crisis and on the other hand, practical aspects such as existing subterrainian infrastructure, usability or maintenance costs stand in the way of implementation.


re:useLEONROD – Circular Urban Redevelopment at Leonrodplatz
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

The conversion of existing buildings instead of new construction and the recycling of used components are currently being discussed intensively as strategies for reducing CO2 emissions in architecture. In landscape architecture, this debate is less intense, although the existing building stock is an important influencing factor in public space planning.


Winter Semester 2022/23

Streets >> Boulevards - Designs and Strategies to remake the streets of Munich’s Kunstareal
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

The Kunstareal in Munich is home to a large number of important museums, galleries and research institutions. As a spatial unit, however, it is difficult to experience within the densely built-up Maxvorstadt district. For years, there have been considerations to reduce traffic in the quarter and to develop the public (street) space into a connecting element.


bolzano tropicale - Climate and Environment Friendly Urban Landscapes
Semester Project B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

Bolzano is considered a popular tourist destination and forms the bridge between northern and southern Europe. Nestled between mountains and vineyards, the city is shaped, among other things, by the confluence of the Eisack, Adige and Talferbach rivers. Despite this favorable location, it suffers from the effects of climate change due to its basin location, dominant traffic structures and dense development.


bolzano tropicale - Climate and Environment Friendly Urban Landscapes
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

Bolzano is located between mountains and vineyards and is characterized, among other things, by the confluence of the Eisack, Adige and Talferbach rivers. Despite this favorable location, it suffers from the effects of climate change due to its basin location, dominant traffic structures and dense development.


Infrastruktur trifft Landschaft – Landscape Integration of the Freising West Bypass
Master's Thesis Landscape Architecture

Judith Schenkyr

Summer Semester 2022

The Climate Joker – A New Card is in the Deck
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

Over the last 50 years, the face of many Bavarian city centres has changed significantly. They have been renovated and redesigned in the course of various funding programmes. While monument preservation, mobility and local supply have always been important issues, ecological concerns such as urban greenery or water in the city have become increasingly important in recent years.


Hacken:Platz – A Street Space Experiment in the Context of the Traffic Transition

Summer streets, parklets, pop-up parks - landscape architects, planning authorities and initiatives dare to divide and use traffic spaces differently with street experiments. Markings, furnishings or mobile greenery are intended to create temporarily appealing spaces and simulate a different design. The chair planned a street experiment as an installation and exhibition in June 2022.


Open Access Bernried – A Monastery opens to the Municipality and the Landscape
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

In 2021, the municipality of Bernried acquired the convent, as the convent sisters can no longer manage and support it on their own in the long term. The listed ensemble is now faced with the challenge of changing from an introverted convent including the associated outdoor facilities to a school building and public space for the community of Bernried.


Winter Semester 2021/22

72-22-72 – The Pedestrian Zone of Tomorrow
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

Celebrating the anniversary of the pedestrian zone, which was established in 1972, the chair is dealing with the further development and future of the public street space in Munich's old town in the cross-project platform "MunichLAB". How can the change to a car-free old town be accomplished, how is it expressed spatially and can it be designed with quality beyond pure mobility planning?


Feine Plätzchen – New Open Spaces for Munich's Car-Free Old Town
Semesterprojekt B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

Celebrating the anniversary of the pedestrian zone established in 1972, the chair is addressing the further development and future of public street spaces in Munich's old town in the cross-project platform "MunichLAB". The third semester is dedicated to a series of smaller squares in the "slipstream" of the pedestrian zone. What is the design potential of these small squares?


Sunset Boulevard II – The Sonnenstrasse as a Prelude for Munich's Old Town
Bachelor's Thesis Landscape Architecture and Planning

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the pedestrian zone opened in the context of the 1972 Summer Olympics, the chair addresses the further development and future of public street spaces in Munich's old town in the cross-project platform "MunichLAB". In the Bachelor's Thesis, the focus is on Sonnenstraße.


