Let's have a break
The schoolyard in the age of digitalization and climate change
Bachelor 7th Semester - Winter Term 2020/2021

Changes in society, technology and environment always have an impact on built space and the demands placed on it. Schoolyards play a special role here, both in terms of social and ecological development trends. What kind of challenges do the new socio-culturally shaped living and learning conditions bring with them? What requirements must inner-city school complexes be able to meet in terms of climate change and urban climate in order to ensure both a future-proof learning environment and a positive contribution to a socially and ecologically sustainable urban district?
These and other questions will be discussed in the study project "Große Pause Rittersberg" in Kaiserslautern and then translated into a concrete schoolyard design.
Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zürich Udo Weilacher
Dipl.-Ing. Nicole Meier
Bernhard Schöner (Model Workshop)
- Gymnasium am Rittersberg Kaiserslautern
- RBGreen Schulhof-AG Rittersberggymnasium Kaiserslautern
- Gemeinnützige Baugesellschaft Kaiserslautern AG