The seminar has introduced students to examples from traditional hedge designs and hedgelaying techniques to discuss the traditional methods of plant manipulation, roles of hedges in rural settings, and the potential role of new technologies for design, construction and practice in the context of urban environments, and systemic hedge interventions in cities for addressing today's sustainability challanges.
Based on the analysis and understanding of traditional hedges and identification of relevant new technologies, the groups have worked on the development of a design scenario showing the proposed systemic and integrated architectural and landscape interventions through plant constructions in a chosen urban setting, the role of new technologies in design, construction and maintenance, and the new roles that these structures may have in cities. Through their works students had critically assess their design proposals from the perspective of green architecture, green infrastructure, and urban ecology.
Students have worked in interdisciplinary groups between architects and landscape architects to explore how new technologies (i.e. CAD, robotics, drones) can enable the transformation of traditional hedge design and construction, and the multiple benefits that could be gained from its adaptation to and application in urban environments.
Defne Sunguroglu Hensel M.Sc. Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Ing. Ferdinand Ludwig