Summer Semester 2021

The Party is (not yet) over
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

Numerous cities and communities of different sizes have a fairground or similar public event venues. These places sometimes vary in size and centrality, but are always characterized by a pragmatic, use-oriented design.


Making of Schanigärten – Self-Build Architecture in the Corona Summer 2021

In the Corona Summer 2021, studio1zu1 is dedicated to the self-build architecture of outdoor cafés in public spaces. In order to expand the space for gastronomy in the short term, innkeepers in many places are allowed to convert public (street) space into open-air bar areas.

Winter Semester 2020/21

Outside the Door – Visionary Street Spaces for Munich's Isarvorstadt
Semesterprojekt M.A. Landscape Architecture

Although our cities were largely built at a time when there were no or very few cars, today almost exclusively motorized traffic characterizes the street space. Other functions and uses seem to have been marginalized by the traffic planning of recent decades.


Der Platz ohne Namen - The Entrance to Lindenkeller
Semester Project B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

How can a climate-friendly and climate-adapted redesign of the square in front of the Freising Lindenkeller be reconciled with the needs of traffic, gastronomy and the history of the place?


Summer Semester 2020

Weihenstephan goes West - New Ideas for a Green Campus of the Future
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

In the self-perception of the city of Freising and the local university and research institutions, Weihenstephan is today regarded as "a location of 'green sciences' that is unique in Europe.


Neues Viehhoviertel München: Subculture as a Driver for an Urban Neighborhood?
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

The site of the former cattle yard is located in the Munich district of Isarvorstadt, south/west of the old town. The operation of the cattle yard was discontinued at the beginning of the millennium, the neighboring slaughterhouse is still in operation and characterizes with its buildings, work processes and smells, as well as trade and craft businesses typical for the industry, the Schlachthofviertel named after it.

Pop-Up-Trees – A Tree Simulation for Munich Street-Space-Experiments

Summer streets, outdoor cafés, pop-up lanes. In the Corona Summer 2020, the city of Munich is daring to experiment with the temporary rededication of traffic areas to recreational spaces. The student project "100 Meter Zukunft!" (100 meters of the future!) of the Department for Urban Improvement*, which simulated for one day with cooperation partners what the Schwanthalerstraße of the future could look like, goes even further.

Winter Semester 2019/20

Semester Projekt M.A. Landscape Architecture

The classical separation between architecture and open space is left behind and holistic solutions are developed. In particular, it is important to explore the potential of the spatial layer, which is up to 5 meters deep and can be reinterpreted by moving back the building line.


Cañada Real Galiana, Madrid
Semester Project B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

For more than 8,000 people, the Cañada Real, which presents itself to the visitor sometimes as a cultural landscape worthy of protection, sometimes as an infrastructure and garbage dump of the metropolis of Madrid, is lived reality and home.


Summer Semester 2019

Welcome to Regensburg - The Station Square as a Business Card of the City
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

Regensburg's Bahnhofstraße is characterized by city buses, long-distance buses, cabs and car parking. Upcoming changes, such as the dissolution of the long-distance bus station, the construction of a light rail line and the traffic calming of Bahnhofstrasse, offer the opportunity to redesign the square in front of the historic station building.


Winter Semester 2018/19

Canaletto - Open Spaces along the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

Elector Max. II Emmanuel had the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal built at the beginning of the 18th century as part of baroque urban planning in the open, rural landscape. Water and roads were used equally as a means of urban planning - the main road connection to the city of Munich was planned running in a southeasterly direction, equivalent to the northeastwardly striving canal.


Keplerareal Regensburg - The Battle for the City Entrance
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

Regensburg's old town is enclosed by its historic green belt, at the southern end of which lies the train station and thus represents a prominent entrance to the city. At this neuralgic point in the urban fabric, flows of people, traffic infrastructures, green infrastructures, social, economic and cultural interests meet.

Push Pulling - Impulses for a New Village Center
Semesterprojekt B.Sc. Landschaftsarchitektur und -planung

How do we create space for business, culture, housing, work and life in Pulling and take village needs into account? How do spatial structures function and what does public life look like in small peripheral communities?


