Wintersemester 2018/19
Hitchcock‘s Houses
Bachelor, Seminar Prof. Andreas Kretzer
„Settings, of course, come into the preliminary plan, and usually I have fairly clear ideas about them; I was an art student before I took up with films. Sometimes I even think of backgrounds first.“
Alfred Hitchcock
Der Regisseur Alfred Hitchcock verbrachte seine Lehrjahre in den damals fortschrittlichsten Filmstudios der Welt, der UFA in Berlin-Babelsberg. Als Bühnenbildner in der Weimarer Republik lernte er die expressionistische Ästhetik des deutschen Kinos kennen.
„German cinema was more architectural, more painstakingly designed, more concerned with atmosphere. The Germans shot the set, not the stars, and when they shot the stars they anatomized them into eyes and mouths and hands. The Germans loved shadows and glare, bizarre camera angles, extreme close-ups, and mobile camera work; the floating camera that became a Hitchcock trademark was first Murnau‘s.“
Patrick McGilligan, Hitchcock biographer
Unter Anwendung filmischer Techniken werden ausgewählte Filmwerke analysiert, ihre geometrische Konfiguration rekonstruiert und in Form fotografischer Einstellungen von Architekturmodellen interpretiert.
Modell zu Psycho, 1960 Verfasser: Anika Janda, Ekaterina Karpova

Anika Janda, Ekaterina Karpova

Christine Gärtner, Amelie Pretsch

Maxi Graber, Lukas Walcher