Bridge the Gap - 2023

Multi-fidelity structural design of a complex 3D printed concrete bridge

I3DCP Bridge - 2023

Injection 3D Concrete Printing enhanced by Vector-based Graphic Statics

KnitCrete - 2023

Computational Design and Fabrication of a Pedestrian Bridge using Robotic Shotcrete on a 3D-Knitted Formwork

Reciprocal Waves - 2022

Reciprocal form and force diagrams as self-stressed structures

Asymptotic Geodesic Timber Vault - 2022

A wooden grid shell from a combination of asymptotic and geodetic curves

CantiBox - 2022

Automatic assembly of interlocking timber-to-timber connections

Kinetic Umbrella - 2021

A semi-elastic grid structure in the "Kreativquartier" Munich

LoX Pavilion - 2021

Collective AR-Assisted Assembly of Topological Interlocking Structures

The Canopy - 2021

A lighweight hanging structure