The chair was established in 1956 as 'Chair of Garden and Landscape Design' with the introduction of the curriculum for 'Garden and Landscape Design'. First professor was until 1972 the garden designer Prof. Carl Ludwig Schreiber (*1903; †1976). He had been Honorary Professor for Garden Design at the Technische Hochschule Aachen (today's RWTH), before being appointed Professor at the Technische Hochschule München-Weihenstephan. More information you can find in the MA dissertation thesis of Katharina Christenn (2015).

In 1972, Professor Günther Grzimek (*1915; †1996) took over the chair and renamed it in 'Chair and Institute of Landscape Architecture'. Grzimek had before been professor for landscape architecture at the Kassel Academy of Fine Art. He was emerited in 1981.

In 1983, Professor Peter Latz (*1939), who had since 1973 been professor for landscape architecture at Kassel University (Gesamthochschule), was appointed to the 'Chair of Landscape Architecture and Planning' at Technical University Munich. He held this position until his retirement on 31 March 2008. In order to pay tribute to the focus that had characterised Latz's tenure, the vacancy was then advertised as 'Chair of Industrial Landscape'.