Publikationen (ab 2019)
Monographs, books, book chapters I Articles, Reviewed I Articles, Not Reviewed I Conference Proceedings I Posters I Other publications
Monographs, books, book chapters
Hainbach, J., Alp, Z., Herm, C., Danzl, T. (2024).
Materiality and Color: A critical revision of research methods in conservation, restoration and material science for the ‘Berlin Modernism Housing Estates. in: Crijns, B., Hinrichs, K., McDonnell , D., McDonnell, P. (Eds.). Past Forward, from Paint to Finishes. London: Archetype. 2024, pp. 88-98
Hainbach, J. (2023, October 13).
Winfried Brenne. Materialprobenarchiv Brenne Architekten. Arch+ The Great Repair – Praktiken Der Reparatur, AUSGABE 253.
Danzl, T. (2021).
Buzludzha Monument/Bulgaria–“It’s Big Stuff”. Ways to Conserve a Ruined Dissonant Monument.
ICOMOS–Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 78, 41-50.
Verfügbar unter: 10.11588/ih.2021.1.103713
Sessa C., Steuer C. Stege H., Danzl T.
The colour scheme of the Munich Olympic Games 1972. From concept to materials.
In Sigrid Brandt, Jörg Haspel, Ralph Paschke, John Ziesemer (Hrsg./eds.): the Modern Heritage of the Olympic Games. Historic Sports Sites between Conservation and Conversion (ICOMOS - Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees LXXVI) Berlin 2021, ISBN 978- 3-945880-80-72023. 230-232.
Verfügbar unter:
Mayr V., Sessa C., Thalguter N., Danzl T.
Sit-in! Sitting in the Olympic Park Seating furniture of the Olympic Games 1972.
In Sigrid Brandt, Jörg Haspel, Ralph Paschke, John Ziesemer (Hrsg./eds.): the Modern Heritage of the Olympic Games. Historic Sports Sites between Conservation and Conversion (ICOMOS - Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees LXXVI) Berlin 2021, ISBN 978- 3-945880-80-72023. 227-229.
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Articles, Reviewed
Pungercar, V., Wu, Y., Sessa, C., & Kränkel, T. (2024)
Investigating Efflorescence in Salt-Cement Composites: The Impact of Surface Inclination and Salt Waste Types on Resource-Efficient Construction Materials.
Available at SSRN 5047675. insiTUMlab
Verfügbar unter:
Viana, C., Wieland, K., França de Sá, S., Angelin, E. M., Pintus, V., & Ferreira, J. L. (2024).
The Role of Formulations in the Ageing Process of Vinyl Acetate Based Emulsion Films: A Multivariate Approach.
Polymers, 16(19), 2841.
Verfügbar unter:
Melo, M. J., Vieira, M., Nabais, P., Neves, A., Pamplona, M., & Angelin, E. M. (2024).
A Closer Look at Heritage Systems from Medieval Colors to Modern and Contemporary Artworks.
Heritage, 7(10), 5476-5494.
Verfügbar unter:
Elkarmoty, M., Rupfle, J., Helal, K., Sholqamy, M., Fath-Elbab, M., Kollofrath, J., ... & Helal, H. (2023).
Localization and shape determination of a hidden corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza using non-destructive testing.
NDT & E International, 139, 102809. insiTUMlab
Verfügbar unter:
Pieralli, I., Salvini, A., Angelin, E. M., Pamplona, M., Cocchetti, V., Bartolozzi, G., & Picollo, M. (2023).
A Formulation for a New Environmentally Friendly Varnish for Paintings.
Coatings, 13(9), 1566.
Verfügbar unter:
Danzl, T. (2022)
Die Instandsetzung der ehemaligen Klosterkirche St. Georg in Prüfening.
Die Denkmalpflege, 80(1), 83-86.
Verfügbar unter:
Sessa, C., Steuer, C., Quintero Balbas, D., Sciutto, G., Prati, S., & Stege, H. (2022).
Analytical studies on commercial artists’ colour charts from Das Deutsche Farbenbuch (1925)—identification of synthetic and natural organic colourants by Raman microscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and metal underlayer ATR-FTIR spectroscopy.
Heritage Science, 10(1), 109.
Verfügbar unter: 10.1186/s40494-022-00740-3
Giménez, P., Linares, A., Sessa, C., Bagán, H., & García, J. F. (2022).
Capability of Far-Infrared for the selective identification of red and black pigments in paint layers.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 266, 120411.
Verfügbar unter:
Danzl, T. (2019)
“Conservation versus Reconstruction.” Do we need other or new Criteria conserving Architectural Surfaces of the 20th Century?
Protection of Cultural Heritage, (8), 89-102.
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Articles, Not Reviewed
Conference Proceedings
Danzl, T.
Rama dama! Post-war reconstruction in Munich: the identity-forming power of the Urbs Picta. in: Amore R, Pascariello IM, Verpalubi A. (Eds.), City and War. Preprints of CIRICE 2023 10th Internation Conference, Vol. II, Firinze: FedOA, 2023, pp. 611-621
Verfügbar unter:

Elkarmoty M. et al.
Discovery and validation of the North Face Corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza using non-destructive techniques.
Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on NonDestructive Testing (ECNDT) from 3 to -7 of July 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal (2023)1:1-6.

Angelin, E. M., Sessa, C., Jürgens, M., Roldão, É., Kemp, C., Pamplona, M.
Carl August Steinheil, a pioneer of daguerreotypes in Germany: Non-destructive investigation of production and processing methods
In Working Towards a Sustainable Past. ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference Preprints, Valencia, 18–22 September 2023, ed. J. Bridgland. Paris: International Council of Museums.
Verfügbar unter: here
Danzl T, Möwald C.
Graffito or Sgraffito? It`s more than this! in: Weyer A, Klein K. (Ed.), Sgraffito im Wandel. Materialien, Techniken, Themen und Erhaltung / Sgraffito in Change. Materials, Techniques, Topics and Preservation (Tagungsband der internationalen Tagung der HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst in Hildesheim in Kooperation mit dem Niedersächsischen Landesamt für Denkmalpflege 2.-4- November 2017 in Hildesheim. Erschienen als Schriften des Hornemann Instituts, Band 19, Hrsg. Angela Weyer bzw. Arbeitshefte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen, Band 51, Hrsg. Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege), Petersberg 2019, pp.77-93.

Mindermann S, Thalguter N, Angelin EM, Sessa C, Cucci C, Stege H, Danzl T.
Mobile, groundbased VNIR-SWIR hyperspectral imaging for cultural heritage applications. Towards the study of complex architectural surfaces.
IASIM-2024, 6-10 July 2924, Bilbao (Spain)
Verfügbar unter: here

Thalguter N, Mindermann S, Angelin EM, Danzl T, Sessa C.
Multi-modal non-destructive investigation of the wall paintings of the Magdalen Chapel of St. Emmeram, Regensburg. A methodology to address the material complexity of a palimpsest.
6th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology (InART2024), 4-7 June 2024, Oslo (Norway)
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Sessa C, Angelin EM, Thalguter N, Mindermann S, Deraz R, Tehrani R, Lorenz K, Hany H, Bagan H, Garcia JF, Santner M, Herm C, Krekel C, Neugebauer W, Picollo M, Cucci C, Grosse G, Pamplona M, Stege H, Danzl T.
insiTUMlab: new analytical infrastructure for non-destructive insitu studies of Cultural Heritage.
Technart 2023, 7-12 May 2023, Lisbon (Portugal)
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