Summer Semester 2018

Urbeen – A Bee Field at the Ludwigstraße

In the summer of 2018, students of the Technical University of Munich designed this front garden as urban agriculture "en miniature". The design "URBEEN", which was developed in the winter semester 2017/18 and further developed after a jury selection in the study project Garten für eine Königin, was implemented.

Nimm 2 – City Squares in Climate Change
Semester Project Landscape Architecture

Over the course of the semester, "Nimm 2" explores, analyzes and designs two Munich city squares in the context of "public space" and "climate change". These differ in size, urban planning background and current use. By working on two squares, different strategies for dealing with the topic of "city squares in climate change" are to be tested and examined at the respective location.


Winter Semester 2017/18

Stadt-Land-Fluss - Typologies of Public Space
Semesterprojekt M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur

Public open spaces - squares, neighborhood parks, gardens, but also street and river spaces provide public life with places that enable users to enjoy culture, communication, recreation, play and stimulation. Often, however, these spaces are also places of confrontation with other customs, other opinions - in short, of encounter with the different.


Munich Olympic Station
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

The former S-Bahn station Olympiastadion in the north of Munich was built in the run-up to the 1972 Summer Olympics in order to provide a second efficient means of transport to the Olympic site for the large streams of visitors in addition to the Munich U-Bahn. It was finally decommissioned in 1988 and has since been left to decay as a "ghost station".


Summer Semester 2017

10 of 100Places:M
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

What is a square, what should it be able to do in the future, when extreme weather conditions increase in Munich? How can we incorporate a knowledge of the connections between a climate-induced change in the city's ecosystem and in climate-relevant practices in public space into the design of this space?


Domberg Freising XXL - Bottom + Top
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

For more than 1000 years, Freising's Domberg has shaped the history and image of the university town through its striking topography, outstanding buildings and diverse uses. The conversion and development measures currently planned for the Domberg offer the potential to revisit, analyze and further develop the significance of the mountain as a public space.


Winter Semester 2016/17

Re-Integrate Votanikos, Athens
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

The chairs LAREG and LAO approach the greater Athens area, the Kifissos Valley and its urban landscape in a joint project platform.


Flussbad München. Floßbad
Master's Thesis M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur

Tobias Drexl


Summer Semester 2016

Finanzgarten 2.0
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

In the master project Finanzgarten 2.0, concepts are being sought to restore the value of the inconspicuous
Finanzgarten in Munich's most prominent location.


City without a Name - Open Spaces of Refugee Accommodations
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

"Every society depends on a specific architecture for its political constitution. ..." (Delitz, H. 2009)
If we follow this assertion, then the debate in the architecture debate, which gives a specific answer to the large influx of immigrants - which our cities in Northern Europe are currently experiencing - is very current.


Airfield Polyport Bernried (MPB) – A temporary airfield at the Museum der Phantasie

As public relations work and the first "construction phase" of the Polyport, the first structural measures were implemented as temporary interventions within the framework of studio1zu1: Floor markings that defined and marked seven "Transit Areas." These transit areas marked transitions between the real and the fictional, inside and outside, park and museum, art and natural landscape.

Winter Semester 2015/16

Bernried Arrival – From Sculpture Park to Art Landscape
Semester Project B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

The Buchheim Museum in Bernried is located in a park on the shores of Lake Starnberg. The combination of art, architecture and nature is the central approach of the museum


Cañada Real Galiana – La ciudad lineal
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

The Cañada Real is presented in the media as the largest slum in Europe and a dangerous "no-go area". For more than 8,000 people, however, the Cañada is an everyday living environment and a lived reality. Beginning with the settlement of impoverished Spanish farm workers in the 1950s on the public land of the Castellan Cañada Real (Royal Cattle Drift), an informal settlement has formed along the length of 15 kilometers in the southeast of the Spanish capital.


