What can you see? Analyzing the wall painting cycle in the former Cloister of Brandenburg Cathedral
The fragmentary and hardly decipherable state of an important wall painting cycle on the Liberal and Mechanical Arts, created in the 1440ies in the former library in the Cloister of Brandenburg Cathedral (Germany), has been posing serious challenges to foster its readability.

Prof Dr Ursula Schädler-Saub (HAWK Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen) and her interdisciplinary team, especially with the conservator Sabine Krause-Riemer for the digital documentation and visualization, is working to expand the possibilities of digital imaging with a development of innovative digital techniques on the fragmentary wall paintings, for their best possible visualization and understanding. Two different projects both DFG-financed have been dedicated to these researches: the first one “Der Wandmalereizyklus zu den Wissenschaften und Künsten in der Brandenburger Domklausur” from 2017 until 2021 and a second one “Hyperspectral investigation methods and the development of a digital toolbox for researching and communicating fragmentary wall paintings” from 2022 until 2025.
As part of the current DFG project in tandem with the the Magdalen Chapel of St. Emmeram in Regensburg project, the insiTUMlab is supporting the investigation of wall paintings through HSI to depict possible hidden details of the wall paintings as well as scientific analysis to characterize the constitutive materials.
Important information about the pigment palette of individual paint layers were obtained integrating previous research and published in the following volume: Ursula Schädler-Saub und Mechthild Noll-Minor (Eds.), Der Wandmalereizyklus zu den Wissenschaften und Künsten in der Domklausur zu Brandenburg, Bäßler: Berlin, 2022 (ISBN 978-3-945880-99-9).