Cross-Cultural Energy Landscapes Lab
Within the CELL (Cross-Cultural Energy Landscapes Lab) at LAREG young international scientists and students delve into the field of renewable energies and their integration into the cultural landscape. In addition to LAREG's ongoing and completed research projects in Germany (aktivBüKE, Roding, PartEEnschaften, GrowFlowFly, Positivplanung Wind LK München, etc.), the laboratory is an open window for further international cooperation and a platform for innovative research ideas, with a focus on research through design methods and field research.
Our shared interest has developed over the past few years from the focus of our doctoral theses and the courses taught by the professorship of LAREG (design projects, mapping seminars and excursions), as well as from international discussion groups and co-authorship of publications, resulting in the establishment of the laboratory. The CELL is further strengthening cross-border exchanges with professors, scientists and students from various universities (e.g. Wageningen, BUCEA, ECUST etc.).
Im CELL (Cross-Cultural Energy Landscapes Lab) an der Professur LAREG vertiefen sich junge internationale WissenschaftlerInnen und Studierende in das Forschungsfeld der erneuerbaren Energien und deren Integration in der Kulturlandschaft. Ergänzend zu den laufenden und abgeschlossenen nationalen Forschungsprojekten von LAREG (aktivBüKE, Roding, PartEEnschaften, GrowFlowFly, Positivplanung Wind LK München usw.) ist dieses Labor ein offenes Fenster für weitere internationale Kooperationen und eine Plattform für aufkeimende Forschungsideen. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf Research through Design-Methoden und Feldforschung.
Das gemeinsame Forschungsinteresse entwickelte sich in den letzten Jahren aus dem Schwerpunkt unserer Doktorarbeiten und Lehrveranstaltungen der LAREG-Professur (Entwurfsprojekte, Mapping-Seminare und Exkursionen) sowie aus den internationalen Diskussionsrunden und Co-Autorenschaften und hat schließlich zur Einrichtung dieses Labors geführt. Im CELL wird der grenzüberschreitende Austausch mit den ProfessorInnen und den WissenschaftlerInnen sowie Studierenden an verschiedenen Universitäten (z. B. Wageningen, BUCEA, ECUST usw.) weiter verstärkt.
Ongoing Dissertations
Qi Huang: Landschaftskonversion und Solarenergie. Zur landschaftlichen Integration von Photovoltaik-Freiflächenanlagen in der Konversionslandschaft Chinas
Sabine Kern: Landschaftsmodulor – die Proportionen der Landschaft
Completed Dissertation
Dr. Parisa Vaziri: Rethinking the Architecture of renewable energy-plants: Potential stations to transform the social flows
Ongoing Publications
The Chinese translation of the book Windenergie und Landschaftsästhetik, authored by Professor Dr. Sören Schöbel, is scheduled for publication in 2025.
Translation Team: Qi Huang, Dr. Jinjin Guan (East China University of Science and Technology, ECUST), Prof. Dr. Mengyixin Li (Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, BUCEA)
In 2025, a special issue of the journal Landscape Architecture Frontiers will be published on the topic of “Energy Landscapes under Climate Change”.
Editorial Team: Prof. Dr. Mengyixin Li, Prof. Dr. Qiong Li (Beijing Forestry University, BFU), Qi Huang
The Energy Transition as a Design Task: Wind Energy Planning, Design Strategies and Principles Based on the European Landscape Convention.
Co-authors: Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel, Qi Huang, Prof. Dr. Mengyixin Li
Proofreader: Lumi Kirk
International Publications
Guan, J., & Huang, Q. (2024). GIS-based Mapping Impacts of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Stations on the Landscape. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 9. VDE Verlag, Berlin, 405-418. (DOI: 10.14627/537752037)
Huang, Q., & Schöbel, S. (2024). Wind Energy and Landscape Aesthetics – Perspectives from Germany, Interview with Prof. Sören Schöbel. Urban Wisdom Advancing with China, 95, China Publishing Journal Centre, Shanghai, 92-97. (ISSN 1009-7163 CN11-4557/GO 95)
Schöbel, S. (2018). Space, Place, and Energy: Perspectives on the Energetic Design of Cities and Regions. Urban Energy Transition: Renewable Strategies for Cities and Regions. Elsevier, 139-151. (DOI:
Stremke, S., & Schöbel, S. (2019). Research through design for energy transition: two case studies in Germany and The Netherlands. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 8(1), 16-33. (DOI: – selected as an Outstanding Paper in the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards
Schöbel, S., Dittrich, A. R., & Czechowski, D. (2012). Energy landscape visualization: scientific quality and social responsibility of a powerful tool. In Sustainable Energy Landscapes: Designing, Planning, and Development, 7, CRC/Taylor & Francis, 133-160.