Summer Semester 2015

Munich 7
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

Motorized traffic within Munich's old town has decreased rapidly over the last 10 years - the idea of a car-free old town is now being discussed. The use and appreciation of urban open spaces, on the other hand, has increased enormously in recent years and demands appealing design and improved quality of stay.


Walking the City
Kurzentwurf B.Sc. & Stegreifentwurf M.A. Landscape Architecture

During a workshop day, students explore urban development quarters between Kunstareal and Kreativquartier. In the process, they search for meaningful places. Together they will design the route and incorporate different actions into the course of the walk with Jan Gehl.


Schwammerlkönig – Suburban Gardening at the MaximiliansForum

In the summer of 2015, four chairs of the TUM Faculty of Architecture were involved with the MaximiliansForum - a traffic structure converted into an art passage under Munich's Maximilianstraße. Around the technical-looking "server" of the Collaboration_9 project, a piece of "forest floor" was inserted into the subway. Over the course of four weeks, white mushroom carpets grew out of it.

Grün.Klima.Mensch. The Search for the Ideal
Master's Thesis Landscape Architecture

Laura Kuhn


Winter Semester 2014/15

Nuremberg - Egidienplatz
Semester Project B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

Egidienplatz is part of the medieval old town of Nuremberg. It is located in the northern part of the old town, the so-called Sebaldstadt. The north-eastern part of Sebaldstadt is called Egidienviertel, named after the parish church of St. Egidien. It is a popular residential area with existing university buildings and schools.


vacant plots
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

The Ensanche de Vallecas area was designed for 90,000 residents in the late 1990s, but has so far only been partially completed. A medium or long-term use for the area has to be found for the meanwhile devastated public space.


Urban Beats – Places in the Rhythm of a Hot City
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

The squares in Madrid's urban fabric are shaped by the morphology of the place, the social fabric and the climatic conditions. In dense inner cities such as Madrid, the so-called heat island effect is clearly noticeable and plays an important role in the usability and playability of public space.

Günther Grzimek. Landscape Architect of a Self-Determined, Democratic Society
Master's Thesis Landschaftsarchitektur

Andrea Mühlmann


Summer Semester 2014

Experimental Laboratory Climate Park - Climate-Based Design
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

The Klimapark project is looking for design approaches on how an urban green space can function both as an ecosystem and as a usable open (time) space in public space. The 'Grünfläche L' in Neuaubing in the west of Munich serves as a test site.


waldplastik! – An Artistic Installation for the Blaue Nacht Nürnberg 2014

The Blaue Nacht is a long night of art and culture in Nuremberg. Every year since 2000, the historic old town has been transformed for one night into a sea of lights, sounds and dance. Houses, squares and courtyards are adorned by projections and installations. For the Blue Night 2014, Nuremberg's prominent main market square was decorated with the artistic light and space installation "waldplastik!"

Great Opera
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

Max-Joseph-Platz is located in the northern part of Munich's old town on the edge of the pedestrian zone. The classicist square is characterized by the buildings of the residence, the national theater and the arched hall of the former Palais Törring-Jettenbach.


No Swimming at the Punk Beach!
Kurzentwurf B.Sc. & Stegreifentwurf M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur

As part of a course at the Technical University of Munich, students at the Department of Landscape Architecture and Public Space designed an artistic installation on the small Isar River in Landshut. They implemented it temporarily on Friday, June 27, 2014 and documented the event photographically.


Winter Semester 2013/14

Climate Park - Open Space Strategies for Green Spaces in the Course of Climate Change
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

The Klimapark project seeks design approaches for how an urban green space can function both as an ecosystem and as a usable open space in the public realm. A master plan is to be developed for the green corridor L in Neuaubing, which will allow a variety of microclimatic events to be experienced.


Olympia-Pressestadt: My Home, My Block!
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

At the intersection of the Olympic Park and the Olympic shopping center in Munich-Moosach is the large-scale Olympia-Pressestadt development. Built between 1969 and 1972 on the occasion of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, the monostructural Press City follows the functionalist model of the so-called post-war modernism of the 1950s to 1970s.


