Welcome to Landscape Architecture and Transformation LAT
Summer semester 2025 at LAT
In the summer semester, the Chair of LAT is once again offering various semester projects, lectures and tutorials. Registration takes place via TUMonline up to and including Wednesday, 23 April 2025 at 6 pm. Information on the individual courses can also be found on TUMonline.
Bachelor's programme Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning:
- Project: Big, Green & Crisp - Urban Transformation at the Grossmarkthallenareal in Munich,
Bachelor 4th semester (Supervision: Prof. Udo Weilacher, Regina Wagner, Pierfrancesco Stella + Chair Prof. Mark Michaeli) - Link to the project - Project: Backnang Blue Green. Urban and river area development near Stuttgart, Bachelor's thesis 8th semester
(Supervision: Udo Weilacher, Pierfrancesco Stella) - Link to the project - Lecture: Theory of Landscape Architecture 1 + 2 (Prof. Udo Weilacher) - Link to the lectures
Master's programme in Landscape Architecture:
- Project: Mining the Future. New life for Westerholt Colliery in Gelsenkirchen (Ruhr area), Master - all semesters
(Supervision: Udo Weilacher, Johannes Schmitt) - Link to the project - Seminar: Scientific writing laboratory (Prof. Udo Weilacher) - Link to the seminar
- Seminar: Profiles in Landscape Architecture (Pierfrancesco Stella) - Link to the seminar
- Bachelor's and Master's short design (in planning)
Changes to the project programme are possible at any time. Please inform yourself regularly.
Nachwuchspreis 2024 für Piet Gerlitz

Die hervorragende Bachelor-Thesis von Piet Gerlitz "floodline - Räume für Mensch und Fluss. Zukunftsorientierte Transformation des ehemaligen industriellen Mainufers" wurde am 21. Februar 2025 mit dem Nachwuchspreis 2024 des Bundes Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen bdla Bayern ausgezeichnet.
Das LAT-Projekt “Westside im Wandel” befasste sich mit dem nördliche Mainufer in Frankfurt-Griesheim, unmittelbar angrenzend an des “Westside-Areal”, auf dem das Planungsbüro AS+P aktuell Frankfurts größten Campus für eine Mischnutzung aus Gewerbe, Forschung und Industrie konzipiert. Ziel der landschaftsarchitektonischen Entwurfsaufgabe an der TUM was es, das Flussufer in die umgestaltete Stadtstruktur zu reintegrieren. Da das Ufergelände wegen industrieller Aktivitäten mehrere Jahre lang isoliert war, fehlt es ihm an Verbindungen, Programm und Charakter. Im Entwurfsprojekt entwickelten die Studierenden einen neuen Plan für das 12 Hektar große Gelände entlang des Mains, untersuchten Prozesse für klimaangepasste Lösungen und entwarfen visionäre Konzepte für die Zukunft der Uferzone. Tatkräftig unterstützt wurde das Projekt vom Planungsbüro AS+P in Frankfurt, in dem zahlreiche ehemalige Absolvent*innen der TUM Landschaftsarchitektur tätig sind.
Piet Gerlitz' Arbeit zählte zu den besten der insgesamt acht Thesis-Projekten im Sommer 2024 und wurde vom LAT-Lehrstuhl für den Preis des bdla nominiert. In der Jury-Begründung des bdla heißt es: “In der sehr gut ausgearbeiteten Bachelorthesis „floodline – Räume für Mensch und Fluss“ in Frankfurt am Main zeigt Piet Gerlitz eine gelungene Synthese aus nachhaltigem Hochwasserschutz, zukunftsweisender Stadtentwicklung und attraktiver Freiraumgestaltung.”
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
Piet Gerlitz!
New article in "Earth's Future" by Sara Fouad and colleagues

We are proud to announce that Sara Fouad, guest researcher from Egypt and PhD student at the LAT, has successfully published a groundbreaking paper titled “Soaring Building Collapses in Southern Mediterranean Coasts: Hydroclimatic Drivers & Adaptive Landscape Mitigations.” This peer-reviewed article, co-authored with esteemed colleagues Essam Heggy (USA), Steffen Nijhuis (Netherlands), and other international experts, was published on February 12, 2025, in the prestigious scientific journal Earth's Future. Earth's Future is a globally renowned journal that publishes research shaping international decision-making and providing innovative solutions to urgent environmental challenges. Its influence makes it an essential resource for policymakers, scientists, and institutions worldwide.
It is always a pleasure to work successfully with international colleagues from different disciplines on serious issues between landscape architecture, urban planning and ecology. Many thanks to the whole team, and especially to Sara Fouad.
Read the open source article online here: https://doi.org/10.1029/2024EF004883
Project presentations winter semester 2024/2025
Here is our curent project presentation program:
Monday, February 3rd, 9am - 6pm,
Room E42 in building 4219 on Campus Weihenstephan (Freising)
Project: Lebens-Mittel-Punkt, Hamburg Eimsbüttel, Bachelor 7th semester
guest critic: Prof. Dr. Andreas Nütten, Basel
Thursday, February 6th, 1:30pm - 6pm
Room E42 in building 4219 on Campus Weihenstephan (Freising)
Project: Following Waterways. „Billepark“, a vision for Hamburg, Master's program in Landscape Architecture
guest critics: landscape architect Caroline Hertel, City of Hamburg - planning department
landscape researcher and architect Dr. Artan Hysa, Technical University of Munich | TUM, Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology
Friday, February 7th, 8am - 6pm
Room U3 in building 4219 on Campus Weihenstephan (Freising)
Project: LandscapeLinks. Munich Northeast, Bachelor 1st semester.
guest critic: landscape architect Bernd Rohloff, Regensburg
All guest are cordially invited to our presentations. Feel free to visit us in Freising.
You can find more information about the presentation venues here:
Yuechen Ning presents her master's thesis "Regain the Murr"

Redesign of Backnang West's Former Industrial Site for Improving City-River Relationship
The project is dedicated to the transformation of the river Murr on the site of a former tannery in Backnang, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The design for the 17-hectare site addresses the challenges of future flooding events and the reintegration of the Murr into the city's open spaces.
Yuechen Ning presents her master thesis on Tuesday, 21st of January at 10:30 AM in E42 room, LAT.

Short-term Design - Competition
B.Sc: Module AR 71152 (1 ECTS) - M.A.: Module AR 72055 (1 ECTS) - 2024
Participants: for all the students M. A., B. Sc. - Single, 2 or 3-persons group work
Kick-off: 18-12-2024: 9:15-10:15 Room E 42 - obligatory registration; for any question please write to: pierfrancesco.stella(at)tum.de
Eduardo Tapia Duarte: master's thesis "Reimaginging the Valley"

The project, Reimagining the valley, envisions a new future for the north of Medellín, second largest city in Colombia. Through a landscape-based approach, the design concept aims to address the most critical ecological and social challenges affecting this sector of the city. Water management systems, productive terraces, and community spaces form the backbone of a new model for hillside occupation in the city.
Eduardo Tapia Duarte presents his master thesis on Thursday, 5th of December at 10:30 AM in E42 room, LAT.
Honoring Jubilees in TUM Landscape Architecture

Professors Peter Latz and Christoph Valentien celebrate their 85th and Wolfgang Haber his 99th birthday!
In honor of the jubilees, the Faculty of Landscape under the direction of the Chair of Landscape Architecture of Regional Open Spaces LAREG (Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel) organized a ceremony in Weihenstephan in October 2024. Regine Keller, Stephan Pauleit and Udo Weilacher read passages from key texts by the TUM Emeriti, drawing attention to the foresight of their predecessors. Decades ago, they foresaw the challenges that landscape architecture and landscape planning would face and laid the foundations for the forward-looking study structures and content of today. Anneliese Latz, Donata Valentien and Jörg Pfadenhauer completed the group of honored emeriti on the well-attended evening. Their excellent professional work in landscape architecture, urban planning and vegetation science is also of central importance for today's understanding of the subject.
Tingting Ma: master's thesis "Energy Oasis"

Sustainable and Inclusive Open Space Design around the Ardesia Therme
This master’s thesis focuses on sustainable and inclusive open space design around the Ardesia Therme in Bad Lobenstein, Thuringia. Known for its rich natural resources and a 150-year-old tradition of moor baths, the town has lost its attractiveness in recent years. To revitalize the city, the local government aims to redesign the thermal bath and its surroundings to establish Bad Lobenstein as a key spa and tourism destination in East Thuringia. The design aims to promote local tourism and improve the quality of life.
Tingting Ma presents her master thesis on Thursday, 17 October at 09:30 AM in E42 room, LAT.
Megan Isabella Amaglio presents her Master thesis "Between the Rails"

Transformation of a Former Rail Segment in Vienna, Austria
with Strategies for Integrating Biodiversity in Limited Urban Spaces
Central to this project is the transformation of a former railway segment in Vienna’s developing Brigittenau district, which is situated between the Danube and the Danube Canal.
The site has been unused since 2016. It connects the Nordwestbahnhof, an area now planned for development, to the Danube.
Between the Rails aims to design new lungs for a city landscape — a space which not only serves residents in everyday use, but one which is also an active living system that enhances quality of life and helps ensure a more liveable urban world in a future facing the rapidly intensifying effects of climate change.
Megan Isabella Amaglio will present her Master thesis on Thursday, 17 October at 10:30 AM in E42 room, LAT.
Winter semester 2024/ 2025 at LAT
In the winter semester, the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation offers various semester projects, lectures and tutorials. Registration takes place via TUMonline up to and including Monday, 14 October 2024 at 6 pm. Information on the individual courses can also be found in TUMonline.
Bachelor's programme Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning:
- Project: Munich Northeast, Bachelor 1st semester (Supervision: Udo Weilacher, Johannes Schmitt, Regina Wagner + tutors) - Link to the project
- Project: Hamburg Eimsbüttel, Bachelor 7th semester (Supervision: Udo Weilacher, Regina Wagner, Pierfrancesco Stella) - Link to the project
Master's programme in Landscape Architecture:
- Project: Hamburg Billepark, Master - all semesters (Supervision: Udo Weilacher, Pierfrancesco Stella) - Link to the project
- Lecture: Complex theories of landscape architecture
- Seminar: Complex theories in design
- Short design Bachelor and Master (in planning)
Changes to the project programme are possible at any time. Please inform yourself regularly.
Summer School on tour along the Ruhr

Together with our guest from Beijing and students from TUM, we are curretly enjoying the Summer School ‘Industry and Nature’ in September 2024 by touring the Ruhr Region. We are particularly pleased to cooperate with associate professor Fang Wei and associate professor Qingwei Cui from Beijing Forestry University/ China. Professor Steffen Nijhuis will be present as our special guest and give a keynote lecture. Together with our guests, we will explore pioneering transformation projects and industrial landscapes in the Ruhr region. In the subsequent workshop, the students will develop a short-term design on the topic of ‘Transformation’ and present their results in a final exhibition on Friday, 27 September 2024. Guests are very welcome.
Kick off: TUE, 17.09.2024
Ruhr excursion: WED, 18.09.2024 - SUN, 22.09.2024
Workshop: MO, 23.09.2024 - THU, 26.09.2024
Final exhibition: FRI, 27.09.2024
Munich excursion: SAT, 28.09.2024
Departure: SUN, 29.09.2024
This summer school is generously sponsered by the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion in Beijing
Tanjina Khaleque: master's thesis "The Lighthouse"

The Lighthouse
Rethinking the Interdependence of Dhaka and the River of Buriganga
Tanjina Khaleque's master's thesis deals with the transformation of the Buriganga and the river landscape in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka. The design is deeply concerned with the cultural life of local people and the recovery of the environment making concrete proposals for the recycling and treatment of waste. The works aims to be a lighthouse project which changes the way of dealing with the landscape, promoting well-being and creating sustainable developments in the city.
Tanjina Khaleque will present her Master thesis on Monday, 16 September at 11:00 in E42 room, LAT.
Study Landscape Architecture (at LAT) - a video
"The Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning degree programme is very diverse: it combines art and science, i.e. social, cultural, natural and engineering sciences. You will be able to develop your artistic creativity and conduct scientific research," says the ARD alpha Uni homepage.
And here's the matching one: Video
TUM's research information system now online
You can now find comprehensive information on all of Professor Dr Udo Weilacher's teaching and research activities in the TUM's research information system. The database not only contains a comprehensive list of all research projects, dissertations, guest lectures, symposia and publications, but also an overview of all master's theses completed to date, supervised by Udo Weilacher and his team.
Access to the TUM research information system here: TUMFIS
Jie Wang presents her Master thesis

Through the Windshield
A Study of the Transferability of the Norwegian National Scenic Routes to Northwestern China
The Master thesis of Jie Wang investigates the potential of applying the design principles of the successful Norwegian National Tourist Routes project to enhance the scenic routes in Northwest China, particularly the Northwest Grand Loop in Gansu and Qinghai provinces. The study highlights the critical role of strategic planning and innovative design in transforming scenic roads into comprehensive travel experiences, benefiting both travelers and local communities.
Guests are most welcome to attend the presentation on Monday, 19 August at 11:00 in E40a room, LAT.
Neu am LAT zum Wintersemester!

