paysages alpins industriels FRA
Post industrial transformation in the Region of La Roche-de-Rame / L’Argentière-La Bessée (France) Master – SoSe 2019 (Modul AR 7201/6/7)

The two brownfield sites (proposed for the TrAILs research project) the MG Industries Planet site in the town of La Roche-de-Rame and the site of the former Péchiney factories in Argentière-La Bessée (France) share the same industrial history and are located very close to each other (6 kilometres). They are both located along the Durance River and use the same transport networks. The economy of this department, located between the northern Alps and Provence, is largely based on tourism. The department was never heavily industrialised, except for this particular section in the upper Durance valley, wich now tries to suffer from the negative images in view of developing new economic activities, notably tourism and sports.
The MA studio 'paysages alpins industriels FRA' deals with the post-industrial transformation of one of the two brownfield areas. The task is to develop a transformation concept considering landscape architectureal design on the relevant scales (1:500 and detailed), addressing a perspective for the social and ecological development of the region including more recent depollution.
Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zürich Udo Weilacher
M.A. Martin Augenstein
Bernhard Schöner (model making workshop)
THU. 25.04.2019 13.30-17.00 h KICK-OFF
THU 02.05.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation
THU 09.05.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation
WED 15.05.2019 - SAT 18.05.2019 E x c u r s i o n
THU 23.05.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation
WED 29.05.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation optional
THU. 30.05.2019 ---- holiday
THU 06.06.2019 13.30-17.00 h PIN.UP I
THU 13.06.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation
WED 19.06.2019 08:00-12.00 h STUDIO | Consultation optional
THU. 20.06.2019 ---- holiday
MON 24.06.2019 13.30-17.00 h PIN.UP II
THU 27.06.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation
THU 04.07.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation
THU 11.07.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation
THU 18.07.2019 13.30-17.00 h STUDIO | Consultation
WED 24.07.2019 13:00h Hand-in Plans
FRI 26.07.2019 09:00-13:00 h F i n a l P r e s e n t a t i o n
MON 26.08.2019 17:00h Hand-in report