Benedikt Boucsein
Prof. ETH, Head of the professorship
For appointments: olga.wiedenhoeft(at)
(copy 1)
Jan Engelke
Dr. Ing. MSc. arch. ETH, research and teaching assosiate, Postdoc
Isabel Glogar
Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MAS ETH/Wohnen
Postdoc, Head of research group "Cooperative Urban Development, Collaborative Housing and Neighbourhoods"
E-Mail: isabel.glogar(at)
Stefanie Ruf
Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. Psychologie
Postdoc, Head of research group "Transforming urban mobility"
E-Mail: stefanie.ruf(at)
Elena Schirnding de Almeida
Dipl.-Ing., architect, urban planner, government architect,
Head of Public Planning Lab
T +49-89-289-22348
F +49-89-289-22349
E-Mail: elena.almeida(at)
Elif Simge Fettahoğlu-Özgen
MArch, Phd Candidate, research and teaching associate, on parental leave until the end of February 2025
T +49-89-289-28373
E-Mail: elifsimge.oezgen(at)