Lecture: The project of the egalitarian city
Prof. Benedikt Boucsein, Dr. Daniel Zwangsleitner, Matthias Faul, Matti Drechsel, Dr. Jan Engelke
By recounting the development of eight major European cities, important lines of development and exemplary urban projects of the 19th and 20th centuries are shown: London, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam-Randstadt, Berlin, Zurich, Rhine-Ruhr and Munich. In each city, a specific topic that is important for understanding modern urban design is highlighted, with a particular focus on ideas and approaches that deal with the question of how the egalitarian city can be created. This question is then considered in a global context in order to provide an initial outlook beyond Europe.
25.04.24 | Prolog: Am Ende des Modernen Projekts
02.05.24 | Boden der Aushandlung: München
16.05.24 | Die Idee des Gartens: London
23.05.24 | Möglichkeiten der Öffnung: Barcelona
06.06.24 | Ordnung und Chaos: Paris
13.06.24 | Stadt als Gemeinschaftswerk: Amsterdam-Randstad
20.06.24 | Die zentripetale Stadt: Zürich
04.07.24 | Stadt als Patchwork: Berlin
11.07.24 | Ideen des Fortschritts: Das Ruhrgebiet
18.07.24 | Epilog: Planetare Urbanisierung
Thursdays, 11.30-13.00
Room N 1080
Introduction: Thursday 18.4.24, 9.45-11.15