is Professor Emeritus for History and Theory of Landscape at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
He studied English Literature at King’s College in Cambridge (M.A., 1957). His Ph.D. he made in 1964 at the University of Bristol (UK). Several fellowships and teaching assignments led him to different unviersities in the USA, where he became known amongst other as Director of the Department of Gardens and Landscape Studies at the renowned research institute of Harvard University in Dumbarton Oaks. Since 1994 he was professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
John Dixon Hunt counts amongst the most important theoreticians and historians of landscape architecture internationally, and he received many honours, most recently the Sckell Ring of Honour 2017. On the occasion of the award ceremony – and, connected to this, the ceremony for the Skell Students Award – JD Hunt was a guest at the LAI.
Guest lecture at the LAI in winter term 2017 – presentation of his current book project about "metamorphoses"

is registered landscape architect, urban planner and professor.
Since 1968 he is landscape architect and urban planner as partner of Latz + Partner, a cooperative of with architects, sociologists and economists for urbab planning projects on the field of alternative technologies
1983–2008 professor for landscape architecture and planung (TU Munich)
1973 professorship for landscape architecture at the university of Kassel
1968–1973 lecturer in Maastricht
International lecturships and teaching, for example as Adjunct Professor at the University of Pennsylvania und as guest professor in Harvard
1964–1968 studied at the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Planning at RWTH Aachen and employed in the office of Prof. Kühn and Meurer
1964 Diplom at TU Munich
Guest lecture at the LAI in the winter term 2012/13 on occasion of the lecture series "Theory and Criticism in Landscape Architecture".
Lecture at the LAI 2017 in the framework of the international doctoral program Forschungslabor Raum.
Guest review in winter semester 2018/19 at the LAI within the bachelor project "italcementi - Borgo San Dalmazzo, Italy".
Guest critique at the LAI in winter term 2019/20 within the seminar "Renaissance Reloaded".

is registered architect, professor.
Since 2003 Professor for Stadtquartiersplanung und Entwerfen at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and since 2001 member of the German Association of Architects. He studied architecture at the RWTH Aaachen and graduated in 1990 with distinctions. Susequently he established Astoc Architects & Planners in Cologne, together with Kees Christiaanse, Peter Berner and Oliver Hall. 1999 Professorship for Urban Planning and Designing at University Kaiserslautern as well as teaching assignments at the Universities of Applied Sciences in Cologne and Bochum.
Guest critic at LAI in the winter term 2014/2015 in the Bachelor's studio project "Innovation Landscape Karlsruhe" in Stuttgart at 26 January 2015, as well as guest lecture in the winter term 2010/2011 as part of the international doctoral college "Spatial Research Lab".
Guest Lecture within the framework of the International Doctoral College 2017.

is Professor for Spatial Development at the Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development at ETH Zurich.
Scholl studied civil engineering and urban planning at the TU Darmstadt and completed post-graduate studies in spatial planning at the ETH Zurich. For several years he was assistant to Professor Maurer at the former Institut für Orts-, Regional- und Landesplanung and completed his doctoral dissertation there. From 1997 till 2006 he directed the Institute for Urban and Landscape Planning at the University of Karlsruhe and since 1987 he is partner of a planning office for urban and regional planning in Zurich.
Guest lecture at LAI in the summer term 2013 and winter term 2010/2011, amongst other as part of the international doctoral college Spatial Research Lab.
Guest Lecture within the framework of the International Doctoral College 2017

Landscape Architect
Stadt Freising
Amt für Stadtplanung und Umwelt
Guest review winter term 2016/2017 at the LAI as part of the bachelor project " Infrasculpture - The Deformation of the Landscape - A New Entrance to the City of Freising West".
Guest review winter term 2017/2018 at the LAI as part of the bachelor project "Pettenbrunn - Search for Arcadia - Qualification of the north of Freising as a recreational area".

is professor.
Since 2005 he is directing the working field "Spatial Simulation and Modelling" with the associated "Urban Space Simulation Laboratory, SRL:SIM" at Department of Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environmental Planning at TU Vienna
Network Partner in the International Doctoral College "Spatial Research Lab"
Co-founder of the institute for "Räumliche Interaktion und Simulation: IRIS-ISIS" ("Spatial Ineraction and Simulation")
Ingenieurkonsulent for regional planning and spatial development and society of the Civil Technicians' Society "ArGe Projekte–SV"
Studied Spatial Planning at Technical University Vienna
Doctoral dissertation "sub auspiciies praesuidentis"
Habilitation in the field "Local Planning"
Guest lecture at LAI in the winter term 2010/2011 as part of the international doctoral college Spatial Research Lab.
Guest Lecture within the framework of the International Doctoral College 2017

is professor and landscape planner, architect.
Hinnerk Wehberg is landscape planner and architect. He studied painting at the Hamburg Academy of Fine Arts, was British Council Scholar at the Hornesy College of Art in London in 1963 and until 1970 visiting lecturer. 1969 he founded the studio Wehberg-Lange in Hamburg, today WES and Partners. 1982–2002 he was professor at the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Planning at the Technical University of Braunschweig. 2005 her received the Friedrich-Ludwig-von-Sckell Ring of Honour from the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts.
Guest critic in summer 2015 at LAI in the Bacherlor's studio project "For Luise. Designing the Luise Kiesselbach Square in Munich". Guest critic in summer 2016 in the Master's studio project 'transform.mori'.
Guest review in summer 2017 at the LAI in the Masters's studio project "Post-Zafira Time - Industrial Post-Use Opel Plant Bochum".