Spatial Research Lab

Against the background of continuing global metropolitanization, demographic and climate change, and the demand for sustainability and competitiveness of urban regions, the “Forschungslabor Raum” – Spatial Research Lab is looking for new and incisive answers to increasingly complex problems.
- ETH Zurich (Prof. Dr. Bernd Scholl)
- Berlin University of Technology (Prof. Undine Giseke)
- Hafencity University Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Michael Koch)
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Prof. Markus Neppl)
- Technical University of Dortmund (Prof. Dr. Stefan Siedentop)
- Technical University of Munich (Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher)
- Technical University of Vienna (Prof. Dr. Andreas Voigt)
- University of Stuttgart (Prof. Dr. Walter Schönwandt)
In einem gemeinsam organisierten Kolleg verfolgen die beteiligten Universitäten mit bis zu 30 Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden auf interdisziplinäre Weise das Ziel, nachhaltige und innovative Lösungen für die grenzüberschreitende Entwicklung Europäischer Regionen zu erarbeiten.
In a jointly organized international programme, the universities involved are pursuing the goal of drawing up sustainable and innovative solutions for the development of metropolitan regions in an interdisciplinary manner, transcending sectoral and political boundaries with a group of about 30 doctoral students.
In the International Doctoral College “Spatial Research Lab”, the intention is to meet various aims:
- Concentration on key questions within a thematic framework and comparability of research results,
- more effective tests of transferability in order to open up the chance to independently establish subject-related networks,
- opportunities for academic discourse, and training and coaching in so-called soft-skills.
In the fore are interdisciplinary higher studies between the fields of spatial development and landscape architecture, town planning and methodology of urban and landscape planning.
More Information can be found here soon. This page is under construction.