
The transformation of the landscape
A new city entrance for Freising West
Wintersemester 2016/17 - Bachelor Modul 1 Projekt für Landschaftsarchitektur und Landschaftsplanung 1, 1. Semester (5 SWS, 5 ECTS)
At the junction of Thalhauser Str. / Weihenstephaner Ring is the northern connection of the Freising west tangent, which is currently under construction and which provides for a tunnel exit at this point. Within the scope of the study project, it is to be examined how this important city entrance coming from the state road 2084 can be made more attractive by earth modelling.
The student teams develop their own attitude towards the existing landscape. The result is a draft of a landscape architectural settlement / spatial intervention. The result should be observation stations or landscape modulations, which allow the visitors a special landscape experience. Places and objects that allow the visitor to come into contact with the landscape.
Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt
Dipl.-Ing. Nicole Meier
Bernhard Schöner (Modellbau)
tutors: Matthias Oberfrank, Gero Engeser