Bachelor´s Thesis at LAO
Bachelor's Theses can only be elaborated in combination with the module "Research Designs in Landscape Architecture - Public Space (LAO)". TUMonline-application and participation in the former are obligatory. The registration for the Bachelor's Thesis is done individually via the THESIS upload portal of the TUM School of Life Sciences.
Notes on Scientific Writing
The Bachelor's Thesis is an introduction to scientific work and includes a comprehensive textual lecture (project brochure). For this purpose, the rules of scientific writing must be taken into account. In particular, conclusive citation and correct references/citations of scientific texts and images are obligatory.For this purpose, the chair recommends the use of TUM citation guide. The library offers regular courses (also elearning courses) and library tours on the subject of scientific work / resource management (eg. with Zitavi or EndNote – free of charge via TUM university library).
Further resources:
Literature databases and their use: