The Fascination of Analysis

Friday, 06.06.2014, 10:00–17:00 h
Vorhoelzer Forum, TU Munich, Arcisstrasse 21
Landscape and environment are characterized by complexity and dynamics which makes them infinitely rich in information. Searching for the outstanding features of a place is therefore an essential part of landscape architectural work. A particular challenge is the analysis! The second symposion is focused on innovative analysis and approaches in landscape architecture and deals with the perception and evaluation of our environment: Just who matter the subject, its environment and the problem will really get to know and can develop sustainable solutions.
How do we find creative and innovative approaches to explore our environment? How do we get on the analysis of extensive data to new ideas? How can we learn from the Design Thinking Process?
Programm: Download
- Boris Sieverts, city planner
- Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Buziek, geoinformation systems
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hohlfeld, neuroscientist
- Des. Vicky Arndt, communication design
Conception: Sonja Weber
TUM Graduate School, Graduate Center of Architecture (, Esri Deutschland GmbH (, Studienfakultät für Landschaftsarchitektur und Landschaftsplanung (
For more photos and videos, see the German page.