Topic: Sustainable solutions for urban redevelopment are investigated by an interdisciplinary team of the TU Munich. Nuremberg West is an example of the economic structural change with the decline in industrial production, which in many European cities leaves behind not only economic but also spatial, social and cultural traces.
Brief description: The Chair of Spatial Development investigates possibilities of restructuring from the perspective of three functional topics: Economic structure, cultural and social networks and housing. Based on the analysis of current strengths and weaknesses, future trends are examined with regard to their impact on Nuremberg West. Alternative functional-spatial scenarios are developed from the identified opportunities and threats. These are evaluated with regard to the achievement of the normative goal of sustainable development in order to make recommendations for action for the City of Nuremberg.
Participating employees: Alain Thierstein, Agnes Förster, Nina Alaily-Mattar
Client: Office for Housing and Urban Development, City of Nuremberg Cooperation partner: interdisciplinary team of the TU Munich under the direction of the Centre for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Planning and Building (ENPB) of Prof. Dr. Lang