Seit August 2024 hat das LAT ein neues Teammitglied: Regina Wagner wird zum Wintersemester in der Forschung und Lehre tätig. Im aktuellen Semester betreut sie das Bachelor- und Masterprojekt in Hamburg gemeinsam mit Pierfrancesco Stella und Prof. Weilacher und unterstützt Johannes Schmitt im Erstsemesterprojekt in München.
Regina hat Landschaftsarchitektur (Ba.) und Urbanistik (Ma.) an der TUM studiert. Nach etwa 4 Jahren fachfremder Tätigkeit im Bereich Design und Produktentwicklung kehrte Regina in die Landschaftsarchitektur zurück. Seit 6 Jahren ist sie als Projektleiterin für Großprojekte mit hohem gestalterischem Anspruch tätig.
Herzlich willkommen Regina!
Herzlichen Dank an Lynn Hennies und Antonia Koukouvelou!
Lynn Hennies beendet im Juli 2024 nach vier Jahren ihre Mitarbeit am TUM-Lehrstuhl für Landschaftsarchitektur und Transformation, um wieder voll in der Berufspraxis aktiv zu werden. Wir danken ihr sehr herzlich für die tolle, vertrauensvolle und überaus produktive Zusammenarbeit am LAT. Wir wünschen ihr viel Freude und Erfolg auf dem weiteren beruflichen und persönlichen Werdegang!
Antonia Koukouvelou nimmt aus erfreulichen "familiären Gründen" bis voraussichtlich Ende 2025 eine Auszeit vom LAT. Wir freuen uns auf ihre Rückkehr und wünschen ihr und ihrer Familie für die kommenden Monate von Herzen alles erdenkliche Gute!
Ergebnisse des Sommersemesters 2024 – Präsentationen am LAT
Am 15.07. und 18.07.2024 präsentieren Studierende am Lehrstuhl für Landschaftsarchitektur und Transformation die Projektergebnisse des Sommersemesters 2024. Interessierte Gäste sind herzlich willkommen!
Quartiersentwicklung im Münchner Nordosten :::::::::::::::: Video ::::::::::::::::::::
Projekt Bachelor Landschaftsarchitektur 4. Semester, Schwerpunkt Städtebau
online Info:
Zeit und Ort: Montag, 15. Juli 2024, 9 - 18 Uhr (Raum E42)
- Monika Amann, Landschaftsarchitektin, Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung
- Björn Severin, Architekt und Büroinhaber, rheinflügel severin, Düsseldorf
- Julian Numberger, Stadtplaner und Büroinhaber, NUWELA Büro für Städtebau und Landschaftsarchitektur, München1
Westside Stories
Future-oriented transformation of the former industrial Main riverside, Frankfurt Westside, DE
Bachelor Abschlussarbeiten und Master-Projekte
online Info:
Zeit und Ort: Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2024, 8 - 18 Uhr (Raum E42)
- Anna Thurmayr, Landschaftsarchitektin und Professorin, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg/ Kanada
- Dietmar Straub, Landschaftsarchitekt und Professor, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg/ Kanada
- Leonard Saal, Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Landschaftsarchitektur und Projektleiter
Yezi Zhou presents her Master thesis

Reconstruction and Activation. Transformation and Development of Jiulongpo Power Plant and its Affiliated Lands in Chongqing, China
The Master thesis of Yezi Zhou aims to transform a former power plant in Chongqing by using the theory of structuralism. The work considers three main aspects for the design: the river lanscape, the historical heritage and the city.
Yezi Zhou will present her Master thesis on Wednesday, 17 July at 16:00 in E40a room, LAT.
Ezgi Akpinar presents her Master thesis
Tuesday, 16 July at 14:30 in E40a room, LAT

Degrowth and community initiatives in a future scenario for Küçükçekmece Lagoon
The Master thesis of Ezgi Akpinar focuses on the transformation of the Küçükçekmece Lagoon in Istanbul and deals with ecosystem restoration, conservation, community and fauna awareness raising for the new vital framework in the basin context.
Ezgi Akpinar will present her Master thesis on Tuesday, 16 July at 14:30 in E40a room, LAT.
Lumi Kirk presents her Master thesis

Second Nature at the Hippodrome
An eco-spatial narrative for a brownfield in Montreal, Qc, Canada
In her master's thesis, Lumi Kirk argues the need for a different way of dealing with brownfields: instilling a post-growth and “more-than-human” landscape and subdividing the site into frames that fulfill functions over various time spans that build a nucleus of biodiversity, resiliency, and change. Lumi demonstrates this thesis using the example of the Hippodrome in Montreal, Canada.
Guests are most welcome to attend the presentation on Tuesday, 2 July at 14:00 in room E42.
Low Impact Development (LID) – Demystified for Designers
Gastvortrag Professor Daniel Roehr

Montag den 10.06.2024, 10:00 s.t. bis 11:30 Uhr, Raum O20, Gebäude 4219
(Vortrag auf deutsch)
Daniel Roehr lehrt Landschaftsarchitektur an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver und ist zugelassener Landschaftsarchitekt in British Columbia und Berlin. Er ist Direktor der Forschungsgruppe greenskinslab (https://blogs.ubc.ca/greenskinslab/). Im Rahmen seiner aktuellen Forschung entwickelt er „open access tools“ für Landschaftsarchitekt*innen im Bereich der Klimaresilienz. Sein Laborteam entwickelte eine Anwendung zur Regenwasserberechnung (LID), die auf der Architekturbiennale von Venedig 2021 ausgestellt wurde sowie ein Tool zur Minderung von Erdrutschen.
Neben zahlreichen weiteren Pubikationen ist Daniel Roehr Autor der Bücher „Multisensory Landscape Design: A Designer's Guide for Seeing“ (Routledge 2022) und „Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems" (Routledge 2015).
Yinuo Chen presents her Master thesis
Tuesday, 28 May at 15:00 in E42 room, LAT

Light up the Linker
Transformation Strategy of Shenyang industrial areas with the example of Northeast Trade Warehouse
The Master thesis of Yinuo Chen focuses on an abandoned trade warehouse and the surrounding industrial site in Shengyang, China. Her design proposes the development of a historical layer, a layer of social activities and an ecological layer to transform the derelict site into an urban public park.
Yinuo Chen will present her Master thesis on Tuesday, 28 May at 15:00 in E42 room, LAT.
ready, set, ..... Landscape Architecture!

Teaser: a short project at the LAT
Modul AR 71152 (1 ECTS) - Modul AR 72055 (1 ECTS) - Sommersemester 2024
Participants: for all the students M. A., B. Sc. - Single or 2-persons group work
Kick-off: 22.05.2024 14:00-17:00 - obligatory registration; for any question please write to: pierfrancesco.stella(at)tum.de
Team members join the LAT for the summer semester!

Since April 2024, the LAT has another new team member: Pierfrancesco Stella is working in research and teaching in the summer semester. This semester, he will supervise the Bachelor's project "LandscapeLinks" in Munich Nord-East together with Antonia Koukouvelou, Lynn Hennies and Prof. Weilacher in cooperation with Julian Numberger. Pierfrancesco studied architecture at IUAV-Venice and at the TU-Dresden: after some experiences as an architect in Berlin und Bregenz, he researched on the work and life of the Italian master Ippolito Pizzetti at the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche in Treviso; afterwards he moved in Hamburg's landscape direction to work furthermore as an outsider. Parallel with his job he worked as a lecturer at the Hochschule Bremen as well as at HafenCity Universität Hamburg on different landscape-course projects.
Welcome Pier!
Andjelija Bojanovic presents her Master thesis

Primordial Might
Reconstruction of the Old Sugar Factory in Belgrade
Andjelija's Master thesis focuses on the transformation of a former sugar refinery in Belgrade. Her design proposal attempts to connect the users of today to the workers of the past through defined spatial archetypes which will facilitate this transition.
Andjelija Bojanovic will present her Master thesis on Thusday, 16 May at 10:30 in E42 room, LAT.
Am 16. April erschien nodium #16 - "Cyborg Landscapes"

Ausgabe #16, in deren Mittelpunkt die ausführliche Berichterstattung zum LAT-Symposium "Cyborg Landscapes" 2023 steht, wurde im Beisein von mehr als 40 Gästen, darunter Professor em. Peter Latz, vom Stapel gelassen. ACL-Vorsitzender Johannes Kollmann lobte die Arbeit der Ehrenamtlichen am Heft. Udo Weilacher, diesmal in der Riolle des Redaktionsleiters, bot einen Rückblick auf die Entwicklung des Magazins und würdigte in seinem Vortrag die Arbeit aller bisherigen Redaktionsleitenden seit 2009: Cornelia Lutz, Tobias Kramer, Sonja Weber, Gero Engeser, Stefanie Syren und Fabian Konopka. Dem engagierten nodium-Redaktionsteam 2023/24 - vor allem Gero Engeser - sowie alle beteligten Autorinnen und Autoren sei für die tolle Arbeit an #16 herzlich gedankt!
Wer mehr wissen möchte über die neue Ausgabe des Magazins, findet auf der ACL-Homepage mehr Info: https://www.acl-tum.de/nodium/nodium2024/
Preview of summer semester 2024
Coming summer semester, the LAT will be offering various semester projects, lectures and tutorials. You can register via TUMonline up until Monday, 15.04.24 at 6 pm.
Information on the individual courses can be found under the following links and on TUMonline.
Exercise: Geschichte der Landschaftsarchitektur – Bachelor 2nd Semester
Project: MÜNCHEN – LandscapeLinks – Bachelor 4th Semester
Lecture: Theorie der Landschaftsarchitektur 1 und 2 – Bachelor 4th Semester
Short Design Studies Bachelor and Master (planned)
Project: FRANKFURT – Westside Stories – Master
Seminar: Writing Laboratory Landscape Architecture – Master
Seminar: Profiles of International Landscape Architecture – Master
All project offers are subject to change.
Sarah Huber presents her Master thesis

Erste Hilfe Strukturalismus?
Der öffentliche Raum nach der Katastrophe am Fallbeispiel des Hafenareals Beirut
The explosion in the port of Beirut on 4 August 2020 was one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history. It destroyed large parts of the city and claimed many lives. This master's thesis examines the applicability of structuralism as a landscape architectural theory for the reconstruction of urban landscapes after disasters by considering the catastrophy in Beirut as a case study.
Sarah Huber presents her Master thesis on Thursday, 18. April at 10:30 in E42, LAT
Team members join the LAT for the summer semester!

Since April 2024, the LAT has a new team member: Johannes Schmitt will be working in research and teaching in the summer semester. This semester, he will supervise the Master's project "Westside Stories" in Frankfurt together with Antonia Koukouvelou and Prof. Weilacher. Johannes completed his studies at the TU Munich in the summer semester 2020 with the thesis "Schicht im Schacht. Transformation of Saarland colliery wastelands exemplified by the Luisenthal coal mine. He then worked for three and a half years in Freising at toponauten GmbH | Landschaftsarchitektur und Stadtplanung.
Welcome Johannes!
Wuyue Chen presents her Master thesis

Transformation of Jinling Shipyard, China
The Master thesis project of the student deals with the redevelopment of the former Jinling Shipyard in China, which has been abandoned since many years and currently blocks the connection of the surrounding urban contect to the riverfront. The project seeks to transform the isolated shipyard into an open, ecological urban space by basing its design on theories of structuralism and ruins.
The presentation takes place on Monday, 25 March at 11 o'clock in E42
Project results of Winter Semester 2024 – presented at LAT

From 06.02. to 09.02.2024 students at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation present their design projects of the Winter Semester 2024. Guests are welcome!
Presentation Project 7th semester Bachelor and Bachelorthesis
„Ran an die Ruhr“
Guest critic: Martin Rein-Cano / Landscape architect / founder, partner and creative director of Topotek 1
Time: Tuesday, 06.02.24 09:00-18:00
Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Contact: Antonia Koukouvelou (antonia.koukouvelou[at]tum.de)
Presentation Masterproject
„The Ruhr Case – Climate-Adaptive Transformation of Hattingen Commercial and Landscape Park“
Guest critic: Martin Rein-Cano / Landscape architect / founder, partner and creative director of Topotek 1
Time: Wednesday, 07.02.24, 09:00-12:00 am
Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Contact: Lynn Hennies (lynn.hennies[at]tum.de)
Presentation Project 1st Semester Bachelor
„Rappenweg Riem – Freiraumplanerische Entwicklung eines neuen Stadtquartiers in München-Riem“
Guest critic: Julian Numberger / Urban planner and landscape architect ByAK / Founder and partner at NUWELA
Time: Friday, 09.02.24 09:00-18:00
Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Contact: Antonia Koukouvelou (antonia.koukouvelou[at]tum.de)
Changes will be displayed here.
We would like to thank all speakers, guests and the Schafhof European Art Forum Upper Bavaria for the rich presentations, lively discussions and an all-round successful day. You can find further information here.
Theresa Zierer präsentiert ihre Masterthesis

Wiederbelebung des Zentrums in Wulfen-Barkenberg
Die Absolventin untersucht in ihrer Masterarbeit ,inwiefern das Zentrum des heutigen Dorstener Stadtteils Wulfen-Barkenberg landschaftsarchitektonisch, zukunftsfähig und langlebig umgestaltet werden kann. Sie entwirft ein neues Zentrum, das die ursprüngliche Planung der „Neuen Stadt Wulfen“ respektiert und in angemessener Weise zeitgemäß übersetzt.
Die Präsentation fand am Dienstag, den 16. Januar 2024 um 11:00 Uhr im Raum E40a (Masterraum) statt.
Waterways Transformation in the Vulnerable Port City of Alexandria

[Translate to en:]
Tragic Transition: Alexandria's Vibrant Mahmoudieh Canal Transformed into a Highway
The AI imaginary MidJourney visuals for the cover photo of the research 'Waterways Transformation in the Vulnerable Port City of Alexandria' © 2023 Mai Soliman & Sara Fouad.
Dr. Sara Fouad, Egyptian guest researcher at TUM, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Egyptian space scientist Dr. Essam Heggyfrom NASA, published their paper on "Waterways transformation in the vulnerable port city of Alexandria" in cooperation with Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher. The peer reviewed article in the scientific journal "Cities. The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning" is now online. It's a pleasure to successfully cooperate with international colleagues from different disciplines on serious topics between landscape architecture, urban design and ecology. Thank you to the team - and especially to Dr. Fouad.
Research Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104426.
16. Weihenstephaner Forum 2023

16. Weihenstephaner Forum 2023 – cyborg landscapes
Friday October 20, 2023, 9 am - 6 pm
TUM Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation
In cooperation with Schafhof European Art Forum Upper Bavaria
event location: Schafhof – European Art Forum Upper Bavaria, Am Schafhof 1, 85354 Freising
More informationen about the event program and the speakers can be found here.
Interested guests are welcome without registration.
Sckell Students Award 2023 – and the winners are...

The Friedrich-Ludwig-von-Sckell-Ring of Honor is awarded by the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts to outstanding personalities in landscape architecture, the history of garden art and related professions. Winner of the Ring of Honor 2023 is Professor em. dr re. hort. Erika Schmidt. The competition of the Sckell Students Awards was looking for inspiring contributions in words and pictures which deal with the work of Erika Schmidt and her current relevance for landscape architecture and garden art. The Sckell Students Award is intended to expressly acknowledge the work of the Sckell Ring of Honor winners and to focus attention on the importance of their practical and theoretical work for young landscape architects and garden art historians.
The Award ceremony took place on October 12, 2023 in the Residence of Munich. The winners of this year's Sckell Students Award 2023 are
- 1. Prize (2.500 €): Oliver Bursi, TU Munich, Landscape Architecture and Planning
- 2. Prize (1.500 €): Bianca Funtak, TU Munich, Landscape Architecture and Planning
- 3. Prize (1.000 €): Jana Langner, TU Munich, Landscape Architecture and Planning
Congratulations to all winners!
Further information about the competition, about the winners of the last years and a gallery of all competition entries can be found here.
Project results of Summer Semester 2023 – presented at LAT

From 18.07. to 25.07.2023 students at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation present their design projects of the Summer Semester 2023. Guests are welcome!
Award ceremony – student competition
„Garden of Contemplation“
Representatives of Hochschulgemeinde Freising:
Hans-Christoph Kromer (Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Freising),
Daniela Hamm (Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Freising)
Time: Tuesday, 18.07.23, 17:00-18:00
Place: Foyer Basement, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Contact: Lynn Hennies (lynn.hennies@tum.de)
Presentation Masterproject
„ΕΛΕΥΣΙΣ – ELEFSIS: Transformation of the wine distillery Kronos in Elefsina, GR“
Guest critic:
Chryssa Martini, Architektin und Direktorin für Räumlichkeiten und Infrastruktur, Kulturhauptstadt Europas Elefsina 2023
Silvia Benedito, Landscape Architect, GSD Harvard University USA
Time: Thursday, 20.07.23, 11:00-18:00
Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Contact: Antonia Koukouvelou (antonia.koukouvelou@tum.de)
Presentation Bachelorthesis
„Zwischen den Zeilen, Hamburg – Das blau-grüne Quartier von morgen“
Guest critic: Prof. Dr. Michael Koch, city planner and architect, HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Time: Friday, 21.07.23, 9:00-16:00
Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Contact: Bernadette Brandl (bernadette.brandl@tum.de)
Presentation Project 4th Semester Bachelor
„Rappenweg Riem“
Integrated Design Studio – Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
Guest critic: Julia Otte, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Time: Monday, 24.07.23 10:00-18:00 and Tuesday, 25.07.23 10:00-17:00
Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Contact: Lynn Hennies (lynn.hennies@tum.de)
Changes will be displayed here.
Visit of Professor Dr. Fang WEI at LAT

From June 30, 2023 to July 9, 2023, the Chinese professor Fei Wang from Beijing Forestry University was on a research trip to Germany. Professor Weilacher welcomed her as a guest at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation. Among other things, she researches the public perception of post-industrial landscapes from a human factors perspective. During her time in Germany, she presented her research at the chair and actively participated in the table reviews of the chair's master's project. The individual teams benefited from the discussions about their designs, which are about the transformation of a unused, greek port area in Elefsina in this summer semester.
International Doctoral College Spatial Research Lab

TUM Conference of the International Doctoral College Spatial Research Lab
Friday June 16th, 2023 9 am - 6 pm
TUM Campus Weihenstephan
Conference room IGZW GD 01, Gregor Mendel Street 4, 3rd floor
Guests are welcome!
LAT Workshop-Week in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

In the week from May 28 to June 4, 2023, the Chair for Landscape Architecture and Transformation organized a workshop week in Cluj-Napoca in Romania. The occasion was the Strada Potaissa project organized by the local Daisler Association. The Strada Potaissa project is a project of committed citizens who aim to improve the living conditions in the city of Cluj. In cooperation with the architecture faculty in Cluj, a total of 26 German and Romanian students took part in the workshop week, which was supposed to take up the idea of the Strada Potaissa project in a creative and experimental way at different public places in Cluj. Within the "Stack 'N' Attract" workshop, temporary sculptures made of chairs in Cluj's public space were intended to signal that active participation and transformation of our daily environment can be done hands-on. The installations should arouse people's curiosity and the willingness to talk about their wishes regarding the public space in their neighborhood. Six different locations in Cluj became the scene of the action for over 20 different installations. The week made it clear that an analysis of the relationship between citizens and their own city is necessary and should be a prerequisite for a discussion about public space in Cluj.
Vanessa Baltes presents her Master's Thesis
Development of a socially sustainable neighbourhood in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolis
In her master's thesis, Vanesa develops a family-friendly, resilient and future-oriented "Rheinort" neighbourhood. Here, private spaces are to be avoided in order to qualify it as an open, inclusive meeting space in which a solidary and spatially coexistence can take place. Sustainability should be thought of holistically, with a focus on social sustainability.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc.
The presentation will take place on Wednesday, the 26th of April 2023 at 11:00 in room E42.
We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Antonia Koukouvelou in case of questions.
Kamilla Rustamova presents her Master Thesis

Urban Palimpsest. Landscape-based transformation of a former Paper Mill in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
In her master's thesis, Kamilla Rustamova deals with the former paper mill "UzBum", one of the last historical industrial relics of the 19th century in Tashkent. The theory of ruins is intended to support the design process in order to better understand the relationship between future urban development and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher,
Second examiner: Bernadette Brandl M.A.
The presentation will take place on Wednesday, April 26th 2023 at 10 am in room E42.
Guests are welcome!
Excellent! Aimee Neff wins the Young Talent Award bdla Bayern

Congratulations to our master graduate Aimee Neff for receiving the Young Talent Award bdla Bayern. Our chair is very proud of the work and professional achievements of Aimee and we wish her all the best for her future.
More details on the announcement you can find here: www.bdla.de/de/studium-beruf/nachwuchswettbewerbe/nachwuchspreis-bayern/3959-bdla-nachwuchspreis-bayern-2022
"Stack 'n' Attract" - short term design 2023! - UPDATE

Show your talent in open space design and street art! The upcoming short term design in April 2023 focuses on an experimental method of creating landscape architectural interventions in public space. Based on the first design knowledge of "round 1" in January, the task is to design temporary sculptures for urban public spaces with – this time – 15 prefabricated wooden elements. The temporary street sculptures aim to give an impulse to the users by allowing them to participate in the process of activating urban spaces. The main working tool will be model making in a scale of 1:10. The limited time frame will serve as a kick-start into the creative process.
If your project will be suitable, you might have a chance to participate in a follow-up workshop on site in Romania. On the occasion of the street festival “Strada Potaissa”, the Romanian city of Cluj- Napoca invites landscape architecture students of TUM to a creative workshop week! The best short term designs will be implemented 1:1 on site in Romania in May 2023.
Short term design/ Start: Tuesday, 11.04.2023, 10:00 h, E42
Submission: Thursday, 13.04.2023, 16:00 h
Presentation & Discussion: Wednesday, 19.04.2023, 15:00 h
registration: via TUMonline from 31.03.2023, max. 9 students
1,66 ECTS short term design in April 2023 (bachelor module), 2 ECTS short term design in April 2023 (bachelor module)
Follow- up workshop (optional):
Bonus ECTS workshop in May/June 2023 in Romania on site!
prerequisite: successful participation in the short term project, discribed above, max. 10 students
Creative workshop week in Cluj, Romania: Sun-Sun, 28.05.2023-04.06.2023
For more information click here
Project results of 2022/23 – presented at LAT

From 06.02. to 10.02.2023, students at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation presented their projects of the Winter Semester 2022/23. We'd like to thank the students for their engaged presentations and all the guests for their valuable contribution to an inspiring final week of the semester.
LAT – Project presentation – Bachelor 7th semester
„3LAND" – Transformation of the trinational harbour area in Basel
Guest critic: Dr. sc. ETH Haris Piplas, Co-Director Integrated Urban Solutions, Drees&Sommer
and Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Kramer – Landscape Architect ByAK and managing director of toponauten landschaftsarchitekturGesellschaft mbH
LAT – Master's Project Presentation
„Alpine Periscope“ – Transformation of the ex Colonia Dalmine in Castione della Presolana, IT
Guest critic: Asst. Prof. Federica Burini (Geography Depart. University of Bergamo), Asst. Prof. Lorenzo Migliorati (Sociology Depart University of Bergamo) and Gianluca Lanfrachi (PhD student University of Bologna) and Sophie von Einsiedel (landscape architect by Vogt landscape architects)
LAT – Project presentation – Bachelor 1st semester
“Meilenweite" – Die Parkmeile Siemens Sportpark – Südliche Isaraue
Guest critic: Susanne Brittinger, Landscape Architect at Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung and Sophie von Einsiedel (landscape architect by Vogt landscape architects)
Frieder Wilk presents his Master's Thesis

The "minimal intervention" for climate protection
Lucius Burckhardt‘s planning theory and its potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
In his Master's thesis, Frieder Wilk examines to what extent Lucius Burckhardt's planning theory of the "smallest possible intervention" can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in landscape architectural planning and in how far this can increase the quality of open spaces.
Can the manipulation of people's perception and the "specific planning solution" lead to a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emission?
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Lynn Hennies M.A.
The presentation will take place on Tuesday, the 24th of January 2023 at 11:00 in room E42.
We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Lynn Hennies in case of questions.
Aimee Neff presents her Master's Thesis

Turn the Tide!
A landscape-based strategy for a resilient Knysna shoreline
Aimee develops in her master thesis a landscape-based strategy for Knysna which can be applicable on several levels and can support its development into a climate-resilient and socially reactivated city. Her concept REACT(ivate) identifies and responds to expected and unexpected impacts of climate change, and it seeks to activate forgotten spaces by inviting citizens to rediscover their coast.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc.
The presentation will take place on Monday, the 19th of December 2022 at 10:30 in room E42.
We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Antonia Koukouvelou in case of questions.
Josefin Orlovsky presents her Master's Thesis

Moving with the times!
Succession as a climate-adapted design method. Integration of the succession process on the campus of the TU Nuremberg
Josefin's master's thesis explores the potential of the antural succession processes. She researches on the advantages of spontaneous vegetation over conventional planting in order to achieve a more sustainable and climate-friendly open space planning, and tests her findings in a case study, the campus of TU Nuremberg.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc.
The presentation will take place on Monday, the 19th of December 2022 at 09:30 in room E42.
We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Antonia Koukouvelou in case of questions.
Simon Ochott presents his Master's Thesis

All for one––one for all!
Master plan open space for a campus between urban and cultural landscapes
In his Master's Thesis Simon Ochott developed a master plan for the Campus Weihenstephan. The concept is based on the 1970 campus idea and puts emphasis on mixed-use development. Can the campus become the intended landscape "for all"?
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Lynn Hennies M.A.
The presentation will take place on Tuesday, the 29th of November 2022 at 11:00 in room E42.
We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Lynn Hennies in case of questions.
Excellent! Bernadette Brandl awarded with the Lenné-Prize 2022 + Foerster-Acknowledgment

Congratulations to our research associate M.A. Bernadette Brandl, who won this year's Peter Joseph Lenné Prize 2022 in the "Task Category A - Regional - Berlin". On Friday, November 18th, 2022, the ceremony for the award ceremony will take place in Berlin at the Academy of Arts. On behalf of the Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection, the prize is ceremoniously awarded by the State Secretary. Due to her excellent work and the use of particularly good use of plants, Bernadette Brandl also received the Karl Foerster Recognition 2022, which is awarded by the Karl Foerster Foundation.
More info about the event: https://www.berlin.de/sen/uvk/natur-und-gruen/stadtgruen/peter-joseph-lenne-preis/ergebnisse/ergebnis-2022/
The Peter Joseph Lenné Prize of the State of Berlin is the world's largest ideas competition for young landscape architects, scientists, architects and artists who are being trained in the above-mentioned fields or are already working professionally. The competition is held every two years. Current national and international tasks from Berlin, the German federal states and abroad are selected for the award procedure.
Photo: Berlin Senate Departement for Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action
Peer reviewed paper published - managed by Dr. Sara Fouad

Dr. Sara Fouad, Egyptian guest researcher at the LAT, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, successfully managed to set up a network of renowned international researchers, including the Egyptian space scientist Dr. Essam Heggyfrom NASA, cooperating on "Landscape-based regeneration of the Nile Delta’s waterways in support of water conservation and environmental protection". In December 2022, the peer reviewed article will be published in the scientific journal "Ecological Indicators". It's a pleasure to successfully cooperate with international colleagues from different disciplines on serious topics between landscape architecture, urban design and ecology. Thank you to the whole team and especially to Dr. Fouad.
Read the article online here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X22011335?via%3Dihub
Read a short interview with Dr. Fouad here: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/explore/newsroom/news/charity-alone-is-not-the-solution
Guest lectures at LAT in winter 2022/23

Dr. Steffen Nijhuis (TU Delft)
Research Leader Department of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology
"Research through Design"
guest lecture Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 11 am - 1 pm s.t., room U1
Professor Stephen Bates (TUM)
Professorship Urbanism and housing, Department of Architecture, Technical University of Munich
"landform and infrastructure"
guest lecture Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2022, 14:30 - 16:00 Uhr s.t., room E42
Asst. Professor Dr. Pavle Stamenovic (Universität Belgrad)
Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade
"Towards Non-Typological Architecture: The Role of Typology in the Contemporary Process of Architectural Design"
guest lecture Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022, 11 am - 1 pm s.t., room U1
Presentation Master's Thesis Divya Pilla

The Ancient Theatre of Larissa
Revitalisation of a Cultural landscape with the present context
Divya Pilla focused in her Master thesis on the cultural landscape of the Greek town of Larissa and specifically on the transformation of the ancient Amphitheatre which is located at the foot of Larissa's fortress hill. How can we re-design ancient sites and re-integrate them in the modern reality?
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc.
The presentation will be on Thursday, the 20th of October 2022 at 09:30 o'clock at room E42
Divya will present her thesis in the first 30 minutes and later the discussion will begin. We are looking forward to your comments and your active participation. Contact Antonia Koukouvelou (antonia.koukouvelou@tum.de) in case of questions.
Presentation Master's Thesis Carling Sioui

Sewing the Seeds to Reconciliation
Inclusive design in the process of balancing the narrative and decolonizing settler cities
Carling Sioui focused in her thesis on stories of colonialism in Montreal, Canada and how these affected the landscape. She exposes the narratives and values of Indigenous People and she explores through preliminary designs how to integrate them in the urban landscape.
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc.
The presentation will be on Monday, the 24th of October 2022 at 15:00 o'clock via Zoom
Carling will present her thesis in the first 30 minutes and later the discussion will begin. We are looking forward to your comments and your active participation. Contact Antonia Koukouvelou (antonia.koukouvelou@tum.de) to receive the zoom link.
Preview of the winter semester 2022/2023
In the upcoming winter semester, the chair's semester projects will once again focus on the transformation of brownfield sites in the Alpine region. The project area for the 7th bachelor semester will circle around the old Hafenareal in Basel in Switzerland. The upcoming Master's project is expected to be in the northern Italian region of Lombardy near Bergamo, about 50 km from Milan. In cooperation with the University of Bergamo, this project will revolve around the topics of sustainability and climate change in the Alpine region. Additionally, both Bachelor's and Master's students are invited to take part in a short term design course which explores the qualities of edges and borders in the lamdscape and reveals them through 1:1 model making.
MUNICH – Meilenweite – Bachelor 1st semester
BASEL – Dreiland – Bachelor 7th semester
BERGAMO – Alpine Periscope – Master
Walk. Sketch. Make. – Short term design Bachelor and Master
All project offers are subject to change.
Presentations of the studio results – summer semester 2022

From 27.07.2022 until 03.08.2022 students at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation will present their projects of the summer semester 2022. Everyone who is interested is invited to attend the events. Guests are welcome - with the urgent request to wear a mask.
Wednesday, 27.07.22
LAT – presentation Bachelorthesis
„Eingang zur Zukunft – Neues Entrée des Campus Weihenstephan“
time: 09:00 - 10:00 Uhr room: room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
LAT – presentation Masterthesis
“Siedlungsgebiete der Fünfziger Jahre und ihre Freiraumstrukturen – Ein Balanceakt zwischen Erhalt und Erneuerung - am Beispiel Münchens“
time: 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr room: room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Thursday, 28.07.22
LAT – Master project:
„River Trialogues – Transformation des trinationalen Areals in Basel, Schweiz“
Guest critic: Dr. sc. ETH Haris Piplas, Co-Director Integrated Urban Solutions, Drees&Sommer
time: 13:30 - 17:00 Uhr room: room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Monday, 01.08.22 und Tuesday, 02.08.22
LAT – Bachelor project 4th semester – landscape architecture and sustainable urbanism
„context matters“
cooperation: Chair of Sustainable Urbanism, Professor Mark Michaeli
time: 09:30 - 17:30 Uhr room: room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Wednesday, 03.08.22
LAT – Profiles of International Landscape Architecture
Subtitel: Women in landscape architecture
time: 13:30 - 15:30 Uhr room: room U1, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising
Florentine-Amelie Rost successfully defended her dissertation!

The seduction of water. Urban development and update of the narration of inner-city water spaces.
In her dissertation at TUM, Florentine-Amelie Rost explored how the reading of inner-city water spaces had changed over the last twenty years. She investigated the motives behind the increasing development of projects on the water. With her work, architect Rost took part in the academic discourse in the International Doctoral Programme "Research Laboratory Space" (IDK). With her topic at the interface between architecture and landscape architecture, she made a valuable contribution to the framework topic "crossing borders - activating spaces" in the curriculum of the IDK 2017-2020.
Supervisors of the dissertation: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher (TUM), Prof. Dr. Michael Koch (HCU Hamburg).
The successful defence of the dissertation took place on Monday 04.07.2022 at 14:00 in Freising-Weihenstephan. Congratulations Amelie!
Concrete Canopy /// Exhibition now!

