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Post industrial transformation of a brownfield at Svitava River in Brno (Czech Republic)
Master – SoSe 2020 (Modul AR30389)

Brno, the second largest city of the Czech Republic, experienced a great industrial boom in the 19th century and hence even bore the title of Manchester of Austria in times of the Habsburg monarchy. Today, in the competitive environment of market economy, many companies have had to close, leaving a large number of brownfields to be found throughout the city.
The task of the project is to develop a transformation concept for one of these former industrial sites on the banks of Svitava River, thereby addressing the urgent need for public open spaces within the city boundaries. Following the idea of the test planning method as practiced in Switzerland, existing designs are to be analysed in order to enrich the following design process.
Project introduction (Zoom) Monday, April 20th, 1:00 pm
Kick-off (Zoom) Thursday, April 23rd, 1:30 pm
Consultation Thursdays, 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Deadline Plans Tuesday, July 21st
Final Presentation Thursday, July 23rd
Hand-in all Documents Monday, August 24th
Let's go online
Dear Master’s students,
due to the current situation we have had to rethink our ways of teaching for the coming semester. Regardless of this we wish to provide you with an engaging project on post industrial transformation. We are confident, that the following strategy will help us to get a reasonable start into this semester’s digital design project.
The central platform for teaching and communication within the project will be Moodle (www.moodle.tum.de). With work packages, posted online as weekly tasks, we will accompany you step by step through the analysis, the concept development and the design phase.
The task packages range from the documentation of a virtual site visit, the creation of analysis maps, the concept development with home-made concept models, to the final landscape design with site plan, sections and visualizations. You will upload your completed tasks to Moodle at fixed dates. You will receive feedback on your submissions either as written comments in your files, via online support with video chat or, for example, in virtual classrooms during the consultation window mentioned above.
We propose you to work in groups of two students. For communication between the groups we will set up a forum on Moodle.
The exact timetable with task blocks and deadlines will be released at the project kick-off.
We know that it will be a challenge for you as well as for us, but we are optimistic that we will make the most of the situation and learn a lot throughout the process.
Stay healthy and keep yourselves informed about the current state of affairs on www.tum.de/die-tum/aktuelles/coronavirus/.