SUMMER SCHOOL “Dialogue on Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis” September 19-30, 2016, Naples, Italy
The Summer School “Dialogue on Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis” is organized by The Chair of Restoration, Art technology and Conservation Science of the Technical University of Munich and offers the next generation of cultural preservation professionals an excellent opportunity to examine theoretical and practical problems related to the preservation of cultural heritage in a new environment - Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis - thus expanding their understanding of the field. The Summer School is organized in cooperation with Dr. Anna Anguissola and Prof. Lucia Faedo of the University of Pisa, as well as the Goethe Institute of Naples, the Soprintendenza Pompei and other partners of the Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project. The Summer School takes place on September 19-30, 2016 in the Bay of Naples, Italy. Bay of Naples is especially rich in its material cultural heritage and history, making it an ideal setting for this Dialogue.

Prof. Erwin Emmerling
Head of the Chair
Lehrstuhl für Restaurierung, Kunsttechnologie
und Konservierungswissenschaft
Fakultät für Architektur,
Technische Universität München
Oettingenstr. 15 - 80538 München
Organizing Committee
Dr. Roberta Fonti, Technische Universität München
Dr. Sara Saba, Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik
Dr. Anna Anguissola, University of Pisa
The Summer School “Dialogue on Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis” funded by the “Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa” programme of the German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD.