High workload in projects
Whether you are studying for your Bachelor or Master: the interdisciplinary, continuous work in the projects is the main focus of your landscape architecture studies at the TU Munich. Project studies are very time-demanding.
Careful time management is essential because:
1. It is almost impossible to work alongside your studies if you want to achieve the required 30 ECTS (=900 hours) per semester within a normal 40-hours week. For example, even a single working day without presence at the university, results in having to spend a little more than 5 hours per day on a 15 ECTS project during the semester (22 weeks).
2. It is impossible to work through all the required 30 ECTS exclusively within the lecture period (13-15 weeks) if you cannot work 60-70 hours per week (=12-14 working hours per day). For example, if you want to complete your 15 ECTS project exclusively during the lecture period, you should theoretically work at least 6-7 hours per day, 5 days per week only on this project.
3. More than 35 ECTS per semester can only be earned if you spend more than 40 hours per week. This corresponds to more than 8 working hours per day, non-stop for 26 weeks (excluding Christmas, holidays etc.).
We would be happy to help you with your time management. If necessary, please contact us well in advance before the new semester starts.

General rules at the LAT
In order to make it easier for students to prepare and work on project reports and papers, the following guidelines and standards should be taken into consideration:
There is one layout template which can be used for all text documents prepared by the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation.Download: ZIP Ordner mit INDD CS6, IDML
Correct citation is the basics for every scientific paper. In the guide for written works, you will find useful tips on citing as well as tips on how to create correctly literature-bibliography and lists of figures.
Download Guide for written works at LAT

Disposal of Models
Due to the lack of storage capacities and regular difficulties in clearing student workplaces, the following regulations apply:
It is under student’s responsibility to take away or dispose of immediately all models after each project presentation! Exceptions are only possible when the responsible supervisor expressly gives other instructions, e.g. in relation to a possible planed, temporary exhibition or similar. If the Chair is forced to dispose of ‘old models’ at a charge, the disposal costs may have to apply on the responsible students.
Current: by the end of September (SS) or the end of March (WS), all models from the previous semesters must be removed from the project and seminar rooms, as well as from the corridors and foyer to prepare the room for the semester to come (exceptions are explained above).