was übrig bleibt – zwischen Überforderung und Ermächtigung
What a waste!
What exactly is waste? Almost every moment of our lives we decide whether something is worth keeping, worth saving, repairing or caring about. Which decisions lead to sorting out things or circumstances (e.g. waiting times) or even humans (e.g. when optimizing companies)? What are the consequences of this process and how does it become visible?
In our seminar Experimental Creation we use artistic methods in order to investigate these questions in an experimental way. Starting from this exploration you will develop an artwork. It can be a sculpture, installation, image, performance, audio, etc. We encourage you to work in a process-based manner (groupwork, 3-5 students). At the end of the seminar these artistic works will be shown in the semester exhibition of the Chair of Fine Arts.
Our course will be structured in three phases: exploration, realization and presentation phase. In the first phase you will explore the semester theme, finding your very own approach to it. In the second phase you will realize an artistic work that reflects your experiences. In the third phase you will look for and find a way to install your art work in the exhibition space.
This seminar is for incoming students only. Active participation in the course meetings is essential. We expect weekly attendance and a regular, ongoing development of your work. Please inform us in advance if you are not able to attend for any urgent reason.