Understanding Living Root Bridges (LRBs) - Multidisciplinary Perspectives

In March 2019, the first international conference on Living Root Bridges was conducted, bringing together researchers in Engineering, Botany, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Conservation, and Environmental Science. As the first of its kind, the conference aimed to bring together interested parties with a variety of perspectives that can inform one anothers' research. The group visited several bridges near to Rangthylliang (East Khasi Hills), discussing the bridges' characteristics with bridge builders, village elders, and farmers.
Professor S R Joshi - Department for Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) - Soil science biology for growth of LRBs
Professor Ferdinand Ludwig - Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture, Technical University of Munich - Living Architecture, a global perspective
Wilfrid Middleton - Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture, Technical University of Munich - Living bridges using aerial roots of Ficus elastica - an interdisciplinary perspective
Sanjeev Shankar - Independent Researcher, Advisor to Government of Meghalaya (MBDA, MBB) - Research-based Ecosystem Conservation
Patrick Rogers - Independent Researcher, Author - History of construction techniques
Morningstar Khongthaw - Living Bridge Foundation, Chairman - Community structures