
New publications by members of the chair

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Special Issue "Urban transformations through exeptional architecture"

Alain Thierstein and Nadia Alaily-Mattar have edited a special issue of the Journal of Urban Design (Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2018) titled "Urban transformations through exeptional architecture". The focus of the special issue is the nexus between architecturally exceptional projects and the city. As part of this special issue, Alain Thierstein, Nadia Alaily-Mattar, and Johannes Dreher, associates at the Chair of Urban Development, have published the article "Repositioning cities through star architecture: how does it work?". The special issue is part and outcome of the recently completed DFG-funded research project "Star Architecture and its role for re-positioning small and medium sized cities".

Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13574809.2018.1429903


Public real estate development projects and urban transformation: the case of flagship projects 

Alain Thierstein has published a new book chapter, together with Nadia Alaily-Mattar, Fabian Wenner and Johannes Dreher, associates at the Chair of Urban Development. Its title is "Public real estate development projects and urban transformation: the case of flagship projects" and it is part of the edited book by Graham Squires, Erwin Heurkens and Richard Peiser "Routledge Companion to Real Estate Development". The chapter deals with the local and regional economic effects of architectural flagship projects and "Star Architecture".

Link: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781317428459/chapters/10.1201%2F9781315690889-13


Land taxation in Estonia. An efficient instrument of land policy for land scarcity, equity, and ecology

Fabian Wenner, associate at the Chair of Urban Development, has published a new book chapter, together with Fabian Thiel, professor at the Frankfurt university of applied sciences, titled "Land taxation in Estonia. An efficient instrument of land policy for land scarcity, equity, and ecology". The chapter is part of the edited book by Jean-David Gerber, Thomas Hartmann and Andreas Hengstermann "Instruments of land Policy. Dealing with Scarcity of Land". The chapter describes the characteristics and potentials of taxation of land values instead of buildings as a means to achieve sustainable urban development, by incentivising construction and deterring land speculation, and describes the legal situation in Estonia, the only European country with a pure land value tax in place, as an example.

Link: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781315511641/chapters/10.4324%2F9781315511658-13