River Trialogues

One riverscape and one geological layer have been divided into three nations (Germany, France, Switzerland). The cityscape is expanding, the riverscape is under stress, the national borders are stable, and the landscape layer is the common language for all the above. How can the language of landscape communicate with the landscape of nations? What are the common points of the three nations and how can we address a bigger problematic in one case study exactly on the trinational border? Havenareal has a complex transformation need but it speaks one language, the language of landscape.
The students will be asked to work on a larger scale at the beginning of the studio to identify the characteristics, qualities, frictions, and challenges of the trinational landscape and later to dive deep in smaller scales and transform the half-island of the Hafenareal. How can we design beyond borders? Which is the best strategy to engage with the dynamic and heavily transformed riverscape and include public and private uses which will enhance the identity of the place and at the same time connect it with the other side of the river?
Monday, April 25th, 15:00, E42, Intro Master Projects LAT
Kick-off: Thursday, April 28th, 13.30 - 18.00, E42
Excursion Basel, CH: Thursday to Sunday, May 12th - 15th
Pin-Up 1: Thursday, Juni 9th
Pin-Up 2: Thursday, July 7th
Final Presentation: Thursday, July 28th 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Guest crit: Dr. sc. ETH/SIA Haris Piplas
Hand-in Booklets: Monday, August 28th
Meetings / Supervision within the teams will take place on Thursdays from 13.30 on at LAT, Freising
Participant's number: 15 Students
Group work: Teams of two
Level: Master
Language: English