Within 24 hours, students at the LAT developed concepts for staging a space below the elevated Isarstraße in Freising. Final aim of the course was not a grand overall design, but an effective impulse for the so far abandoned city space.
The inspiring results are on display in the basement of the institute (building 4219) until July 27.
Presentation Master's Thesis Yuzhe Su

Pearl on silk
Transformation of Dagu shipyard industrial park, North China
In his master thesis, Yuzhe Su worked on transforming the former Dagu shipyard, in North China. His master thesis is based on finding and exposing the important historical and industrial features, and with his landscape structures and design he reactivates the area by giving it a new character, a new life.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc.
The presentation takes place on Thursday the 30th, June 2022 at 9:00 o'clock in E42.
Yuzhe will present his thesis in the first 30 minutes and then the discussion-round will be opened. We are looking forward to seeing all of you and hearing your comments.
New Book by Marcello Modica on Alpine Industrial Landscapes

We are thrilled to announce that the PhD dissertation at TUM by Marcello Modica, titled “Alpine Industrial Landscapes. Towards a New Approach for Brownfield Redevelopment in Mountain Regions”, is now published in Open Access by Springer Nature Group, in the Series “RaumFragen: Stadt – Region – Landschaft | SpaceAffairs: City – Region – Landscape”.
Congratulations Marcello from Udo Weilacher and your former colleagues, the whole LAT-Team!
Open Access (PDF / EPUB) and softcover copies available at https://lnkd.in/efTrRmnR.
Brief description:
This Open Access book presents a pioneering research on brownfield redevelopment in mountain regions, and specifically in the European Alps. The origins and causes, the actual conditions as well as the future challenges and potentials of mountain brownfields are investigated from an interdisciplinary yet landscape-centered perspective. Through the reasoned combination of research-by-design methods and case-study analysis, the book explores the infrastructural relevance of these sites for the specific mountain territory, while advancing an innovative structuralist-systemic approach for their physical and functional transformation. The book includes, among others, a first transnational geo-mapping of Alpine brownfields, whose impressive outcomes in terms of site numbers and distribution can only confirm the urgency of this research.
Post-Industrial Landscapes in the Greek-Mediterranean context

Antonia Koukouvelou had the opportunity to present her research topic at the 13th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies and Planning which took place in Athens, 30-31 May 2022. Antonia's research focuses on Greek post-industrial landscapes and on the challenge of their possible transformation. Urban and peri-urban brownfield's appearance in the Greek-Mediterranean context is a current phenomenon with strong implications for the landscape. The challenge of transforming these terrain vagues together with their browder context requires new visions and strategies to avoid typical solutions and succeed sustainable and long-lasting solutions.
Presentation Master's Thesis Shihui Liu

Nature as the structuring framework
Valorizing natural elements and Landscapes in urban fringe to the example in Carouge, Switzerland
In her master's thesis, Shihui Liu engaged herself with the Fontenette area in Carouge, Geneva. Her thesis aims to reconnect the site to the urban and social context by combining flexible and permanent frameworks and by applying specific strategies which she will reveal in her presentation.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc.
The presentation will take place on Thursday, 9th of June 2022 at 10:30 a.m. in E42.
Shihui Liu will present her thesis in the first 30 minutes and then the discussion-round will be opened. We are looking forward to seeing all of you and hearing your comments.
River Trialogues in Basel

Our master studio «River Trialogues» spent three days in Basel in order to analyse the site and get acquainted with the challenges of the region. During our excursion, the leader of the urban development department of the canton Basel-Stadt, Lucas Ott, and the Co-Director of Integrated Urban Solutions of Drees & Sommer, Haris Piplas, gave us a lecture on the challenges of the region and the possibilities of transformation. We thank them for their hospitality and the inspiring input. We are looking forward to welcoming them in Freising for our final presentations.
Presentation Master's Thesis Katharina Gorochow

FREIGANG - A design concept for the southwestern city entrance of Landshut and the JVA
In her master's thesis, Katharina Gorochow dealt with the Grieserwiese, located on the Isar River, and the nearby correctional facility in Landshut. The aim of her work is the urban integration of the closed and negatively connoted area of the JVA, the connection to the Isar, as well as the creation of a new gateway to the city center at the southwestern entrance.
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Martin Augenstein M.A.
The presentation will take place on Friday, Feb. 25, 2022 at 10 a.m. in the E42 and can also be followed via Zoom.
If you are interested, please contact Martin Augenstein martin.augenstein@tum.de
Winners selected: competition "Grünes Entrée"

Since the construction of the forestry centre in the 1990s, its grounds have been used as a temporary car park. The Centre Wald-Forst-Holz and our chair now called for proposals for the design of this western entrance to Campus Weihenstephan. A small group of students took on the task and provided a wide range of concepts and ideas.
Lisa Maria Hirschberger impressed the jury with her design "BRÜCKEN.SCHLAGEN" and received the 1st prize worth 1,000 €. Her work convinced with an intelligent answer to the competition goals: it provides space for movement, action and recreation creating a "green" place with a bridge as striking highlight.
Congrats to all prize-winners for their great entries and thanks to the jury and the Centre Wald-Forst-Holz for their collaboration and financial support!
All design proposals are currently exhibited in our studio E42 – come and visit!
Final presentations Master 'Movimento indefinito'

The final presentations of the master studio "Movimento indefinito' took place on Thursday, 10th February. Our students presented their work and proposed strategies to reactivate and transform the freight yard Porta Nuova in Verona, Italy.
All eight projects are exhibited in our chair (Room E42). We warmly invite you to visit us and have a look at the new strategies our student's propose and to let your self be surprised by the new visions for Verona.
Congratulations to all our students for their valuable work!
Final presentations Bachelor 'Safari traversale'

On Tuesday, 8th February, Students of the 5th and 7th semester in Bachelor 'Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning' presented their projects about the whole Campus area of Weihenstephan. Goal of their work was to develop a masterplan defining guidelines to secure, strengthen and expand valuable open space structures on Campus.
All projects are exhibited at our chair (Room E42). We warmly invite you all to attend our exhibition and to discover diverse visions for our "green" campus.
Congratulations to all our students!
Presentations of the studio results

From February 8 to 11, the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation will present the projects of the winter semester 2021/2022 and cordially invites all interested parties to participate via ZOOM.
Tuesday, 08.02.2022
“Safari traversale – Eine Semesterreise zur Zukunft des Weihenstephaner Campus“
Project Landscape Architecture 5./7. Semester Bachelor
guest critics: Professor Dr. Monika Egerer, TUM Professur for Urbane Produktive Ökosysteme
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt, Stadtplanungsamt Freising
8:30 – 12:00 AM and 1:30 - 5:00 PM
for Zoom-login-data please contact Lynn Hennies: Lynn.hennies[at]tum.de
Thursday, 10.02.2022
„Movimento indefinito“
Masterproject Landscape Architecture
guest critics: Lorenzo Migliorati (University of Bergamo), Gianluca Lanfranchi (University of Bologna), Roberto Carollo (Comune di Verona)
11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
for Zoom-login-data please contact Antonia Koukouvelou: antonia.koukouvelou[at]tum.de
Friday, 11.02.2022
“Farbwechsel – Die Parkmeile Neuperlach-Neubiberg“
Projekt Landscape Architecture 1; 1st Semester Bachelor
guest critic: Susanne Brittinger, Landeshauptstadt München
9:00 – 12:40 AM and 2:00 - 6:00 PM
for Zoom-login-data please contact Martin Augenstein: martinaugenstein[at]tum.de
Andreas Nütten defends his dissertation

Landscape metropolis. Design of a landscape-based polycentrix city model.
In seiner Dissertation an der TUM nimmt sich Andreas Nütten der Entwicklung eines neuen Stadtmodells an, das den Charakteristika von polyzentrisch strukturierten, wenig dicht besiedelten Metropopregionen zukünftig besser gerecht werden soll als die existierenden, traditionell geprägten Stadtmodelle. Nütten hat seine Forschungsfragen im Rahmen des Internationalen Doktorandenkollegs "Forschungslabor Raum" mit dem Rahmenthema „Entwicklung europäischer Metropolregionen“ (2007-2011) entwickelt und schlägt mit seiner interdisziplinär angelegten Arbeit eine Brücke zwischen den Disziplinen Architektur- Landschaftsarchitektur- Stadt- und Regionalplanung.
Betreuer der Dissertation: Prof. Dr. Michael Koch (HCU Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher (TUM)
The defence of the dissertation will take place on Februar 14, 2022 at 2 pm (hybrid): live in Freising-Weihenstephan (2G rules apply) und online via Zoom. Please contact the LAT secretary for additional information.
Carina Brandl awarded the bdla-Nachwuchspreis
Für ihre hervorragende Master-Thesis ABHÄNGEN ERLAUBT (?) am LAT wurde Carina Brandl Ende Januar mit dem bdla Nachwuchspreis 2021 ausgezeichnet. In ihrer Arbeit beschäftigt sich Carina Brandl mit einer Nutzergruppe, die im Planungsprozess öffentlicher Freiräume noch immer zu wenig beachtet wird: Jugendliche in der Stadt.
Auf über 120 Seiten beleuchtet sie den aktuellen Diskurs zu Jugendgerechtigkeit und Adultismus und untersucht kritisch die tatsächlichen Auswirkungen des nationalen Aktionsplanes für mehr Jugendgerechtigkeit auf die Gestaltung urbaner Parks und Freiflächen in den vergangenen 10 Jahren am Beispiel der Stadt Nürnberg. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse nutzt die Absolventin zur Erstellung eines planerisch-entwerferischen Leitfadens, der zukünftig als Orientierungshilfe für Planer*innen bei der jugendgerechten Planung oder Sanierung öffentlicher Freiräume dienen kann. Carina Brandl beweist durch ihre umfassende, wissenschaftlich fundierte Masterthesis ihre Befähigung zur professionellen, theoriegeleiteten Arbeit in der Landschaftsarchitektur, behält den Bezug zur planerischen Praxis dabei stets im Auge und leistet somit einen relevanten Beitrag für den Dialog auf Augenhöhe zwischen Planer*innen und Jugendlichen.
Wir gratulieren herzlich zu ihrem Erfolg!
The 'LOST & FOUND' mountains have moved

A "compact version" of our exhibition can be visited from 25.01.2022 till 25.03.2022 in Weihenstephan (Emil-Ramann-Str. 6). For a thorough explanation of the exhibits, the Information-Video is now available.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the University and receive your comments.
Melissa Apolaya: Bridging the Gap ... in Peru

"Bridging the Gap. The walk as an intercultural participatory practice for landscape design" is the title of Melissa Apolaya's master thesis.
The student spent several months in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Cusco, Peru, where an experimental analysis strategy, the "experimental walk" was tested with the Andean community of Patacancha in the district of Ollantaytambo. The aim of her work was to find out, how a better communication between foreign landscape architects and the local inhabitants can be developed for better planning results. This daring experiment did not take a foreseeable course ...
Coaches: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Dipl.-Ing. Nicole Meier
Presentation of the thesis on Wednesday, February 2nd 2022 at 4 pm (online via Zoom)
Buchrezensionen der Studierenden veröffentlicht!

Jeweils im Sommersemester schreiben Master-Studierende am LAT kritische Buchbesprechungen im Rahmen der "wissenschaftlichen Schreibwerkstatt". Neuerdings werden die kurzen Rezensionen auch online im Blog der Fachzeitschrift Garten + Landschaft im Netz publiziert. Allen studentischen Autor*innen Glückwunsch zu diesem Erfolg!
LOST & FOUND exhibition ... now hosted in Weihenstephan

The exhibition LOST & Found was officially opened on the 1st of December, 2021 at the Immatrikulationshalle in TU Munich (Archisstrasse 21) and ended on January 18, 2022. Thank you very much to all visitors of the show! NOW (January 25th 2022) you can visit the "compact" version of the exhibition in Weihenstephan, hosted by LAT.
A lot of people appreciate the Alps as an attractive natural and leisure landscape, but only a few are aware that the Alps are intensively used for industrial purposes, especially through heavy industry. Due to global structural change in industrial production over the last years, hundreds of steel, chemical and concrete industries have been falling into disuse and created complex challenges to neighbouring communities. Is it possible to integrate again the industrial brownfields into the alpine (cultural) landscape in a meaningful way?
In the exhibition hall, the visitors saw the results of the three-year international research project trAILs, which was funded by the Interreg Alpine Space Program of the EU, on the planning approach to disused industrial sites in the Alpine region. Also on display were numerous planning and design projects by students who, in recent years, have been studying at the TUM Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation on the sustainable conversion of inner-alpine industrial areas. Formerly thought as lost industrial wastelands, now they find their new purpose and become part of an alpine cultural landscape.
Here you'll find the recording of the opening event from December 1st, 2021: video
The exhibition teaser is presented here: teaser video
Exchange around the campfire

Within the Bachelor project "Safari traversale" students invited inhabitants, employees and other students, who live around the project area, on the Campus of Weihenstephan to have a casual talk around the campfire. The goal of the meeting was to discuss about the wishes and concerns of all different user groups of the campus. A small group of interested people came to the meeting, defying the low temperatures and explained to the students their perspective about the site which now must be considered in the further development of the campus.
Bachelor- und Master Graduation

We congratulate all our Bachelor and Master graduates who successfully presented their theses in 2019-2020-2021. We wish you all the best for your future!
Läufft wieder – Gero Engeser presents his Master's thesis

On Thursday, 21.10.21 at 10:30 a.m. Gero Engeser will present his thesis on the topic: "Transformation of the former textile factory Lauffenmühle in Lörrach-Brombach using principals of the circular economy". He intends to transform the factory site into a mixed-use urban quarter and improve the quality of the floodplain of the river Wiese. For this purpose, existing landscape structures will be transformed into public open spaces. During the transformation, the concept of the circular economy will be integrated in order to likewise improve the area economically and socially in the long run.
We invite you to attend the presentation either in room U1 or via Zoom. For Zoom details, please write an email to Lynn Hennies.
Our projects for this winter semester are online!

