- 22Collaborative Housing and Neighbourhoods. Insights from Germany. ENHR CONFERENCE 2024 Making Housing Systems work: Evidence and Solutions , TU Delft, 2024 more…
- 21Collaborative Housing and Transformations of the Existing Building Stock. ENHR CONFERENCE 2024 Making Housing Systems work: Evidence and Solutions , TU Delft, 2024 more…
- 20TOUCH Tactics of Urban Change.01 I Kollaboratives Wohnen. M BOOKS / Professur für Urban Design, 2024 more…
- 19A Collaborative Approach for Urban Design Education in Light of the Climate Emergency. Dimensions - Journal of Architectural Knowledge 05, 2023, 143-166 more…
- 18Leitbild : Bauen im Welterbe Wachau. Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, 2022 more…
- 17Collaborative Housing - Positive and Negative Urban Effects on Neighbourhoods (Paper presented at the ENHR 2022 Annual Conference). Barcelona ENHR 2022. The struggle for the right to housing. The pressures of globalisation and affordability in cities todayer presented at the ENHR 2022 Annual Conference), 2022 more…
- 16Managementplan UNESCO-Welterbe – Historisches Zentrum von Wien. Magistrat der Stadt Wien, Magistrat der Stadt Wien (Wien) , 2021, more…
- 15Shared Resources in Munich: “New Housing Cooperatives” as a Chance for a More Socially Equal City. Book of Abstracts INUAS Konferenz 2021. Urbane Transformationen. Ressourcen.., 2021, 196-198 more…
- 14Interview A Palaver 194-Urbane Transformationen: Wohnen unter Druck, apalaver – architektur im Radio, apalaver 194. podcast, 2019 more…
- 13Housing under Pressure. Dynamics between Centers and Peripheries. – Book of Abstracts. INUAS Conference 2019. University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, 2019 more…
- 12Peripheries, Urban Transformations and Qualities of Life in the Growing City. An Introduction. In: Publication Preview Source Working Class Districts. Urban Transformations and Qualities of Life in the Growing City. Book of Abstracts.. FH Campus Wien, 2018 more…
- 11Tagungsbericht: International Conference in Working Class Districts - Urbane Transformationen in der wachsenden Stadt. In: Die osmanische Stadt / verantwortliche Herausgeber: Nora Lafi, Florian Riedler. Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik, 2018 more…
- 10Working class districts : urban transformations and qualities of life in the growing city : book of abstracts = urbane Transformationen und Lebensqualitäten in der wachsenden Stadt. University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien (Erste Ausgabe. edn.), 2018 more…
- 9„Multiple Praktiken urbaner Räume“ Präsentation Panel 2: Wohnen im Wandel Workshop im Rahmen der Jahrestagung 2018 der ÖGS-Sektion Stadtforschung „Ungleichheit und Stadt“. Workshop im Rahmen der Jahrestagung 2018 der ÖGS-Sektion Stadtforschung „Ungleichheit und Stadt“, 2018 more…
- 8Urbane Transformationen in Wien – aktuelle Entwicklungen aus dem Blick der Stadtforschung. INUAS Research Week, 2017 more…
- 7Multiple Praktiken urbaner Räume : Territorien des Gebrauchs. Dissertation, Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung - Kunstuniversität Linz, 2016, 2016 more…
- 6Wohnen im Gebrauch – Langzeit wertgeschätzte Wohn- und Stadtentwicklung. Berufungsvorträge Juniorprofessur Nachhaltige Wohnbestandsentwicklung, Fakultät für Architektur, RWTH Aachen, 2016 more…
- 5Wien-Studie - Balkone und -zubauten im Bestand, eine Grundlagenermittlung und Studie der Auswirkungen auf das Stadtbild. , Ed.: Stadt Wien, Magistratsabteilung 19 - Architektur und Stadtgestaltung, 2015, more…
- 4Multiple Practices of Urban Space. Art in public Space – An interdisciplinary Cooperation, 2013University of Péc, Vienna University of Technology more…
- 3Entwurfs- und Planungsparameter für kostengünstigen Wohnbau in Wien. , Ed.: Wohnbauforschung Wien, 2012, more…
- 2Ein Haus für die Ewigkeit? : Dauer durch Veränderung: eine Studie über die Anpassungsgeschichte und Wertschätzung von Gebäuden im urbanen Kontext. 2011 more…
- 1A house for eternity? Durability Through Change: A Study on the Adaptation History and Appreciation of Buildings in the Urban Context. Architecture in the fourth dimension : methods and practices for a sustainable building stock : proceedings of the Joint Conference of CIB W104 and W110, November 15-17, 2011--Boston, Massachusetts, USA , Ball State University, College of Architecture and Planning, 2011 more…

Isabel Glogar
Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MAS ETH/housing
Senior researcher (Postdoc)
Head of research group "Cooperative Planning, Collaborative Housing and Neighbourhoods"
Professorship of Urban Design
Arcisstrasse 21
80333 München
E-Mail: isabel.glogar(at)tum.de
Isabel Glogar studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology and the Università degli Studi di Roma Tre and postgraduated in 2011 with a Master of Advanced Studies in Housing at the ETH Wohnforum of the ETH Zurich. She received her doctorate in 2016 from the University of Art in Linz in the field of urban studies. From 2012 to 2019 she taught at the Vienna University of Technology in the research area of urban planning and urban design and from 2017 to 2019 in the Masterprogram Architecture-Green Building at the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Vienna. Since 2014 she has been working with her office Ofhaus - Office for Housing and Urban Studies in the field of architecture, housing and urban research.
Since 2019 she is teaching and researching as Senior Researcher (Postdoc) at the Professorship of Urban Design at the TUM with a focus on collaborative housing, cooperative planning and urban design and (climate) just cities and urban development.
- Head Research Group "Kooperative Stadtentwicklung, kollaboratives Wohnen und Nachbarschaften"
- Research Focus City and Community
- collaborative housing
- cooperative housing in the DACH region
- cooperative urban development
- equal cities, (climate) justice and urban development
- urban transformations
- sustainable development of the existing building stock and urban renewal
- methods in housing research and urban studies
- Changing Education and Practices in Architecture and Urban Design
- Vorlesung Die Macht der Bedignungen
- Seminar Urban Design Cases
- Seminar Disaster(ous) Design
- Lecture The Project of the Egalitarian City
- BA Studio
- Modul Reflexion/Methodisches Entwickeln von Forschungsfragen
- Bachelorthesis
- Masterthesis
- Parity Architecture TUM, Department Architektur, School of Engineering and Design, TUM
- ENHR European Network for Housing Research
- ETH Zürich Alumna