is an independent landscape architect, author and professor.
Professor at the University of Applied Life Science in Ultana, Sweden
Guest lecturer at the GSD at Harvard University, Cambridge (2001), at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland (2004) and at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign (2006).
Since 1981 he is practicing landscape architecture at Sweco Architects
Guest lecturer at the LAI in winter term 2010/2011 on occasion of the 3rd Weihenstephaner Forum 2010 "Green is cool".

is an independent landscape architect, Dr.
Bettina Castell started her studies for landscape maintenance at the TU Munich in 1982. Later on in 1989, she obtained a scholarship from TU Munich for young acacemics and artists in Bayern. In 1994 Bettina Castell defended her doctoral thesis with the theme "Zeichen im Entwurfsprozess der Freiraumplanung" followed by her Post doctorate from 1995 till 1997 with the theme "Erfindung in der Architektur". Sie is a member of many associations such as the Architektenkammer in Bayern and in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Guest lecturer at the LAI in summer term 2010 about "The New Thinking" as part of the lecture series "Theory and Methods in Landscape Architecture"

is professor at the depatment of Humanities, Faculty for Culture, Landscape and Nature at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
He is an expert advisor for the Masterplan project of Natura Artis Magistra and director/organiser of the Groote Museum for Man and Nature. Erik de Jong teaches parallel landscape architecture at the TU Delft and at the University of Wageningen. Currently he also tutors doctoral students of landscape architecture. From 2002 till 2007, he taught history of garden and landscape studies at the Brad Graduate Center, New York and he assisted at the Harvard University. He owns many publications about garden history, from Renaissance till Baroque and modern times and with his firm FonsFontis, he offers advisory services for projects of parks and gardens.
Guest lecturer at the LAI in winter term 2010/2011 on occasion of the 3rd Weihenstephaner Forum 2010 "Green is Cool" under the title "From Garden City to Green Metropolis?"

is a registered architect and author in Berlin.
since 1996 he has his own architecture office
2007 doctoral dissertation (Dr.-Ing.)
Many publications amongst other in Bauwelt, Frankfurter Rundschau, Süddeutschen Zeitung, L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui and for Birkhäuser.
Guest lecture at the LAI in winter term 2009/2010

is Teaching and Research Associate at the Karsruhe Institute of Technology, at the Chair of Architectural History
She studied Landscape Planning and Art History at the TU Berlin
Area of focus: Roman green space planning and architecture during the first and second third of the 20th century
Doctoral dissertation about Raffaele de Vico (1881-1969)
Guest lecture at the LAI in summer term 2010.

is a professor of landscape architect
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hennecke teaches open space planning at the University of Kassel. 2010–2013 she had a Junior Professorship for History and Theory of Landscape Architecture at the TU Munich. She holds a doctoral degree from the Berlin University of the Arts, where she worked as associate to Prof. Dr. Gert Gröning. Her focus lies on mid-19th to 21th-century history of urban public open space.
Guest lecture at the LAI in the winter term 2010

is architect and landscape architect, Reggio di Calabria/Italien.
for many years he teaches at the University of Pennsylvania and at the Università Mediterranea in Reggio.
He realises experimantal projects with his studio Cooprogetti and has published several books.
He made his Master in Architecture at the London School of Kingston and completed a doctoral dissertation in landscape architecture at the Università Mediteranea di Reggio di Calabria/Italien.
Guest lecture at LAI in the summer term 2010 about "The secrets of creative landscape design".

is a landscape architect, Professor Dr.
1967 born in Münster
1996 graduated from Technische Universität Berlin in "Landschape Planning"
1996–1998 studied at Harvard University, Cambridge/ Mass.
1998–2003 research and teaching associate at TU Berlin
2003 doctoral disseration (Dr.-Ing.) at TU Berlin
2003–2008 Junior professor for Theorie of Contemporary Landschape Architecture at Leibniz University Hanover
since 2009 he is professor for "Urban Landscape Development" at Leibniz University Hanover
Guest lecture at LAI in the winter term 2009/2010.

is a registered landscape architect.
since 1998 member of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects
since 1999 partner in the office Wamsler und Rohloff, since 2002 Wamsler Rohloff Wirzmüller Freiraumarchitekten, Regensburg
since 2002 teaching assignment for Open Space Planning at University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, Department of Architecture
1991 freelancing for different landscape architecture offices in Berlin, Stuttgart, Regensburg
1991 graduated in landscape architecture at TU Munich
1991 graduation thesis at the Bauhaus in Dessau
Guest lectures at LAI in the summer term 2009 and winter term 2009/2010.
Guest criticism at the LAI in SoSe 2016 as part of the bachelor project "Supersendling".

is a registered landscape architect and visiting professor.
2011–2014 she was visiting professor for Preservation of Historical Gardens at TU Dresden
2010 consultant in the evaluation process "Nachhaltiges Bauen im Außenraum" ("sustainable building in the open space"), focus area Preservation of Historical Gardens
2010–2011 Research and teaching associate at the Department of Landscape Construction at TU Berlin
Since 2009 partner in the landscape architecture office LA.BAR Landscape Architects
2006 doctoral dissertation (Dr.-Ing.)
Since 2002 registered landscape architect specialised in the preservation of historical garden
Since winter term 2002 different teaching assignments at TU Berlin
2002–2005 work for a research project funded by the German Research Foundation
1997–2002 freelancing for different offices (landscape architecture offices LOS Metzingen, Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmetal Protection, BGMR landscape Architects)
2003 completion of a post-graduate Master's degree in Building Heritage Preservation at TU Berlin
Guest lecture at LAI in the summer term 2010.

is an urban planner from Bonn.
2010 honorary doctorate at TU Brunswick
2003 award of the BDA (Association of German Architects) chapter Bochum, Hattingen, Herne, Witten for the project for the West Park Bochum, and award for exemplary buildings in North Rhine-Westphalia
1995–96 Fellow at the Berlin Institute of Advanced Studies
1989–94 Scientific Directore of IBA Emscher Park
1987 established his own planning office skt Umbaukultur, Bonn
1971 Professorship for Urban Planning and Settlement Städtebau (TU Darmstadt)
1970–71 Guest professor at the Urban Design Programme of the Graduate School of Architectur, Harvard University, Cambridge
1967–70 Professor for Urban Planning at the Berlin College of Art
1965 foundation of the Free Planning Group Berlin (FPB)
1963–65 assistant at the Chair of Urban Planning of Prof. Eggeling at Berlin University of Technology
1955–62 studied architecture and urban planning (TU Stuttgart, Liverpool, Berlin)
Guest lecture at LAI in the winter term 2010/2011 as part of the 3rd Weihenstephaner Forum 2010 "Green is cool".