is an athour, journalist and radio moderator.
Since 1966, Gert Heidenreich work as literature critic for the radio, and he is the author of novels and poems. He also writes travel reports. His work was rocognized with several rewards (Adolf-Grimme-Preis 1986, Phantastik-Preis 1995, Marieluise-Fleißer-Preis 1998). Since 2004 he is member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts and since 2011 he is chairing the Academy's literature department
Guest lecture at the LAI in winter term 2013/2014 as speaker at the symposiums "The Nature of Invention"

is a registered landscape architect, Professor Dr.
Andreas Kipar is an award-winning landscape architect and professor
Since 2000 he teaches landscape architecture at the University of Genoa
Since 1998 guest lecture at different universities in the USA, Italy, Schwitzerland and Germany
1989–1994 he studied architecture and urban planning at the Polytecnico di Milano, completing his studies with a doctoral dissertation
Since 1986 he has his own officeo KIPARLANDschaftsarchitekten
1980–1984 he studied landscape planning at the University of Essen
Guest lecture at the LAI in winter term 2012/13 as part of the lecture series "Theory and Criticism in Landscape Architecture"

is landscape architect and artist, Professor Dr. h.c.
Prof. Dr. h.c. Bernard Lassus teaches in Paris (Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-La Villette) and Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He realized countless projects and competition entries, e.g. "Jardin des Retours" in Rochefort-sur-Mer, and he is internationally in high demand as expert in highway projects. 2006 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Hanover.
Guest lecture at the LAI in winter term 2013/2014 on occasion of the symposion "The Nature of Invention"

is an architect and urban planner, head of the municipal planning and building control office of Munich.
She studied architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Regensburg, at the University of Florence. Doctoral dissertation in Italy, freelance work as architect and curator of monuments in Italy. 1995–1999 she worked for the municipalities of Munich and Regensburg. 2000–2005 she headed the municipal planning and building control office at Halle (Saale). Subsequently she became professor at the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart. Since 2007 she is head of the municipal planning and building control office of Munich.
Guest lecture at LAI in the summer term 2013 as part of the international doctoral college "Spatial Research Lab".

is an architect.
1969–1976 Larry Scavone studied architecture at the University of Texas in Austin. For several years he directed the building department of the US Army Garnison in Mannheim and since then he is an expert for the transformation of abandoned US casernes in great demand.
Guest critic in winter term 2012/2013 in the Bachelor's studio project "Ami goes home"

is Professor for Spatial Development at the Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development at ETH Zurich.
Scholl studied civil engineering and urban planning at the TU Darmstadt and completed post-graduate studies in spatial planning at the ETH Zurich. For several years he was assistant to Professor Maurer at the former Institut für Orts-, Regional- und Landesplanung and completed his doctoral dissertation there. From 1997 till 2006 he directed the Institute for Urban and Landscape Planning at the University of Karlsruhe and since 1987 he is partner of a planning office for urban and regional planning in Zurich.
Guest lecture at LAI in the summer term 2013 and winter term 2010/2011, amongst other as part of the international doctoral college Spatial Research Lab.
Guest Lecture within the framework of the International Doctoral College 2017

is film maker and architect.
Marc Schwarz is a renowned Swiss film maker and architect. Since 1996 he is independent film make with many contributions amongst others in Lucerne (Gallery of Architecture), Zurich (MfG, gta-institute), Lausanne (Musée des Arts décoratifs), DAZ (Berlin), MoMa (NYC). He was lecturer at the ETH Zurich and held different teaching assignments in faculties of architecture and landscape architecture at universities in Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Hanover) and Switzerland (ETHZ, HSLU). In 2004 he established schwarzpictures.com, a fim production studio for film essays about architecture, landscape architecture and art.
Guest lecture at LAI in the summer term 2013 as part of the Bachelors' lecture series Theory and Methods of Landschape Architecture 2

is landscape architect.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Antje Stokman was since 2010 directing the Institute for Landscape Planning and Ecology at the University of Stuttgart. In 2017 she became professor for Architecture and Landscape at HafenCity University Hamburg.
She completed her studies of Landscape Architcture at the University of Hanover and at the Edinburgh College of Art. 2000–2005 teaching assignments and research projects at the University of Hanover, TFH Berlin, TU Hamburg-Harburg, etc. Succeedingly, from 2005 till 2010 she held the Junior Professorship for "ökosystemare Gestaltung und Bewirtschaftung von Fließgewässereinzugsgebieten" at the Leibniz University of Hanover. In 2011 she was rewarded with the Topos Landscape Award.
Guest lecture at LAI in the summer term 2013 as part of the international doctoral college Spatial Research Lab.

is landscape architect and former professor.
Chester Volski studied landscape architecture at the Michigan State University and at the Harvard University. 1957–1959 he was part of The Architects Collaborative TAC. 1959–1962 he was involved in redesigning the US military airports in Europe. 1962–1991 Volski taught as Professor for Landscape Architecture at the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona/ USA, in the College of Environmental Design. 1985 he was guest professor at the TU Munch.
Guest lecture at the LAI in the winter term 2013/2014 as part of the Master's lecture Complex Theories in Landscape Architecture.