>>> Movimento indefinito <<<
Transformation of an ex railway yard in Verona, IT
(Master's project)
>>> Safari traversale <<<
Eine Semesterreise zur Zukunft des Weihenstephaner Campus
(Bachelor's project 7th semester)
>>> Farbwechsel <<<
Die Parkmeile Neuperlach-Neubiberg
(Bachelor's project 1st semester)
>>> Grünes Entrée <<<
Student competition on the western campus entrance in FS-Weihenstephan
(Short term design BSc/MA)
Of Salt Works and Youth Justice - two master's thesis presentations
Xiaoxiao Liu is dealing with the transformation of saltworks coping with climate change in coastal tourism space in Nin, Croatia. Facing the threat of sea level rise, her thesis and her design is focusing on the question how salt pans as an important cultural memory can be continued and at the same time be protected as a rare wetland habitat and multi-salinity ecosystem.
In her master’s thesis “Hanging out allowed (?)” Carina Brandl used the example of the city of Nuremberg to find out how suitable public open spaces for young people are 10 years after the national action plan for more youth justice. Her work gives interesting insights in the specific needs of young people regarding public open spaces.
We look forward to their online presentations on Thursday, September 30th, 2021. Xiaoxiao Liu will start at 10 AM (Online) and Carina Brandl at 11 AM (in presence; U1). We invite interested parties to attend! Both presentations can be watched online via zoom.
If you are interested, please contact Martin Augenstein (martin.augenstein[at]tum.de).
FROM MUNICH TO SAVANNAH - Presentation Master's Thesis

In her master's thesis "From Munich to Savannah," Vera Donata Wesinger studied the travel descriptions of the Bavarian court gardener Wilhelm Christian Bischoff (1797-1881). Part of her work included transcribing and analyzing the unpublished original manuscripts. She compared her findings with the theses of the American landscape gardener Andrew Jackson Downing (1815 - 1852) to show differences in the European and American perception of the American landscape. In addition, the travel reports provide interesting insightes on the wide-ranging horizon of Bischoff.
The work was done in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Iris Lauterbach of the Central Institute of Art History in Munich.
We look forward to her online presentation on Monday, September 13, 2021 at 11 AM and invite interested parties to attend!
If you are interested, please contact Martin Augenstein (augenstein[at]lai.ar.tum.de).
THE SHOPPING OUTLET. Presentation Master's Thesis

In her master's thesis, Alexandra Grama is dealing with the artificial open spaces of shopping outlets. She wanted to find out whether the open space of a factory outlet center contributes to stress reduction and psychological well-being, or is merely part of a green marketing strategy.
We cordially invite to her online presentation on Wednesday July 28, 2021 at 11 am.
If interested, please contact Martin Augenstein (augenstein[at]lai.ar.tum.de).
Doctor's thesis by Marcello Modica

On July 9th 2021, Marcello Modica defended his doctor's thesis entitled “ALPINE INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPES. Towards a new approach for brownfield redevelopment in mountain regions”. The research started in 2017 at the TUM Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes and focused on the emerging planning challenge of transforming and redeveloping industrial brownfield sites in the Alpine region. By assuming an holistic landscape approach, and strongly relying on fieldwork and research-by-design, the dissertation provides a first, grounded interpretation of this complex spatial phenomena, as well as an operative methodology to address it.
Supervisor 1: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher (TU Munich)
Supervisor 2: Prof. Dr. Siedentop (TU Dortmund)
Chair of examination board: Prof. Dr. Schoebel-Rutschmann (TU Munich)
Congratulations Marcello and all the best for the future!

Final presentations of the Master studio SS 2021

The interdisciplinary master studio ‘Waiting lands lab’ came to an end on Tuesday 13th of July. Four Labs presented their work and proposed strategies to activate the ‘waiting lands’ of the newly founded campus of Nuremberg. All labs focused on social, economic, ecological and climate aspects and tried to find ways to create a smooth and sustainable transition from a ‘no-use’ land to a fully functioning and lively space.
All four projects are exhibited in our chair for a short time (room E42). We warmly invite you to have a look and study this different way of dealing with a constantly changing site. E-community strategies, productive lands, sense of belonging, interaction, sustainability and production were some of the themes that students tackled on.
Congratulations to all students for their work!
Online project presentations

The final events of this summer semester 2021 are due to take place. We look forward to welcoming many guests at the online project presentations!
TUESDAY, 13.07.21
Master's project landscape architecture
„waiting lands lab“
The interdisciplinary Master studio investigated strategies for the spatial development of the newly founded
TU Nuremberg campus.
Collaboration: Chair of Sustainable Urbanism, Professor Mark Michaeli
For Zoom access data, please contact Antonia Koukouvelou
FRIDAY, 16.07.21
Presentation Bachelor's thesis
The students developed visions for the future of the thermal power plant Berlin-Moabit.
For Zoom access data, please contact Martin Augenstein
MONDAY, 19.07.21 and TUESDAY, 20.07.21
Bachelorprojekt 4. Semester
The integrated urban design studio for students of landscape architecture and architecture in the 4th semester dealt with a site in the north of Munich. On a currently vacant plot within the new quarter at Domagkpark, a 'power bar' was to be designed and integrated: A hybrid of multifunctional building and open space.
Collaboration: Chair of Sustainable Urbanism, Professor Mark Michaeli
For Zoom access data, please contact Lynn Hennies
ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Presentation Master's Thesis
In her Master's Thesis Amelie Kessler draws the focus to the urban airspace:
In "ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Bridges as an instrument for increasing public open
space in German city centers" she explores new ways to remedy the lack of space in urban centers and proposes a concrete intervention for the Altstadtring in Munich.
We are looking forward to her online-presentation on May 19, 2021 at 11:00 and invite everyone who is interested to join in!
For the zoom access data please send an email to Lynn Hennies.

The Egyptian researcher, Dr. Sara Fouad is awarded with a Georg Forster Research Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to work scientifically at the TUM in 2021/2022 on the topic "Historic Veins. Between Regeneration and Termination". Dr. Fouad developed together with Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher her research proposal and arrived on May 1st at TUM in order to start with her work, hosted by the Chair for Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes (LAI).
In her work, the junior researcher from Alexandria examines how to successfully maintain and reuse old and currently endangered industrial channels in Egypt. Therefore, she carries out comparative studies on corresponding transformation projects in Germany. The aim of the research work is not only to develop a scientific knowledge base for the preservation of Egypt's industrial heritage. In addition, a methodology is to be developed to secure and strengthen the "blue infrastructure" of Egypt in the interest of the ecological, economic and social development of the country.
With her research project, Dr. Fouad contributes to the development of her home country and to the exchange of knowledge and methods between Germany and Egypt.
We are delighted to welcome Sara at the LAI!
Projects and seminars in the summer semester 2021
Together with the chair of sustainable urbanism, the Master's studio will work on the newly founded campus of Nuremberg University of Technology. In the interdisciplinary Master's studio "waiting lands lab", students of urbanism, architecture and landscape architecture will collaborate to develop strategies for the future urban and landscape architectural structure of the site. Our Master's studio will engage with themes such as new teaching and learning, soil and dynamics, climate and sustainability, time and natural processes. Further information can be accessed here.
The integrated urban design studio for students of landscape architecture and architecture in the 4th semester of the Bachelor's degree will deal with a site in the north of Munich under the title "POWER BAR+". More information is available here.
Harry Dobrzanski is offering Freehand Drawing II this summer semester (more info here), and as a replacement for the cancelled course in the winter semester, Albert Gründel will also practice freehand drawing and perspective outdoors with you this summer (more details here).
For students in the Master's program, Professor Weilacher offers the Writing Laboratory Landscape Architecture and Nicole Meier the seminar Profiles of international Landscape Architecture. More information is available here.
The initially planned student competition in Unterschleißheim has to be postponed due to organizational issues. We hope to launch it in the coming winter semester.

The online-symposium LOST & FOUND - a big success!
More than 370 people registered for the participation in the online symposium LOST & FOUND on March 1st and 2nd 2021. This shows the high relevance of the trAILs reserach project as well as the international interest in discussing the problem of brownfield transformation in mountain regions. The 160 pages project report will be made available for free to all registered participants.
We would like to thank all our partners, the speakers and participants for two days filled with profound input and stimulating discussions!
The symposium marked the end of a 3-year Interreg research project on the transformation of industrial brownfields in the Alps, led by the chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes.
Details on the research project and collected material of the symposium are available here:
>>> LOST & FOUND documentation<<<
And there is more to come…
We are already looking forward to the LOST & FOUND exhibition taking place from 29.11.-23.12.2021 in the Immatriculation Hall in Munich!
LOST & FOUND. International online-Symposium trAILs
The online-symposium LOST & FOUND on March 1st and 2nd 2021 marked the end of a 3-year Interreg research project on the transformation of industrial brownfields in the Alps, led by the chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes (Interreg Homepage)
More than 370 participants registered for the event. Thank you all!
About the project
In the Alps, de-industrialization is leaving behind former productive landscapes of impressive size and complexity: Alpine Industrial Landscapes (AILs). Between 2018 and 2021, ten project partners generated significant knowledge about these brownfields, developing and testing sustainable transformation strategies. The multidisciplinary approach of trAILs combined expertise in spatial and landscape planning, socio-economic sciences and ecologic restoration while cooperating with local communities in Austria, Italy, France and Slovenia. trAILs wants to support local and regional stakeholders in the complex process of sustainable brownfield transformation.
The program of the symposium
At the symposium, starting on Monday, March 1st at 1:30 pm (via ZOOM), the specific approach of the trAILs project was presented and discussed with experts and project partners from renowned European research and planning institutions. The aim was to share knowledge and experiences in order to deepen the understanding for the challenge of transforming industrial areas, embedded in the unique landscape of the Alps.
Evening Lectures (online via Zoom)
Monday, March 1st, 07:00 pm:
Professor Dr. Ellen Braae (University of Copenhagen): Transforming large industrial landscapes
Tuesday, March 2nd, 07:00 pm:
Professor em. Dr. Bernd Scholl (ETH Zurich): Test Planning. From Theory to practice
Download the detailed program > LOST & FOUND program <
trAILs Project Handbook available

This new book is the result of stimulating and successful team cooperation within the 3-year research project trAILs and the authors want to encourage regional and local actors and stakeholders to get started and take the conversion of brownfield sites into their own hands. The publication allows an excellent insight into the multidisciplinary working process, arranged between international partners in research and planning.
The printed version of this publication will be available soon.
Master graduate Xiaozhen Li awarded

The master's thesis "BREAKING THE ISLAND. Application of Structuralism using the example of the former oil harbour in Karlskrona, Sweden" by Xiaozhen Li (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher) was not only graded 1.0, but also recently awarded the Young Talent Award 2020 of the Federation of German Landscape Architects Bavaria (bdla Bayern).
The jury's verdict reads: "Xiaozhen Li succeeds in an exemplary manner in critically addressing current problems, such as rising sea levels in times of climate change, and their effects on port cities such as Karlskrona. In her detailed, scientifically consolidated report, the student also deals with problems such as the structural change of industrial cities. ...] With her outstanding Master's thesis, Xiaozhen Li proves her ability to carry out professional design work within the framework of complex problems in landscape architecture - not only nationally, but also internationally.
Congratulations on this great success!
Mountains in the Making

