Olga Wiedenhöft


T: +49-89-289-22350 
E-Mail: olga.wiedenhoeft@tum.de


Benedikt Boucsein

Prof. Dr.sc. ETH, Head of the professorship

For appointments: olga.wiedenhoeft@tum.de


Matthias Faul

Dipl.-Ing. architect, research and teaching associate

E-Mail: matthias.faul@tum.de


Elif Simge Fettahoğlu-Özgen

MArch, Phd Candidate, research and teaching associate, on parental leave until the end of February 2025

T +49-89-289-28373 
E-Mail: elifsimge.oezgen@tum.de


Isabel Glogar

Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MAS ETH/Wohnen

Postdoc, Head of research group  "Cooperative Urban Development, Collaborative Housing and Neighbourhoods"

E-Mail: isabel.glogar@tum.de

(copy 1)

Jan Engelke

Dr. Ing. MSc. arch. ETH, research and teaching assosiate, Postdoc

E-Mail: jan.engelke@tum.de

Marco Kellhammer

M.Sc. Industrial Design, research and teaching associate

E-Mail: marco.kellhammer@tum.de 

Stefanie Ruf

Dr. rer. nat., M.Sc. Psychologie

Postdoc, Head of research group "Transforming urban mobility"

E-Mail: stefanie.ruf@tum.de


Elena Schirnding de Almeida

Dipl.-Ing., architect, urban planner, government architect,
Head of Public Planning Lab

T +49-89-289-22348
F +49-89-289-22349
E-Mail: elena.almeida@tum.de

Mareike Schmidt

M.Sc. Architectuire, research and teaching associate

E-Mail: mareike.schmidt@tum.de


Daniel Zwangsleitner

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Architecture

Postdoc, Head of research group "Architecture education in times of the climate catastrophe"

T +49-89-289-22329 
E-Mail: daniel.zwangsleitner@tum.de

Spyros Koulouris

M.Sc., M.A., research and teaching associate

E-Mail: spyros.koulouris@tum.de



Matti Drechsel

M.Sc. Urban Planner, Research Associate

E-Mail: matti.drechsel@tum.de



Maria Schlüter

M.A. Architect, Research Associate

E-Mail: maria.schlueter@tum.de

Former staff

Elettra Carnelli

Michael Kraus

Evelyn Wegner  

Eirini Kasioumi

Teaching assistant

Magdalena Müller

Luis Michal

Maria Schlüter

Robert-Christopher Tubbenthal

Mareike Schmidt

Vanessa Dörges

Julian Chiellino