is a designer and expert in communications studies
After her studies in Communication Studies, Vicky Arndt worked as designer, graphic designer and communication designer in different renowned offices. In 2008 she founded together with Judith Hufnagel and Sebastian Ritzler the design office Gravity Europe.
Lecturer at the LAI in summer term 2014 as part of the symposion "The Fascination of Analysis", under the title "Design Thinking Process"

has a degree in Geoinformatics and he is spokesperson for Esri Germany, Hon.-Prof. Dr.
Since 2009, Gerd Buziek teaches as Honorary Professor at Leibniz University Hanover, at the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics. He is also involved in many associations and committees regarding geographic information in Germany. Significantly he has been Vice President of the German Association for Geoinformation (DDGI) since 2000 and spokesman for Esri Germany since 2011.
Lecturer at the LAI in summer term 2014 as part of the symposium "The Fascination of Analysis", under the title "Environmental Perception and Strategies of GIS-based Analyses"

is a registered architect in Munich
Peter Haimerl is an award-winning architect and teacher in architecture from Munich. 2006 he founded the firm gyoscope that is specialised on the generation of algorithms for architecture.
Speaker at the symposion "The Invention fo Landscape" at the LAI in winter term 2014 with the lceture "House stories"

is neuroscientist, Professor Dr.
After studying medicine and training as a consulting physician, Reinhard Hohlfeld went to a clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, as Heisenberg fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG). 1990 he was appointed professor of neurology and neurosciences at Munich's Ludwig Maximilians University. For his research, mainly on autoimmune disorders, we won several awards such as the Heinz-Meier-Leibnitz Prize of the DFG and the Sobek Prize for research into multiple sclerosis.
Speaker at the symposion "The Fascination of Analyse", held at the LAI in summer term 2014, with a lecture on "The Deceived Brain. Analysis on Wrong Tracks"

is landscape architect.
Christine Rupp-Stoppel occupies herself with feasability studies for postindustrial landscape projects with concepts for rain water retention and for the develoment of spontaneous vegetation in parks. Since her graduation in Landscape Planning in 1987 Christine Rupp-Stoppel works in the office LATZ+PARTNER Landscape Architects and since 2011 she is one of their associates. 1991–2002 she had the project management for the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park.
Guest lecture at LAI in the winter term 2014/15 as part of the lecture series "Complex Theories in Landscape Architecture" with the litle "Reading landscape".

is urban planner and travel guide in Cologne
Boris Sieverts studied art at the Düsseldorf Academiy and then worked several years as shepherd in the French Massive Central as well as in architecture offices in Cologne and Bonn. In 1997 he established the "Büro für Städtereisen" ("Office for City Travels") and since then he guided locals and tourists into the grey areas of urban agglomeration.
Speaker at the symposium "The Fascination of Analysis" at LAI in the summer term 2014 with the lecture "How to travel cities".

is professor and landscape architect
Günther Vogt is extraordinary Professor for Landscape Architecture at ETH Zurich, Departement of Architecture, and there he also manages the Network City and Landscape. After his studies of landscape architecture in Rapperswil he worked at first in the Büro Stöckli, Kienast & Koeppel. Then he became partner of Kienast Vogt Partner and in the year 2000 he founded the studio Vogt Landscape Architects in Zurich.
Speaker at the symposium "The Invention of the Landscape" ("Die Erfindung der Landschaft") at LAI in winter term 2014/15 with a talk titled "The Invention of the Landscape".
Guest review in SoSe 2019 at the LAI as part of the Bachelorthesis presentations "Open space design concept for the Nordwestbahnhof area Vienna" and the master project "paysages alpins industriels FRA, Post industrial transformation in the Region of La Roche-de-Rame / L'Argentière-La Bessée (France)"

is an artist in Vienna.
Lois and his wife Dr. Franziska Weinberger both live in Vienna and since 1999 they are working jointly on art projects. 1994–1995 Lois Weinberger taught at the Academy in Karlsruhe and one year later he won a residency at the Artists House Bethanien in Berlin. Both artists enjoy international renown and during the 1990s they had a noteworthy influence on the debate on art and nature.
Speaker at the symposion "The Invention of Landscape" at the LAI in the winter term 2014/15 with the talk "About the work".