The preparations for the final exhibition of the trAILs research project next year in the Immatrikulationshalle at TUM City Campus have started. The LAI team spent two busy days in the model workshop, finishing the first mountain modules for the “Alpine invasion”.
Interview with Professor Dr. Thomas Hofmann - President of TUM

After 150 days in office, the President of TUM, Professor Dr. Thomas Hofmann answered to questions by Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher, who interviewed him for the new edition "nodium" at the Chair for Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape.
The President reacted very openly on questions about the future importance of landscape architecture and planning at TUM and described the balance he sees as trend-setting between specialization and cross-sectional orientation in research and teaching. The conception of the new TUM Schools was discussed as well as the necessary paradigm shift in science in view of the experience that the one-sided technological access to the complex-dynamic system Earth turns out to be extremely problematic. President Hofmann, who was a guest in the Weihenstephan "Landscape Building" for the first time, was particularly impressed by the cross-sectional design methodology and the complex results of the project study in the course of a tour through the exhibited semester works by Landscape architecture students: "Project studies will be a key element in the reform of teaching."
The full interview will be available in the new issue of "nodium", the magazine of the Alumni Club Landschape of the TU Munich, which will be published at the end of April 2020. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Alumni Club Landschaft at the TU Munich: www.acl.wzw.tum.de

Xiya Sun Thesis presentation: From Urban Void to Urban Catalyst

With an application of phenomenal transparency
Charleroi’s territory in Belgium is widely known for its industrial mining history and the outdated image of Le Pays Noir. Different waves of transformation resulted into the surreal landscape in which industrial land, urban tissue and green-blue elements are constantly mixed. The thesis refers to the theory “phenomenal transparency” as a supplement for analysis and design for landscape architecture design to evoke new spatial territories that improve our sensory experiences and respond to the temporal quality of the landscape.
20th February 2019 9:30 am Room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising
Presentation is open to join!
trAILs workshop in L’Argentière-la-Bessée/F

On February 11th-12th-13th, the trAILs project team met in L’Argentière-la-Bessée (Hautes-Alpes) for the third test-design workshop on the former Pechiney site. The workshop aims to identify, together with local and regional stakeholders and observers, a set of agreed key planning elements for the future development of the site. The first day was dedicated to review and discuss the thematic assessments produced by the scientific partners and to prepare the interdisciplinary working groups. On the second day, around 20 stakeholders and observers joined the project team to share their insights on the future transformation of the site, and thus to address relevant and concrete planning issues. The last day was dedicated as usual to an internal methodological feedback round and to wrap-up the workshop results in preparation of the next steps.
Presentations of the studio results - winter term 2019/2020

At the end of January, beginning of February the results of the design studios from the winter semester 2019/2020 will be presented. The Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape invites all that are interested to participate in the events.
THURSDAY, 30.01.2020
Master Project Landscape Architecture
„Projecting Münichtal 2020+ Post industrial transformation of a former blast furnace site in Eisenerz, Austria“
1:00 – 06:00 pm, room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising
Guest: Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard, ETH Zürich, Harvard Graduate School, Cambridge, USA
FRIDAY, 31.01.2020
Bachelor Project 4th year Landscape Architecture
„Eisenerz lässt tief blicken Entwicklungskonzepte am Rande des Tagesbaus in Eisenerz - AT“
09:00 am–04:00 pm, room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising
Guest: Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard, ETH Zürich, Harvard Graduate School, Cambridge, USA
FRIDAY, 07.02.2020
Bachelor Project 1st year Landscape Architecture
„Parkmeile Olympiapark - Angerlohe Entwürfe für die Entwicklung eines Grünzugs im Nordwesten Münchens“
in Cooperation with Prof. Stephan Pauleit, Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Management der Landschaftsentwicklung
9:30 am–04:45 pm, room U3, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising
Guest: Robert Schätzle, Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung
HA II/54 Grünplanung für Bezirk West
Dissertation of Dr. Sonia Gantioler published

The Right to Ecological Space in the City
Operationalising Green Infrastructure as Strategic Urban Planning Concept for a Just Access With Lessons Learnt from Vienna and Munich
On december 16th the doctoral thesis of Dr. Sonia Gantioler was published by tum university press and is now available as print via Hugendubel or Lehmanns
Increasing socio-economic inequalities, biodiversity loss and urban transformations potentially aggravate spatial disparities within cities and favour unequal access to nature, with adverse effects on the quality of life of their inhabitants. The thesis develops a conceptual and action model for the strategic planning of 'Green Infrastructure' (GI), which aims at a just access to ecological space in the city. The model forms the basis of an analysis carried out in Vienna and Munich, and indicates potential interventions at two levels: First taking into due consideration GI integration before development takes place and a renewed discussion on basic needs and urban green area qualities with regard to GI?s physical shaping. Second the importance of developing adequate governance capabilities, particularly in relation to property entitlements and political, economic and articulation powers.
Christmas Lecture by Professor emeritus Peter Latz

Professor emeritus Peter Latz has decisively influenced the contemporary landscape architecture by the transformation and cultural valorisation of post-industrial landscapes. But he is firmly convinced that not everything has to be reinvented, but reinterpreted and the historical repertoire and knowledge of garden history are decisive for this, for otherwise "you only risk reinventing the wheel, and in the end you even believe you've created something new.”
Peter Latz sees many connections between modern times and the Renaissance: A time of social upheaval and technological progress, which also affects garden architecture. In his lecture on 20 December, Peter Latz will deal with these influences and connections.
20th December 2019, 15:00 am Room U3, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising
Lecture is open to join!
Xiaozhen Li Master Thesis presentation: Breaking the Island

Application of Structuralism to the example of the former oil harbour in Karlskrona
The naval city of Karlskrona, located in Sweden’s southernmost archipelago, plays a vital role throughout Swedish history. Based on the Structuralism approach, Li Xiaozhen abstracted three significant layers: land morphology, the ocean, and the city center. The additional industrial layer breaks this original structural relationships and leading to its unintelligibility. The Master Thesis investigates with landscape architecture design, how the relationships could be reestablished to regain the identity for both the site and the city.
16th December 2019 11:00 am Room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising
Presentation is open to join!
trAILs meeting in the Hautes-Alpes/F

On 21-22 November the trAILs team met in the Haute Durance valley, in the French Alps, to visit the two brownfield sites of L’Argentière-la-Bessée and La-Roche-de-Rame. On the first day, the morning was dedicated to the field exploration of the two disused sites, enriched by the knowledge and guidance of local representatives and experts. In the afternoon, an intensive roundtable discussion focused on the challenges connected to the sites revitalization took place in the Cultural Foyer of the Town Hall of L’Argentière, joined by the project team and local/regional representatives, among which the Mayors of L’Argentière and La-Roche and the President of the Community of municipalities Pays des Ecrins, as well as by the Region SUD (a project observer). The next meeting in the French pilot region will be the planning workshop with stakeholders and experts, taking place again in L’Argentière on 11-12-13 February 2020. Preparation has already started!
Happy Birthday Peter Latz

For the eightieth birthday of Peter Latz, Emeritus of Excellence TUM, the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape of Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher invited to a celebration in the glass house on 14th of November. Together with long-time friends, colleagues and students, Prof. em. Peter Latz was honored for his work at the Technical University of Munich. The celebration began with a glass house discussion entitled "Renaissance Reloaded", in which the Emeritus and the students discussed his nine central questions on the Renaissance, its influence on his work and its transferability to future challenges.
think open spaces properly - in the Munich Region

The LAI supported this year's 5th Regional Housing Conference of the Munich Region on Nov 12th. Jonas Bellingrodt was invited as an expert at the roundtable discussion “think open spaces properly" to give relevant impulses based on best practice examples. For the first time, the subject of open space development, in addition to the topics "Investing in Mobility" and " Commitment in housing construction" with all relevant institutions from politics, administration and economy, was explored and the importance underlined. The demand that open space and landscape development as an identity generator and as requirement for a high standard of living, especially in times of climate change, should go first for other planning options has been adressed.
Results of the student competition Bründl-Park Puchheim

Eight drafts for the Bründl-Park in Puchheim were submitted to the LAI in the summer term 2019. The background of the task was the legacy of the photographer Tamara Bründl, who died in 2012 and gave her real estate to a civic foundation with the aim of making it accessible to the citizens of Puchheim as a public garden. In a student competition, supervised by Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher and Martin Augenstein, 13 students of landscape architecture at the Technical University of Munich developed their designs. On Thursday, 24 October, the results were shown to the public directly on site, and the prize winners were announced:
1st prize: "Puchheim öffne dich" by Lotte Lehner and Christine Wegscheider
2nd prize: "Exseed" by Christoph Friedrich and Vincent Wenk
3rd prize: "poc - puchheim outdoor culture" by Amelie Kessler
Recognition: "Die Markante" by Julia Treichel and Rafael Stutz
We thank all participants for their exciting contributions and congratulate the winners on their placements.
trAILs workshop in Borgo San Dalmazzo/I

On September 25-26-27, the trAILs project team met in Valdieri, at the headquarters of the Regional Park “Alpi Marittime”, for the second test-design workshop on the former Italcementi site of Borgo San Dalmazzo. The workshop aims to develop, together with local and regional stakeholders and observers, a strategic vision for the future of the site as well as for the surrounding region. The first day was dedicated to review the thematic assessments produced by the project scientific partners and to present the video-interviews done by University of Verona and the students projects from TUM and Politecnico di Milano. On the second day, 26 stakeholders and observers from the region joined the project team to share their insights on the future transformation of the site and thus to address relevant and concrete planning issues. The last day was dedicated to an internal methodological evaluation and to the identification of the main outputs to be then transferred to the stakeholders.
Key note at the Beijing Forestry University

Udo Weilacher will present a key lecture at the International Landscape Architects Symposium — Resilient landscapes, sponsored by Beijing Forestry University (BFU), Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA), will be held in BFU from 12th to 13th October 2019. The symposium this year will focus on the frontier academic, with the theme of "resilient landscape", covering three main topics: “Human settlement environment system based on water conservancy system; structure, transition and restoration of coastal ecosystem; and transformation of coastal bay areas and delta areas”. Leading experts and scholars in the landscape architecture field worldwide.
Chair celebrates 10th anniversary

10 years ago, Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher was appointed to the Technical University of Munich and with the support of his team established the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape (LAI), based on the pioneering work of Professor Peter Latz. This anniversary and the publication of the new book "insites 2014-2019" was celebrated together with students and colleagues in the garden of the Institute of Landscape Architecture in Freising-Weihenstephan on July 24th 2019! For the excellent cooperation in recent years, the LAI team would like to thank all partners in research and teaching!
trAILs meeting in Borgo San Dalmazzo/I

On 27-28 June the trAILs team met in Borgo San Dalmazzo for the site visit on the Italian pilot. On the first day, the project team guided by Gianpaolo Beretta, the Mayor of Borgo San Dalmazzo, and Daniela Risso, a local expert and planner, explored by foot the Italcementi site surroundings and by bus the Gesso valley. After a refreshing lunch on the panoramic top of the Monserrato hill, overlooking the Italcementi site, the team moved to the city hall of Borgo San Dalmazzo for an intensive and fruitful roundtable session with key local stakeholders, such as the Mayor of Valdieri and the head of urban planning of Borgo San Dalmazzo, besides the two representatives already met in the morning tour. The roundtable helped the project partners to deepen their knowledge of the context and to get aware of the most important challenges related to the future of the cement plant site. The second and last day was dedicated to an internal project meeting, in which the next steps on the Italian pilot site foreseen within WP 2 and 3 have been planned and reviewed. The second meeting in Borgo San Dalmazzo will be the test-design workshop, taking place on 25-26-27 September 2019.
Xiang Lin presents: FROM BACKYARD TO FRONTYARD (Master's Thesis)

