
This article compares different methods of operationalisation and visualisation of the effects of new transport systems (infrastructures and services) on time–space, and examines their strengths and weaknesses, using the example of the evolution of the German rail network between 1990 and 2020. The results suggest that conventional methods are simpler to interpret,…

Last week we shared with the documentary filmmakers our perspectives on the “Bilbao effect”, evidence of social, economic and media effects of star architecture as well as the interplays between social media and architecture. It is important to disseminate insights into scientific research beyond academic journals. Not only can we reach a wider public, but it forces…

Measuring the City: The Power of Urban Metrics. Does the online circulation of photographs influence the image of a city? The iconicity of an exceptional architectural project might have distinct transformative effects. See our analysis of Flickr and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg.

As part of a Special Issue in the Architectural Theory Review on the Architecture of Global Governance, this article focuses on Google, a Big Tech company that wields unprecedented influence, including in the realm of governance. Using qualitative content analysis of media of Google’s proposed project for a headquarters in Mountain View, California, the article shows…

Which locations do knowledge-intensive firms choose in Munich and how do these decisions change over a ten-year period? These questions are addressed in a new article in the current issue of the journal disP - The Planning Review entitled "Linking knowledge-intensive firm locations with the urban structure of the city of Munich". The paper analyses the locations of…

The article, in a Special Issue on Regional Design of Planning Practice & Research, explores why despite growing academic recognition of the usefulness of regional design for regional coordination and rescaling from the bottom up, the response of practitioners in spatial planning and governance at regional scales remains unclear. To investigate how practitioners…

Interdisciplinary project "Mühldorf 2053" - Documentation of student works now available

Abstract This paper analyzes how positional and relational data in 186 regions of Germany influence the location choices of knowledge-based firms. Where firms locate depends on specific local and interconnected resources, which are unevenly distributed in space. This paper presents an innovative way to study such firm location decisions through network analysis that…

As part of the TUM Project Week, the Chair of Urban Development and the TUM Venture Lab Built Environment organized the seminar "Urban Futures Thinking" from January 9 to 13. In the Design Sprint, students from different disciplines worked on the future of urban spaces using the Tucherpark in Munich as an example. Methodology, process and results of the project week…

This paper challenges the traditional perspective of a territorial core–periphery pattern as an organizing principle of space by introducing a relational perspective through an empirical approach. We study spatial processes of knowledge creation among advanced producer services in Germany between 2009 and 2019. We use a unique longitudinal dataset to analyse if German…