Redesign FOS-BOS Memmingen
Semester Project B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

The technical FOS/BOS in Memmingen was built in 2002-2004 and is characterized by high-quality architecture, which was honored with the German Timber Construction Award in 2005. However, it was neglected to develop a concept for the school's open spaces that was geared to the needs of the students and teachers.


Die Blaue Nacht – An Artistic Intervention in Public Space For One Night
Semester Project B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

The "Blaue Nacht" is an annual art event in Nuremberg in May since 2000. The event features numerous art stations (music, dance, theater, cabaret, guided tours, performances and installations), mostly associated with the color blue, in more than 70 museums and cultural institutions, in squares, streets and courtyards of Nuremberg's Old Town.


Summer Semester 2013

water.void – Potentials of the Ismaning Reservoir
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

After Munich Airport, the Ismaning reservoir is by far the largest single element in the immediate vicinity of Munich. Created in the course of the construction of the Isar Canal, the lake was built in 1929 on an area of almost 6 square kilometers.


Winter Semester 2012/13

istanbul - magnitude 7.4
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

In the design project, the aim is to recognize the potential of open space as escape space and to qualify suitable areas as flexible multifunctional spaces.


Haiti Canaan – Water supply and urban infrastructure for an inevitable city
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

After any major disaster, tent cities are inevitable. While their ideal life-span is counted in weeks or months, many continue to exist for years while the nation rebuilds. In the case of Haiti, the widespread devastation that ravaged the already fragile country has lead to displaced populations with no other options in the foreseeable future.


istanbul - arriving – Bus Stations as Infrastructure Landscape
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

Buses are one of the main forms of travel in Turkey. Istanbul has several large bus terminals for regional, national and international destinations. Thousands of people arrive, depart or wait for onward travel here every day.

intervention scout
Master's Thesis M.A. Landscape Architecture

Irina Glander


Summer Semester 2012

Munich Tubes
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

Structures exclusively designed by engineers are often neglected in terms of aesthetics during the planning phase. It's not uncommon that efforts are made afterward to enhance these places with "public art." Improvements can sometimes be challenging to implement due to space constraints, necessitating renovation measures.


Schlossgarten850 – Installation as Part of the 850th Anniversary of Landsberg am Lech

In 2012, the city of Landsberg am Lech celebrates the first documentary mention of the "Landespurc" 850 years ago. As part of these festivities, the brownfield site of a former brewery on the Schlossberg, located above listed cellar vaults, is to be used and thus given value in the run-up to a longer-term development.

Olympic Village: City and Games
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landschaftsarchitektur und -planung

Just as the Olympic Park followed the design concept of a "utility park," the design of the outdoor areas of the Olympic Village also adhered to the ideals of that time. Based on principles derived from the needs of the users, Wolfgang Miller and Hans Lutz from Stuttgart designed the outdoor facilities as a link between the residential complex and the Olympic Park.

Point of View
Kurzentwurf B.Sc. & Stegreifentwurf M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur

While some fully enjoy the southern, urban atmosphere, others are disturbed by the bustling square life. For the planners, the question now arises: What happens when the designs actually "work" so well that the use by different groups is perceived as a problem? Gärtnerplatz finds itself in a series of public spaces in Europe that have become the center of heated debates.


Winter Semester 2011/12

Freising - Domberg Süd
Semester Project B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

On the southern slope of Freising's Domberg, immediately located within the old town yet somewhat secluded, there is a large green space - a blank spot in Freising's public area. In addition to the steep south-facing slope with retaining walls, there is a flat, partially grazed grassy area that is currently inaccessible to the public, with a few peripheral buildings and groups of trees.


Waterfront II Strategies
Project Landscape Architecture LA IV

In the summer of 2011, the final section of the Isar River renaturation project was completed, marking the conclusion of the Isarplan project after more than 10 years of construction. The primary goals of the Isarplan were to improve flood protection and enhance the Isar River as an ecological habitat and recreational area.


