- 40Visuality peaks, function lasts: an empirical investigation into the performance of iconic architecture on Instagram. Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 2024 mehr…
- 39Disseminating regional design: potentials and barriers in existing spatial planning and governance. Planning Practice and Research 39 (1), 2024, 54-71 mehr…
- 38Next Exit Buchs 2054 - Interdisziplinäres Projekt im Master Urbanistik – Wintersemester 2023/2024. Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung, TU München, 2024 mehr…
- 37“Google for President”: Power and the Mediated Construction of an Unbuilt Big Tech Headquarters Project. Architectural Theory Review 27 (1), 2023, 136-151 mehr…
- 36The performance of exceptional public buildings on social media–The case of Depot Boijmans. PLOS ONE 18 (2), 2023, e0282299 mehr…
- 35On the (Im)possibility of Identifying the Evidence Base of the Impact of Star Architecture Projects. In: Evidence in Action between Science and Society. Routledge, 2023, 117-141 mehr…
- 34Mühldorf 2053 - Interdisziplinäres Projekt im Master Urbanistik – Wintersemester 2022/2023. Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung, TU München, 2023 mehr…
- 33From exceptional architecture to city icons? Analyzing data scraped from Flickr. Projections 16, 2022, 1-34 mehr…
- 32The problematization of ‘star architecture’ in architecture research. European Planning Studies 30 (1), 2022, 13-31 mehr…
- 31Star architecture and urban transformation: introduction to the special issue. European Planning Studies 30 (1), 2022, 1-12 mehr…
- 30Treuchtlingen 2052 - Wohin? – Interdisziplinäres Projekt im Master Urbanistik. Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung, TU München, 2022 mehr…
- 29Star architecture projects and their effects: tracing the evidence. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability online first, 2021, 1-19 mehr…
- 28Repositioning cities through star architecture: how does it work? In: Urban Transformations through Exceptional Architecture. Routledge, 2021 mehr…
- 27Introduction: Urban transformations through exceptional architecture. In: Urban Transformations through Exceptional Architecture. Routledge, 2021 mehr…
- 26Addressing the interplay of design-based disciplines and social sciences in urban development education. In: Teaching Urban and Regional Planning: Innovative Pedagogies in Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, 157-173 mehr…
- 25Interdisciplinary Pedagogies for Regional Development Challenges. In: The Routledge Handbook of Regional Design . Routledge, 2021, 377-393 mehr…
- 24Unpacking the effects of star architecture projects. Archnet-IJAR, International Journal for Architectural Research 15 (2), 2021, 269-284 mehr…
- 23Urban Transformations through Exceptional Architecture. Routledge, 2021 mehr…
- 22Design Park Offenbach – Interdisziplinäres Projekt im Master Urbanistik. Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung, TU München, 2021 mehr…
- 21Star architecture’s interplays and effects on cities. In: About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 45-53 mehr…
- 20The circulation of news and images: Star architecture and its media effects. In: About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 97-114 mehr…
- 19The multifarious effects of star architecture: The case of the Kunsthaus Graz. In: About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 153-168 mehr…
- 18The Power of Star Architecture and Iconic Design: Kunsthaus Graz, Austria. In: Contemporary Museum Architecture and Design Theory and Practice of Place. Routledge, 2020, 23-42 mehr…
- 17Introduction: Star architecture in and across cities in Europe. In: About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 1-19 mehr…
- 16About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Springer International Publishing, 2020 mehr…
- 15Digital Transformation and Urban Spatial Organisation – Concept Paper. Technische Universität München, 2019 mehr…
- 14Transforming the media exposure of a city through star architecture projects? DisP - The Planning Review 55 (2), 2019, 36-48 mehr…
- 13Public real estate development projects and urban transformation: the case of flagship projects. In: Companion to Real Estate Development. Routledge, 2018, 43-55 mehr…
- 12Situating architectural performance: ‘star architecture’ and its roles in repositioning the cities of Graz, Lucerne and Wolfsburg. European Planning Studies 26 (9), 2018, 1874-1900 mehr…
- 11Repositioning cities through star architecture: how does it work? Journal of Urban Design 23 (2), 2018, 169-192 mehr…
- 10München Nord: Stadtzentrum 3.0 einer polyzentrischen Stadtlandschaft. Technische Universität München, 2018 mehr…
- 9Urban transformations through exceptional architecture: introduction to the special issue. Journal of Urban Design 23 (2), 2018, 165-168 mehr…
- 8Schongau-Weilheim - Zentren, Grenzen und Übergänge. Projekt im Masterstudiengang "Urbanistik - Landschaft und Stadt", Wintersemester 2016/17. Technische Universität München, 2017 mehr…
- 7Vorzeigearchitektur und Urbane Transformation. In: Transformation findet Stadt. Internationales Städteforum Graz, 2017, 36-49 mehr…
- 6Landshut: What next? Projekt im Masterstudiengang Urbanistik – Landschaft und Stadt WS2015/16. Technische Universität München, 2016 mehr…
- 5The North of Munich: Stuck in transition? Projekt im Master Urbanistik WS2014/15. Technische Universität München, 2015 mehr…
- 4"Alternative futures”: A methodology for integrated sustainability considerations, the case of Nuremberg West, Germany. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability 19 (6), 2014, 677-701 mehr…
- 3Zukunft und Stadt. Technik In Bayern 04, 2014, 1 mehr…
- 2Stadtlabor Nürnberger Weststadt. Ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt der Technischen Universität München in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Nürnberg. TUM München, 2013, mehr…
- 1Urban Transformation, Change, Opportunities. The case of Nuremberg West, Germany. In: Fast Forward: City Planning in a Hyper Dynamic Age. ISOCARP, 2012, 178-195 mehr…
Dr. Nadia Alaily-Mattar
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Research and Teaching Associate
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 22387
- Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung / by appointment
- Raum: 0503.02.360
- n.alaily-mattar@tum.de
Seit 2011 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung an der TU München
2005-2010 PhD in Planning Studies an der Development Planning Unit (DPU) der Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment am University College London (UCL), Thesis-Titel: “Segregation for aggregation? The pattern and logic of spatial segregation practices of young affluent heads of households in the post-war city of Beirut"
2006 Dozentin an der American University of Beirut Masters in Urban Planning und im Urban Design Programm
2003-2004 Masters of Science in Housing and Regeneration an der London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) . Thesis-Titel: “Housing in the Levant region: A critical comparative investigation of the relationship of Government and housing in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria"
2000-2003 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Department for Housing and Urban Development an der United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA)
1996-2000 Architektin im Architekturbüro Simone Kosremelli, Beirut, Libanon
1991-1996 Studium der Architektur an der American University of Beirut, Libanon
1973 geboren
- Die Rolle der Architektur in räumlichen und sozialen Transformationsprozessen
- Pädagogische Ansätze zur Integration von Design und Zukunftsdenken in den Studiounterricht
- Das Zusammenspiel von Architektur, Medien und Macht
- Methoden zur Nutzung von Social-Media-Daten für die Raumentwicklung und -planung
- Stararchitektur, ikonische Architektur, Bilbao-Effekt, Städtewettbewerb
- Evidenzpraktiken in der Architekturforschung
Wintersemester 2024/25
Titel | Art | Dauer | Termine | Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) |
Grundlagen wissenschaftlicher Arbeit in Architektur | VO | 2 |
Projekt - Raumentwicklung (Basic Project Urban Landscape) | PT | 8 |
Raumentwicklung | VO | 2 |
Reflexion | SE | 1 |
Leitung der Forschungsgruppe Architektur, räumliche Dynamiken und urbane Transformation am Lehrstuhl Raumentwicklung
- 2023-2026: Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Netzwerk „Wirkungsforschung in Architektur und Städtebau“, gefördert von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) www.was-netzwerk.de
- 2018-2019: Digital transformation and urban spatial organization in Europe
- 2016-2019: Star Architecture, Multinational Design Firms and the Urban Transformation of European Cities Seminar Series at the Villa Vigoni. Menaggio, Italy
- 2015-2017: DFG-Projekt: Star architecture and its role for re-positioning small and medium sized cities
- 2011-2012: Stadtlabor Nürnberger Weststadt
- 2010-2012: Spatial Strategy
- 11Supra-Local Governance Practice in Munich – Potentials for Regional Design. Regions in Recovery. Global e-festival, 2021Special Session: AESOP - Transformative Approaches to Regional Planning mehr…
- 10Without strings attached? – practitioners in regional design in juxtaposition to students of regional design? Regional Design: A Transformative Approach to Planning, 2020Online Conference mehr…
- 9Repositioning Cities through star architecture. , Metrópolis del futuro, 2018 mehr…
- 8The circulation of news and images: Star architecture and its media effects. , Star Architektur, internationale Architektur- und Planungsfirmen und die urbane Transformation der Europäischen Städte (II), 2018 mehr…
- 7Vorzeigearchitektur und Urbane Transformation. Transformation findet STADT, 2017 mehr…
- 6Star architecture and its role in re-positioning cities. Transnational Urban Innovations - Seminar series, 2017 mehr…
- 5Re-positioning cities through star architecture: How does it work? American Association of Geographers (AAG) annual meeting, 2016 mehr…
- 4Urban Transformation, Spatial Transformation? Developing Alternative Futures as a Planning Methodology. AESOP Annual Congress, 2014 mehr…
- 3Sustainable urban development considerations at the scale of the city-quarter: The usefulness of future alternatives for interdisciplinary research. sb13 munich. Implementing Sustainability - Barriers and Chances. Sustainable Building Conference, 2013 mehr…
- 2Capitalizing on space place and location. The case of regenerating Nuremberg West. AESOP 26th Annual Congress, 2012 mehr…
- 1A conceptual foundation of spatial strategy. A methodology for spatial transformation. AESOP 26th Annual Congress, 2012 mehr…