Inner-Urban Landscapes

Conceived as a collaborative student project, the magazine serves as a platform of exchange and links the research questions and outcomes of the IUL project with teaching activities and vice versa.
In the first issue, titled Inner-Urban Landscapes, students of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) jointly explored, analysed, and theorised different ways of conceptualising the city and emerging urban phenomena. The contributions of the first issue are grouped around the notion of “inner-urban landscapes”. The cities of Athens and Munich provided the backdrop for the students’ observations and theorising. In this way, they could either conduct research at their doorsteps or draw on work and experiences made during previous field trips. The combination of direct, personal experiences and digital communication defined the working process for the production of the magazine. Magazine download
Issue number 02 is on the way! It will reflect on specific urban design ideas and strategies that could be used in the transformation of the generic and specific aspects of the Athenian urban reality