Reorganization of the post-industrial Grand Port in Bègles, Bordeaux Metropolis
13th of June 2019 11:00 am Room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising
“From Backyard to Frontyard” introducing the strategy of Urban Agriculture as the infrastructure to thecity transformation, with the concept of Agricultural Park for reorganization of post-industrial site inGrand Port, Begles. Project is dealing with the problem of urban flooding and storm, at the meanwhileconsidering the potential risk about food insecurity of the city in the future. Urban agriculture systempossess ecological function, social attraction and economic contribution, which could provide newlandscape and lifestyle in the city."
Presentation is open to join!
International Doctoral College - Flying Visit Strasbourg

The main focus "Crossing Borders" led the international doctoral college spatial research lab in the German French Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau. The research trip, which was organized by Markus Neppl KIT Karlsruhe, focused on the cross-border spatial and urban planning of this region. The college was a guest at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg (ENSAS). They met representatives of the French urban development agency ADEUS, as well as of the city planning department of Strasbourg. The perspective was completed by the german architect Matthias Stippich, who as a long term engagement with the development of the region Ortenau. Under the title Fablabing the Cherrycake - he reported on the planing culture of the region in the digital age.
Excursion in L'Argentière-la-Bessée (French Alps)

On May 15-18, a team of Master students from the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes visited the town of L'Argentière-la-Bessée (Briançon, Hautes-Alpes), home of the former Pechiney aluminium works, the French pilot site of the EU project trAILs. An intensive on-site analysis allowed the students to draft some first transformation concepts for the area. These have been presented, shared and discussed with local project partners (Thomas Kleitz and Claire Baradez from CAUE 84) and regional stakeholders (CAUE 05, Communauté de communes Pays des Ecrins, municipalities of L'Argentière and La-Roche-de-Rame). The team also get the chance to visit another key brownfield site of the region, the disused MG Industries calcium factory in La-Roche-de-Rame. The final design projects for the Pechiney site will be integrated in the trAILs French test-design workshop, foreseen for February 2020 again in L’Argentière.
Guest lecture - Daniel Röhr - University of British Columbia - living roofs as storm water management

Guest lecture on Tuesday, 28th May 2019, 11:30 am, Lecture Hall 1080 (August Föppl Lecture Hall) in Munich
Daniel Roehr Daniel is Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver. He teaches at the School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture and specializes in integrating residential rooftops as part of a holistic rainwater management system with the Greenskins Lab research group at UBC. Daniel Roehr is co-author of the book "Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems" (Routledge 2015). In over 20 years he has practiced in Europe, North America and Asia. From 1995 to 2000 he was project architect of the award-winning green roof project of Daimler-Chrysler at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Before moving to Vancouver, he ran his own company in Berlin from 1999 to 2007 and founded a company in Shanghai in 2004.
Work in Progress - Doctoral College in Dortmund

Dortmund, on the edge of the Ruhr metropolis with 5 million inhabitants, was the venue of the 5th Doctoral Week (25.-29.03.2019) of the Doktorandenkolleg Forschungslabor Raum. Host Prof. Dr Stefan Siedentop of the ILS Research Institute for Regional- and Urban Development presented current urban development projects in the Ruhr region. In addition to the intensive examination of the research work of the doctoral students, the renaturation of the Emscher, and the development of the Phoenix area were part of the program.
Presentations of the studio results - winter term 2018 / 2018

At the beginning of February, the results of the design studios from the winter semester 2018/19 will be presented. The Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape invites all that are interested to participate in the events.
Bachelor Project 7th Semester Landscape Architecture:
„italcementi - Borgo San Dalmazzo, Italien“
monday, 4th Febrauary 2019, 1.30 pm–6 pm, room E42
guest reviewer: Prof. Adriana Ghersi (Universität Genua) (angefragt),
Gastprof. Silvia Benedito von der Harvard University, Graduate School of DesignSWITZERLAND – winter term 2018/19
Master Project Landscape Architecture:
„agglomeraid + // design studio regio frauenfeld I ch“
In Cooperation with Mark Michaeli Chair for Sustainable Urbanism
tuesday,05th February 2019, 11 am – 6:00 pm, Vorhoelzer Forum , Arcisstr. 21, Munich
guest reviewer: Brigitte Fürer (Regio Frauenfeld), Dr. Andrea Näf-Clasen (Kantonsplanerin Thurgau),
Anders Stokholm (Stadtpräsident Frauenfeld), Matthias Müller (Gemeindepräsident Gachnang),
Stefan Angst (Werkverwalter Gachnang), Hanspeter Zehnder (Gemeindepräsident Hüttwilen),
Jacqueline Müller (Gemeindepräsidentin Pfyn)
Bachelor Project 2nd Semester Landscape Architecture „Parkmeile Grünes Band Ost“
friday, 08th February 2019, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm, room U3
guest reviewer: Philipp Königer, Stadtplanungsamt München
trAILs meeting in Eisenerz/A

On January 24th-25th the whole trAILs team met in Leoben-Eisenerz for the first site visit to the Austrian pilot site.
On the first day, we reached Eisenerz and explored the former blast furnace site Münichtal with the support of local stakeholders (site owners and Mayor of Eisenerz). Many useful informations and insights about the site conditions and the development challenges in the region were gained. Some project partners already performed some on-site activities, such as UniVerona, whose team recorded and filmed interviews with local stakeholders and representatives of the community.
On the second day we had an indoor meeting at the Kunsthalle Leoben. In the first session, scientific partners presented their approaches and methods for the site assessment (WP T2), while in the second session we had a small workshop in which we explored together the connections between the proposed methods and assessed, with the help of regional partners, their relevance and feasibility. The first communication materials such as posters and flyers were also presented and distributed to everybody for own promotional activities.
International Doctoral College - Flying Visit Marokko

Casablanca a metropolitan area with 6 million inhabitants was the destination of the research trip of the Doktoral College Spatial research lab. Led by Undine Giseke TU Berlin, the doctoral students have maped the cycles of foodproduction and consumption in the urban rural nexus of the North African economic engine. Under the City without Slums program, informal settlements are being replaced by new housing developments. As a result, the city is rapidly spreads in into the highly productive agricultural belt of the surrounding area. How the integration of an urban agriculture can be successful was an integral topic of the trip.
LAI Master Thesis - winner of the 10th edition URBAN-PROMOGIOVANI

Landscape architect Jonathan Stimpfle was honored with the international jury award of the Urban Promogiovani X Competition 2018 for his master's thesis "ringlocpark", a design for the reuse of the Augsburg Railway depot, supervised at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape of the Technical University of Munich. Congratulations!
On the homepage of the Italian promoter urbanpromo, carried by the Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica und Urbanistica Italiana, they announce:"X URBAN-PROMOGIOVANI AWARD is a cultural event aimed to nurture the learning experience of talented students from any Higher Education Institution worldwide -in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Design, Realestate-, who are developing learning outcomes within the subject area of urban regeneration and urban transformation.“
Further information you finde here:
2018 International Conference on Designed Ecologies in China

Fuzhou University, Peking University and University of Copenhagen are organizing an international conference on the relationship between design and ecology in Fuzhou/ China 15th to 17th of November 2018. Invited by Professor Dr. Kongian Yu, Udo Weilacher will present a key lecture.
With increasing sustainable challenges worldwide, landscape practices need to pay more understanding of the functions and values of complex eco-system while further perfecting the relationships between design praxis and scientific research of ecology. The idea of “Design with Nature” proposed by McHarg is fundamentally important though it executed design as a process to follow nature passively. In fact, design practice can work as an active catalyst for solutions to environmental disruption and degradation. “Designed ecologies” refers to all active planning/design intentions to purposely prevent, mitigate and resolve ecological issues for sustainability. In this context, we make the announcement of “2018 International Conference on Designed Ecologies”.
Glasshouse Chat With Marc Treib

Marc Treib is one of the internationally most renowned specialist authors on landscape architecture and modern architecture and has written numerous monographs, e.g. about Isamu Noguchi, Thomas D. Church, Garrett Eckbo, Dan Kiley, and other reknown Modern Architects. Marc Treib is Professor Emeritus of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley / USA. He has received numerous awards for his work, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, an American Academy in Rome Fellowship, ASLA Honor Awards and the Best Exhibition Publication Award of the Society of Architectural Historians. He teaches in many design studios, lectures on Japanese architecture and garden art as well as "Landscape Architecture, Criticism, Art and Modern Scandinavian Architecture".
"The Limits of Modern Landscape Design in the Anthropocene"
Marc Treib visited our chair on November 8th and invited our students for a "glasshouse chat" with him!
Exhibition "Landscape - plans for the future"

"Landscape - Plans for the Future" presents plans of the best study projects since the beginning of the landscape architecture and -planing program, which was founded in 1956 at the Technical University of Munich as a study program "Gardening and Landscaping". The choice of plans since that time all have one common goal: to communicate and present a vision of a better world for the future. The opening of the exhibition was the 150th anniversary of the TU Munich on 13th of october 2018. The exhibition is open to all until Tuesday, 20th of November 2018, in the foyer of the institute building of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planing (4219), Emil-Ramann-Str.6, Freising.
Sculpture Today - International Conference at the Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko I Poland

Will sculpture parks such as the renowned "Yorkshire Sculpture Park" in Great Britain play a role in the valorization of rural areas in the future? Such and similar questions will be the focus of the international conference at the Center of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko (Poland) from 18 to 21 October 2018. For many years, the LAI faculty has maintained good contacts with the Sculpture Center and has already worked out restructuring plans in the master program landscape architecture for the sculpture park.
Udo Weilacher is invited as keynote speaker and will shed light on the development of the relationship between sculpture and park in his lecture.
Have a look in the program!
Dissertation successfully completed I Sonia Gantioler

On the 03rd of July 2018 Sonia Gantioler will defend her dissertation to the topic "THE RIGHT TO ECOLOGICAL SPACE / IN THE CITY. Operationalising Green Infrastructure as strategic urban planning concept for a just access. With lessons learnt from Vienna and Munich."
Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Technische Universität München
Prof. Dr. Andreas Voigt, Technische Universität Wien
Examination presidency:
Prof. Dr. Alain Thierstein
Congratulations, Sonia Gantioler!
DGGL-Förderpreis ULRICH WOLF 2018/19

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere Master-Studentin Bernadette Brandl, die den DGGL-Förderpreis ULRICH WOLF 2018/19 mit ihrem Projekt "The pop-up boxes" gewinnen konnte.
Mehr Infos zum Wettbewerb gibt es hier.
Project trAILs officially started!

On the 24-25.05.2018 the kick-off meeting of the international EU-funded research project "trAILs - Alpine Industrial Landscapes Transformation" took place at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape (LAI). Many enthusiast colleagues from France, Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Germany attended the strategy meeting and, together with representatives of the Joint Secretariat of INTERREG Alpine Space, defined the the first steps for the 3-year project.
Excellent teaching honored at the Faculty of Architecture

Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt of the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape (Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher) was awarded the honorary certificate for excellence in teaching by the TUM Senate. This honors the above-average commitment to student education at the faculty. In particular, the excellent evaluation by the students and the commitment with which Mr. Bellingrodt contributes to the further development of study and teaching in the field of landscape architecture impressed the jury. The TUM awards this type of honour to promote an excellent teaching and learning culture in all faculties and to pay particular tribute to the special commitment of individual employees in teaching and in student education.
Landscape Architect Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt has been employed at the Technical University of Munich for 7 years and has significant responsibility for project studies at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan (Bachelor's degree program) and at the Faculty of Architecture (Master) from the first semester to the supervision of final theses in the Master's program Landscape Architecture. Jonas Bellingrodt, who previously worked as a landscape architect in Cologne, has made a special contribution to basic education in the first few semesters. Through his dedicated teaching methods, he lays the groundwork for design experience, the range of contents ranges from the fundamental understanding of what landscape is and how to qualify it, to the very complex tasks of transforming industrialized urban areas.