Schöbel, S., & Dittrich, A. (2010). Renewable energies – landscapes of reconciliation. Topos, 70, 56-61.
Schöbel, S. (2008). Wind Turbines as Cultural Landscape Elements. A Qualitative Analysis of Structure. European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design. EURAU 8.
National Publications
Schöbel, S. (2024). Aktiv gestaltende partizipative Regionalplanung in der Energiewende. Umweltrechtliche Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, 14(4). Lexxion, Berlin, 298-306. (DOI:
Schöbel, S. (2022). Transformation can be beautiful. Sichtachse. Garten+ Landschaft, 04
Kern, S. (2017). Landschaftsmodulor. In Landschaftsvertrag – Zur kritischen Rekonstruktion der Kulturlandschaft, hg. Sören Schöbel, Jovis Verlag, 267-287.
Schöbel, S., & Kern, S. (2015). Transformationen der Landschaft. Garten+ Landschaft, 09, 28-31.
11. 04. 2024 Passen Windräder und PV-Anlagen in unsere Landschaft? Vortrag bei der Klima- und Energie-Modellregion Traunviertler Alpenvorland, Austria (online, Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
22. 01. 2024 Solar Landscape Field Research in the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany and China, Projektplattform Bachelor & Master WiSe 2023/24, TUM, Germany (Qi Huang)
09. 03. 2023 Die Ästhetik von Windenergieanlagen im Landschaftsbild. Vortrag zur Konferenz: Onshore-Windenergieanlagen und Akzeptanz: Bürgerprojekte, Wertschöpfung und Attraktivität der Regionen des Deutsch-Französischen Büros für die Energiewende e.V. (OFATE|DFBEW) (online, Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
07. - 09. 2022 Field Research about Energy Landscapes, Social Practice Program with Prof. Nannan Dong, Tongji University, China (Qi Huang)
31. 10. 2021 Urban Renewal Projects – Case Study in Germany. International Landscape Architects Symposium, Beijing Forestry University, China (Qi Huang)
11. 12. 2019 Large-scale Photovoltaic Power Stations and Post-mining Sites in the Yangtze River Delta Region of China, LAREG Doctoral Candidates PechaKucha, TUM, Germany (Qi Huang)
04. 07. 2019 Qualities – qualitative research and quality criteria of research through design. Impulsvortag und Moderation Panel 3 ‘Qualities’ zur International Conference Research Perspectives in Architecture der Fakultät für Architektur, Munich, Germany (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
04. - 07. 2018 Solar Landscapes – a Comparison between China and Germany, Mapping-Seminar, TUM, Germany (Qi Huang)
19. 09. 2017 Wind Energy and the Landscape Issue – about Aesthetic, Acceptance and Design. Lecture at China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT), Xuzhou, China (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
12. 06. 2017 Energy Transition and Land Use in China, Projektplattform Bachelor & Master SoSe 2017, TUM, Germany (Qi Huang)
08. 03. 2017 Wind Energy and the Landscape Issue – about Aesthetic, Acceptance and Design. Lecture at the Akademie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam, Netherlands (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
01. 02. 2017 The return of energy production into everyday landscapes and citiscapes. Lecture at the International workshop interstitial spaces as a resource for informal settlements, ENSP Versailles, France (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
08. 09. 2016 Rethinking Urban Renewal under the Energy Transition, Symposium on the topic “Inclusion and Vitality – International Dialogue in the Context of Urban Change between Chinese and Western Urban Designs”, Southeast University, Nanjing, China (Qi Huang)
13. 11. 2015 Windenergie in der Landschaftsarchitektur-Forschung. Impulsvortrag zum Workshop Kompetenzaufbau Energie und Baukultur an der Züricher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthur, Switzerland (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
18. 07. 2014 Renewable Energy Landscape. Lecture at the Academic Exchange Event Peking University, TUM, Germany (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
13. 05. 2014 Wind Energy and the Landscape Issue Рabout Aesthetic and Acceptance. Lecture at the WindForS РDTU Meeting, Roskilde, Denmark (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
02. 05. 2013 Renewable Energies and Landscape Aesthetics. Lecture at Wageningen University, Betuwe+ Project, Wageningen, Netherlands (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
29. 10. 2008 Park oder Landschaft – Windenergieanlagen als Kulturlandschaftselemente. Vortrag zur Konferenz der dt.-frz.- Koordinierungsstelle Windenergie, Paris, France (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
11. 09. 2008 Windenergie im Wald – Landschaft im Wandel. Vortrag auf dem Ostwind-Forum der Messe WindEnergy, in Husum, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)
08. 01. 2007 Wind Energy and Cultural Landscape. Lecture at the final conference EU-Interreg-project WIND-TECH-KNOW, Potsdam, Germany (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel)

Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
29.09.2016 © Huang, Qi