SoSe 2024
Oppositions: Karljosef Schattner
Modul Theorien der Erhaltung / Theories of Conservation (Master Level 2 SWS, 3 Credits)
Everyone nowadays is talking about a new »Umbaukultur«. Building in and with the existing building fabric is increasingly being recognised as the actual task of architecture. While practice is providing more and more examples of how the building of tomorrow could be more resource-efficient, sustainable and self-reflective, there is a lack of a theory of building conservation and rebuilding. In fact, outside the field of heritage conservation. So why not take our starting point here and assess the theories against concrete practice?
In this seminar, which follows the lecture of the winter semester, we want to take an in-depth look at the development of theories of heritage conservation in the 20th century. Our comparative reading will focus on fundamental writings before and after 1964, which we will discuss and examine in relation to the practical work of the architect Karljosef Schattner in Eichstätt. His concrete engagement with Eichstätt's existing building stock did not always correspond to the contemporary ideas of monument preservation, and is nevertheless categorised today as worthy of protection. It certainly shows great possibilities for dealing with existing structures.
Our aim is to gradually develop a theoretical basis of conservation, repair and rebuilding.
Place: Room 4115
Dates: Tuesdays 6.00 – 7.30 PM
Introduction: Tuesday, 16. April 6:00 PM
Trip to Eichstätt: Friday, 03. May, all day
Oral Examination: 03. September