Heckenstaller Park - Ring frei!

A new park for Sendling West
Sommersemester 2015 - Bachelor Modul 2 Projekt für Landschaftsarchitektur und Landschaftsplanung 2, 2. Semester (3 SWS, 5 ECTS)
The residents of the Munich district Sendling-Westpark are to be given a new recreational area. In the course of the "tunnel construction project Mittlerer Ring Südwest", the Heckenstaller Park will be created on Heckenstaller Straße after completion of the underground tunnels on the surface. At the end of 2017, the new open space is to be ready for use. 27,000 square metres of space between Passauer Strasse, Höglwörther Strasse and Friedrich-Hebbel-Strasse, where up to 103,000 vehicles pass through per day today, will be used by students to design a new centre for the district. An appropriate open space is to be designed and a design for a new place in the city is to be created. Which connections to the surrounding quarter have to be created in order to make this place a meaningful building block in the urban fabric?
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo WeilacherDipl.-Ing. Jonas BellingrodtDipl.-Ing. Till KwiotekBernhard Schöner (Modellbau)
Tutors:: Anja Höhl, Marliese Höfer