agglomeraid + // design laboratory regio frauenfeld I ch
integrated design studio: urbanism + landscape architecture
Master – WiSe 2018 (Modul AR 7201/6/7)

In Switzerland, around three quarters of the population live in agglomerations. Important social and economic impulses arise from here. Many agglomerations are less and less able to solve their problems by themselves. One of these agglomerations is the "Regio Frauenfeld" in the northwest of the canton of Thurgau which benefits from its proximity to the economic area of Zurich.
The focus in this design studio lies on the redensification and urban planning adjustment of the location. Therefor landscape plays a cntral element. We will be active in 3 case studies in the region of Frauenfeld worked on by interdisciplinary groups. The aim of this design laboratory is the design and illustration of exemplary urban development transformations.
Prof. Dr. sc. ETH Zürich Udo Weilacher
M.A. Irina Glander
Bernhard Schöner (model making workshop)
kickoff 15th October 2018, 13.30h, room E42
excursion 25th - 27th October 2018
studio meeting starts tuesday 16th October 2018, 14.00h, studio in Munich (room 2239)
studio every tuesday from 13.00h - 18.00h in Munich (room 2239)
Final Presentation of Studio Results
tuesday,05th February 2019, 11 am – 6:00 pm,
Vorhoelzer Forum , Arcisstr. 21, Munich
guest reviewer: Brigitte Fürer (Regio Frauenfeld), Dr. Andrea Näf-Clasen (Kantonsplanerin Thurgau),
Anders Stokholm (Stadtpräsident Frauenfeld), Matthias Müller (Gemeindepräsident Gachnang),
Stefan Angst (Werkverwalter Gachnang), Hanspeter Zehnder (Gemeindepräsident Hüttwilen),
Jacqueline Müller (Gemeindepräsidentin Pfyn)