Concrete Canopy
24 hour 'ad hoc' design for the elevated Isarstraße in Freising

A flash of light in the shade, a whirl of colour on the concrete, footsteps on gravel that echo through the space. Imagine the Wertstoffhof (waste dump) in Freising launches a competition to design the space underneath the raised Isarstraße. It searches for a concept for a recycled materials exhibition that should help to improve the Wertstoffhof’s image by sharing valuable ressources and activating public space. Participants can choose from a variety of materials to stage, anything that people could have disposed of. Which exhibits to pick and how to stage them in an inspiring way? How can they interact with the special scenery? How do visitors experience the outdoor museum?
This course gives attention to pedestrians' perception of traffic-related outdoor spaces. Using the example of the elevated Isarstraße in Freising, the students develop sketchy ideas on how to improve a sub-street space. Final aim is not a grand overall design, but an effective impulse that excites and surprises pedestrians passing by.
Registration: TUM-online until May 13th
Kick-off: Tuesday, June 21st, 09:00, E42
Submission: Wednesday, June 22nd, 09:00
Discussion: Wednesday, June 22nd, 15:00, E42
The course will be held in English.
Short term design – 1 ECTS
AR71152 (Bachelor) – AR72055 (Master)
Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher
Lynn Hennies
Bernhard Schöner (Model making)
For questions please contact directly Lynn Hennies.