Neighbourhood development in the north-east of Munich
Project Landscape Architecture 3 – City
Module AR71148, 9 Credits
B.Sc. 4th Semester, Summersemester 2024

In the urban design studio, landscape architecture students deal with the conversion, further development and new construction of sustainable neighbourhoods. The design area in the north of Munich includes some of the few areas in the city that are still used for agriculture today. The city of Munich wants to create residential neighbourhoods for up to 30,000 residents on a total area of 600 hectares. Today, "planning on greenfield sites" is a rare luxury with supposedly great freedom, but is actually associated with a high level of ecological, economic and social responsibility: Biotope areas and air corridors must be respected, village structures integrated and a sustainable infrastructure built.
Students meet these challenges in the project. They develop urban planning and landscape architectural designs for an 18-hectare neighbourhood in the transition area between village and city. They are look for design answers to the question of high-quality and climate-friendly living environments. Under the expert guidance of urban planner Julian Numberger, they learn basic urban planning skills, gain an understanding of urban planning approaches and sharpen their landscape architectural perspective on urban design.
Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher
M.A. Lynn Hennies
M.Sc. Antonia Koukouvelou
Bernhard Schöner (model making)
Registration (TUMonline): 29.03.-15.04.2024 18:00
Studio: Every Monday 13:00-18:00 (E42)
Tuesday 16.04. at 13:00 // Kick-off (E42)
Tuesday 23.04. 09:00-18:00 // Excursion (Munich)
Monday 06.05. and 03.06. and 24.06. 09:00-18:00 // Pin-Up/Desc Critics
Monday 15.07. 09:00-18:00 // Final Presentation
Deadline project report: Monday, August 12th, until 18:00
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