Parkmeile Olympiapark - Angerlohe
Designs for the development of a green corridor in the northwest of Munich
Bachelor 1. Semester - WS 2019/20

Parking miles" are an important core element in the future open space offer of the city of Munich. The Olympic Park-Angerlohe Park Mile is part of an open space network of the most diverse heterogeneous open spaces, which will connect the Nymphenburg Castle Park in the south and the Olympic Park in the west as well as the wooded areas of the Angerlohe in the north. Landscape architectural designs are to be used to investigate which landscape qualities can be integrated into the urban fabric while at the same time increasing the variety of uses. The aim is to create exemplary outdoor spaces that are ecologically effective, aesthetically stimulating and above all socially useful.
Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zürich Udo Weilacher
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt
M.A. Martin Augenstein
Bernhard Schöner (Modellbau)
Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung (Herr Ulrich Riedel)
- HA II Stadtplanung
- Abt. 5 Grünplanung
- Sanierung