Haiti - 1.5 After
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture

One and a half years after the earthquake, Port-au-Prince is still in dire conditions. 80 percent of the rubble has not been cleared yet. An estimated 680,000 residents live in tents or temporary quarters. Clean water is hard to come by, causing a recent spike in cholera cases.

Stadtlabor Nürnberg West
Semesterprojekt M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur

Global trends and local structural changes have significantly altered the tasks in designing and planning urban developments. In addition to major economic changes such as the disappearance of inner-city production facilities and the resulting loss of jobs for many people, pressing questions about the sustainability of cities, in connection with constraints and issues related to climate change, pose additional challenges to sustainability in urban development planning.

Kurzentwurf B.Sc. & Stegreifentwurf M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur

"I want to understand this condition, this energy I have within me, which I also feel in the plants and the landscape. This energy, life flowing through the landscape. It's this intangible thing that's there and then gone. Growth. Time. Change. The concept of flow in nature."

waldlicht – Installation in the Context of the Landesgartenschau Bamberg 2012

The installation "waldlicht" stages the northern edge of the Michelsberg forest as a landscape element of the St. Michael monastery landscape. The monastery landscape comprises the core area of the former immunity - i.e. the areas of the former Benedictine monastery administered by the monastery. Due to almost 800 years of agricultural use, it represents an important historical cultural landscape in the urban context of the city of Bamberg.

Terra Nova Ayiti - Landscapes between Urbanization and Agriculture
Master's Thesis M.A. Landschaftsarchitektur

Florian Strauß


Summer Semester 2011

Electric Avenue
Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning

The development of electromobility as the future transportation technology for motorized individual traffic (MIV) has become more than a utopia, especially since the automotive industry crisis in 2009. However, public discussions often focus on funding possibilities, technical implementation questions, as well as concerns and interests of lobbyists.

Project Landscape Architecture LA II

The design project focuses on the fundamental functional and design requirements of dense residential construction based on three different residential neighborhoods from the 1960s and 1970s.


In the current plans for a new open space concept in the city center of Freising, the daylighting of streams is a central theme. The streams, which were once crucial for supply and disposal, now represent an often hidden and almost forgotten infrastructure in the city.

Winter Semester 2010/11

City Lerchenfeld
Project Landscape Architecture LA I

Lerchenfeld - Freising's rive droite away from the more privileged river side with city center and the significant hills was and is the late developed and infrastructurally disadvantaged side of the river in the city. Apart from the prosperous commercial areas on the outskirts, the smaller-scale retail, gastronomy as well as public facilities are very limited.


Summer Semester 2010

MEXXochimilco informell
Master Project + Thesis

[Translate to en:]

„Mexico is the ultimate world city: ultimate in size, ultimate in population, ultimate in threat of paralysis and disintegration, ultimate in the problems it represents.“ (Peter Hall)


Winter Semester 2009/10

Two Squares
Projekt Landschaftsarchitektur LA I

In Munich, new squares are planned to be created at Pasing train station and the subway station in Fröttmaning. These locations, as well as the square programs, differ significantly and require a differentiated approach to the task at hand.

Public Space A100
Master Project + Bachelor Thesis

The controversial expansion of the Berlin city highway A100 in section 16 from Neukölln to Treptow provides the thematic framework for addressing the quality of public spaces within the purview of major transportation infrastructures.


Winter Semester 2008/09

"Reload Leonrod"
ProjeCt Landscape Architecture LA I

The Leonrodplatz in the eastern part of the Munich district of Neuhausen-Nymphenburg is divided into four quadrants by two main traffic axes. The two quadrants east of Dachauer Straße, currently consisting of vacant lots and buildings to be demolished, are set to be developed in the near future.

Infrastructure Urbanism
Projekt Landschaftsarchitektur LA III

"A road is no longer a place to drive on, its a place to be..." states Marc Auge in 1995, in his essay Non Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity.  What qualities of stay, potentials and peculiarities can be cultivated in such a peculiar place?

