Weihenstephan goes West
Neue Ideen für einen grünen Zukunftscampus
Semester Project M.A. Landscape Architecture Sommer Semester 2021
The Weihenstephan campus is growing. In the last ten years alone, over 100 million euros have been invested in new buildings and modernization measures at TUM and HSWT. Further major developments are planned for the future in the direction of the Dürnast research station in the west. In the self-image of the city of Freising and the resident university and research institutions, Weihenstephan is today regarded as "a location of 'green sciences' unique in Europe" (homepage of the city of Freising). However, the recent structural developments and the handling of the large open spaces do little justice to the requirements and expectations of a sustainable and "green" campus. The question arises for holistic concepts and visions for a future campus Weihenstephan.
First, the project is about identifying and evaluating basics for the design task. This includes a look at the beginnings of the modern campus in the 1970s and a comparison of different campus typologies. Based on this, a coherent concept for the further development of the Weihenstephan campus is to be developed that understands the existing landscape structures as a basis for expansion and redensification and designs high-quality open spaces instead of merely filling existing areas with parking spaces and spaced greenery. Aspects of sustainable learning and research are to be taken into account as well as concerns of mobility, sports, leisure or living on campus. Utopian and unconventional ideas are expressly welcome!
Prof. Regine Keller, Dipl.-Ing. Florian Rüger, M.A. Tobias Johannes Haag, Integrierende Disziplin:
Dr. Susann Ahn