Transformation of the trinational Hafenareal in Basel SWITZERLAND
winter semester 2022/23 – Bachelor's project 7th semester

The border triangle around Basel is a unique meeting point of three countries, languages and cultures (Germany, France, Switzerland). Divided by three territorial borders, the River Rhine and the urban space are divided among three nations. Despite the immutable national borders, the urban landscape continues to grow and the river landscape is under pressure. On a landscape level, however, they all speak the same language. How can the language of the landscape become the basis of communication across borders? Which landscape architectural methods and concepts can open up access to the Hafenareal and set the transformation process in motion? At the beginning, the students will work out the characteristics, qualities and challenges of this trinational landscape in order to later be able to reinterpret and transform the peninsula of the Hafenareal. Which strategies can be developed in the design in order to deal with the dynamic and heavily changed river landscape? How are demands of public and private usage combined at the same time, which contribute to the further development of the area and its identity?
Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher
M.A. Bernadette Brandl
M.A. Lynn Hennies
Bernhard Schöner (Modellbau)
Studio: Mondays 13:30 Uhr // room E42
Mon 17.10.22 13.00-14.00 h // Project Kick-off
Mon 24.10.22 13:30 h // first supervision
Sat/Sun/Mon 29./30./31.10.22 trip to Basel
Mon 21.11.22 ab 13:30 h // 1. Pinup
Mon 19.12.22 ab 13:30 h // 2. Pinup
Fri 03.02.23 submission of all plans and models
Mon 06.02.23 10:00 h // final presentation
Mon 06.03.23 submission of the project report