Diploma Thesis | Master Thesis

As part of the so-called Isar Plan, large sections of the riverbed and riverbanks have been restored and redesigned since the late 1980s. However, what is missing is an Isar-Munich Plan - this would involve strategies and designs for the boundaries, edges, and transitions between the Isar river space and the built urban environment.

Summer Semester 2008

Living in the City. Citylife.
Project III | Master Project

„Diät für die Speckgürtel - Jahrzehntelang haben hoch subventionierte Eigenheim-Gürtel rings um die Metropolen zur Verödung der Stadtkerne beigetragen. Benzinpreiserhöhungen und der Stopp der Eigenheimförderung haben jetzt eine Trendwende eingeleitet..“ (Titelzeile in: Der Spiegel, März 2006) 


Olympiapark Munich Vision 2018
Diploma Thesis | Master Thesis

In 2007, Munich decided to submit a joint bid with the city of Garmisch-Partenkirchen to host the 2018 Winter Olympics. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was set to make its decision on this bid in 2011. The Olympiapark in Munich was planned to be one of the venues for the Olympic Games.

Winter Semester 2007/08

Master Project and Project III

Landscape architecture has provided space for events, allowing the transient and the accidental to manifest. The designed space was understood as a vessel and surface for situations and fleeting phenomena. However, the event is no longer a mere side note. It moves to the center of the tools of action for business, politics, art, and urban development in the form of events and event marketing to fulfill communication purposes.

Diploma | Master Project and Project III

The unique political and societal situation in Cuba results in a public urban space that is subject to the interaction of stagnant and evolving factors. The goal was to explore this space and develop tools for a sustainable approach in an anticipated process of change.

Summer Semester 2007

Diploma Thesis | Master's Thesis

On the western side of Povis Street, Woolwich welcomes vehicular traffic with a major transportation hub. VVVV West aims to envision an entrance scenario for Woolwich that not only clearly signals to the motorist that they are approaching the heart of Woolwich but also creates a new public space at the "less desirable" end of Povis Street.


Orange Farm – Khanyisani Preschool Project, South Africa

The Drie Ziek district in Orange Farm Township, about 40 kilometres outside Johannesburg, is a fast-growing informal settlement in the immediate vicinity of the metropolis. In summer 2007, students, volunteers from the neighbourhood and TUM staff built a kindergarten for 60 children with outdoor facilities in a dilapidated barracks.

Public Townscape
Diploma Thesis Landscape Architecture

Florian Rüger


Public Space Munich
Diploma Thesis Landscape Architecture

Susann Ahn


Winter Semester 2006/07

Project I

The school is a reflection of life itself, life in small, manageable doses." With these words, the requirements for the immediate spatial environment of a school can be aptly described. The "schoolyard" is the spatial extension of a school's educational content into the outdoor area – an extension of an educational concept into leisure time.

Sunset Boulevard Sonnenstraße
Project III | Master Project

Inhalt des Entwurfes war die Münchner Sonnenstraße zwischen dem Karlsplatz (Stachus) und dem Sendlinger Tor.Ende des 18 Jh. wurde die heutige Sonnenstraße als Teil der Ringchaussee im Zuge der langsamen Entfestigung der Stadt am Rande der Befestigungsanlagen angelegt.


Mountain of the Monks
Diploma Thesis | Master's Thesis

The design area was the site of the former immunity of the St. Michael Monastery, which presented itself as a deteriorating and extensive cultural heritage landscape. At the time of the task, a large portion of the properties were privately owned.

Isar River Pool
Exercise in Landscape Architecture for Architects

Summer Semester 2006

bridge it!
Projext III | Master Project

The design focuses on the space under and around the Southeast Tangent in Vienna, in Erdberger Mais. The Tangent is an urban highway (A 23) that consolidates both European long-distance traffic and regional traffic.

Diploma Thesis & Master´s Thesis

In the diploma thesis or master's thesis, a concept should be developed, considering the entire Vienna Valley, to strengthen and make the Vienna Valley a defining structural element for Vienna.

Vienna Excursion 2006

2nd to 7th May 2006