Pettenbrunn - Search for Arcadia
Qualification of the north of Freising as a local recreation area
Bachelor 1. Semester - WS 2017/2018 (WZ6162)

The former military training area in the north of Freising between Pettenbrunn and Untergartelshausen is one of the most beautiful landscapes around Freising. By 2030, the city of Freising intends to improve the quality of existing open spaces to improve local recreational facilities and link them better with the settlement core. Within the framework of the first project, Landscape Architecture, the landscape in the north of Freising is to be precisely analysed in order to design concrete measures for a better use of this area in terms of local recreation. Teamwork and working methods will be practiced for later professional life. The 'Landscape Architecture 1 Project' focuses on conceptual planning and design work, training of technical skills, introductions to scientific work, use of media, model making and graphic expression.