Today This, Tomorrow That
Designing Cyclic Space Use
(Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.03.2025)

This design studio explores the dynamic potential of space through the implementation of alternating, cyclical, temporary functions. The course will not only document, analyze, and evaluate existing patterns of cyclic space use, but will also develop design proposals for time-based functional overlays in prototypical locations throughout Munich, addressing their organisational, structural, and physical aspects.
In a highly urbanized world in general, and in a seemingly ‘finished’ city like Munich in particular, changing or emerging needs are best met by overlaying new functions within the existing—and operating—built environment. Cyclic Space Use dynamically integrates program and space, and while it is already common in certain fields, its potential to be further developed and applied remains largely untapped. Why are bicycle lanes always the same width, whether in winter or summer, despite the vastly different traffic conditions? Why do public libraries remain empty at night? Why can't we rent a desk at the mayor's office during summer break?
At the example of several sites in Munich, we’d like to identify the potentials for Cyclic Space Use, and find ways to accommodate it.
Key objectives include a comprehensive, multi-dimensional analysis of the sites with focus on their use, integrating social, economic, and regulatory considerations. Students will be tasked with creating concrete cyclical usage scenarios that address pressing societal needs, while also designing spatial, organizational, and regulatory interventions to support these additional functions.
Reflecting the multifaceted nature of cyclic space use, the course places a strong emphasis on exploring and developing a variety of display methods, ranging from diagrams and drawings to time-based approaches.
TEAM Something Fantastic, Elena Schütz
STUDY LEVEL B.A. Architektur
KICK OFF 29.04.2025, 13:00 // Raum 1350
FIELD TRIP MUNICH 13.05.2025 + 14.05.2025
MEETINGS Tuesdays + Wednesdays
INTERM. REVIEWS 03.06.2025 // 24.06.2025 // Raum 1350
FINAL REVIEW 22.07.2025 // Pavillon 333