Die Parkmeile „Siemens Sportpark – Südliche Isarauen“
Bachelor 1st Semester - Winter Term 2022/23
Project Landscape Architecture 1, 14 CP

The towers of Obersendling's "Südseite" on one side, the single-family housing estates of Solln on the other, in between a green corridor of "Siemenswäldchen", sports fields and wide open fields. The first-year project "Meilenweite" focuses on an area in the south of Munich: the so-called Parkmeile "Siemens Sportpark - Südliche Isarauen" extends over 70 hectares here. The city of Munich is defying the temptation of further housing development and is looking for concepts that preserve the climatic functions, integrate the site into the biotope network and enhance its function for leisure and recreation. After an introductory workshop on the basic skills of landscape architecture, the students tackle this design task.
In addition to the project work, the module consists of the lecture "Basics of Landscape Architecture" as well as the integration "Basics of Landscape Planning".
Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zürich Udo Weilacher
M.A. Lynn Hennies
M.A. Bernadette Brandl
Bernhard Schöner (Model Workshop)
Dr. rer. nat. Aude Zingraff-Hamed (Integration LP)
Start of the semester:
Friday, 14.10.22, 09:00-18:00 – Project welcome (Room U3)
Monday., 17.10.22, 14:00-15:30 – Lecture „Topography" (Room U3)
15:45-17:15 – Project intro (U3)
Tuesday, 18.10.22, 13:15-18:00 – Workshop lecture (Modelmaking workshop)
Wednesday, 19.10.22, 14:00-15:45 – Workshop-Input „Topography" (U3)
Friday, 21.10.22, 09:00-18:00 – Weihenstephaner Forum / Optional consultation
During the semester:
On Monday and Friday, all day studio work (U3)
On Monday 13:00-18:00 / on Friday 09:00-18:00 – project consultation (U3)
On Monday, 10.30-12:00 – Lecture series "Basics in Landscape Architecture (U1)
Friday, 10.02.23 Final presentation